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First crush


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The thread about bumping into Maggie Philbin started by Malkiserow had me thinking about my childhood crushes (bit of a slow day) so thought I'd post this picture after giving her a google.

Many beautiful women have played a part in my life (not many of them knew much about it admittedly) as a growing lad but this one along with Helen Mirren will always remind me of yesteryear and my first stirrings and appreciation of a beautiful woman and the effect they can have on the male member gender.

Anyhow, I first saw her on TV in black and white in one of the biggest series then around; colour TV would reveal she had the most beautiful clear blue eyes. I was smitten, and can remember feeling let down when I read it was claimed she had an affair with her even more famous co-star.

Anyone recognise her? First correct answer out of the hat gets an equal share in my latest business opportunity just arrived this morning which is $9million from the West Africa Bank in Burkina Faso, kindly donated by their accounts officer a Mr Moussa Bame. Seems a nice fella.

Anyhow, here she is:


Edited to add: maybe I should have slotted this in the Maggie Philbin thread as it seems nostalgia is the way it's going anyway, but didn't want to hijack it. Mods can join the two if they feel they should.

Edited by Scully
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Lynda (something) played in the Avengers for a short while. If I remember correctly, came from New Zealand? Always remember her northern hemispherical development.

Joanna Lumley (my choice) has been gorgeous most of her life but sadly the picture I was going to post has been vetoed as " you cannot post that extension on this site " or some such. Pity.

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Lynda (something) played in the Avengers for a short while. If I remember correctly, came from New Zealand? Always remember her northern hemispherical development.

Joanna Lumley (my choice) has been gorgeous most of her life but sadly the picture I was going to post has been vetoed as " you cannot post that extension on this site " or some such. Pity.

Well that didn't take long. You can have that JD as a quick google of the Avengers will now give it away. Linda Thorson. Don't forget to PM me your bank details to claim your prize.


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mine is weird and embarrasing... god knows why, perhaps it was her preciseness...


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Was the attraction the person or the cooking. :)
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The thread about bumping into Maggie Philbin started by Malkiserow had me thinking about my childhood crushes (bit of a slow day) so thought I'd post this picture after giving her a google.

Many beautiful women have played a part in my life (not many of them knew much about it admittedly) as a growing lad but this one along with Helen Mirren will always remind me of yesteryear and my first stirrings and appreciation of a beautiful woman and the effect they can have on the male member gender.

Anyhow, I first saw her on TV in black and white in one of the biggest series then around; colour TV would reveal she had the most beautiful clear blue eyes. I was smitten, and can remember feeling let down when I read it was claimed she had an affair with her even more famous co-star.

Anyone recognise her? First correct answer out of the hat gets an equal share in my latest business opportunity just arrived this morning which is $9million from the West Africa Bank in Burkina Faso, kindly donated by their accounts officer a Mr Moussa Bame. Seems a nice fella.

Anyhow, here she is:

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Edited to add: maybe I should have slotted this in the Maggie Philbin thread as it seems nostalgia is the way it's going anyway, but didn't want to hijack it. Mods can join the two if they feel they should.

Susannah York ?

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the onening 10 seconds of this would have been enough to have me reaching for a cushion.

unintentionally hilarious


For comedy - You cannot beat Johnnie Cradock after his wife Fanny Cradock cooked doughnuts for one of their final shows ....... a few bevies during the show and he parted with " and may all doughnuts turn out like (his wifes) " one of the best TV lines ever (question is, did it really happen or was it just a funny myth? Was it Johnnie or was it David Coleman?)

Edited by malkiserow
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probably a bit of both, who knows how the mind of a 10 year old works

Must admit she was one of my secret crushes too,


Nowadays for an out of the norm secret crush it has to be Christina Trevanion,


She is one of the expert types on the like of Antiques road trip and the like,


It's her whole demeanor


Will sort a pic out later



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