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Paxman V Milliband


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54:46 opinion poll after the interview.

Are they both s*^t or great?

I think we know the answer........


Not a massive fan of either, but one of them is socially awkward, looks a like a rabbit in the headlights whenever he gets a grilling and would be an embarrassing liability on the international stage. As Paxman said, can you imagine Milliband going head to head with Putin?

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Didn't see the Paxman interviews, but he has the easy gig really, it isn't difficult to be hostile and attack.


Likewise Cameron is the only one that can be challenged on actual results, Ed can only be grilled on promises or hind casting what he would have done differently.


Given that we have had 5 years of a difficult economy Ed should be miles ahead, he should be the saviour riding the white charger, but at best he is level pegging. That to me speaks volumes about the guys capabilities.


If that muppet gets into number 10 it will speak volumes for the general level of intellect of the British electorate and it would be very uncomplimentary.

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Democratic debate is a lost art in an era of political lightweights. We live in dangerous times. Paxman uses techniques for his career in TV but that does not help the UK as a whole. Remember Mylene Klass walked all over Milliband so Putin would thrash him with his winkie.


Speaking of lightweights, where has Brand gone?

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I thought Milliband went to pieces really. He started to get rattled at the first question and got all defensive on a question he could have brushed aside by agreeing with the question because it was undeniably true, Labour got it wrong on immigration.


Like a schoolboy in front of the headmaster that is Paxman, the more he blustered the deeper the hole he dug for himself. In the end it was Paxman who had to change the subject.


Definitly not statesman material that one. Cameron did well but stayed on message, especially about zero hours contracts. He would have done better to have appeared more conversational and relaxed.


I reckon Milliband did himself no favours what so ever, he must realise he is not up to the job, but down here in South Wales they will still vote for him blindly, thats what Labour relies on. I don't suppose many people down here even watched the debate. Politics down here is like your religion, you are born Labour you die Labour and you don't question it much in the years between.

Edited by Vince Green
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Dave says that he could not manage working on zero hours ...... surprise ... surprise. Both idiots.


Yes Milliband stabbed his own brother in the back to get the top job so not to be trusted, Cameron is slippery and sly look's after the rich to secure his future.

BOTH IDIOTS and have not got a clue what its like at the bottom of the heap, so conclusion vote for JSP she talked strait and true.

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will still vote for him blindly, thats what Labour relies on. I don't suppose many people down here even watched the debate. Politics down here is like your religion, you are born Labour you die Labour and you don't question it much in the years between.


Agreed, a section of my family have always done the same.


This thing about zero hours contracts is interesting. I know I can't speak for all workers or employers but I've been asked to draft more zero hours contracts than I care to remember and never once have I been asked to insert an exclusivity clause.


Maybe employers in the Cotswolds are a bit more chilled about that kind of thing ;)


I'm watching the highlights (if they can be called that) at the moment.

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Allegedly only 2% of workforce on zero hours contracts.

Thats probably true because a massive number of people working as waiters and bar staff and similar jobs are never actually ever given a contract although the terms are effectively what you would describe as zero hours nothing exists in writing.


Another big abuse of employee rights is the growing use of umbrella companies but that doesn't seem to ever get mentioned by either party.

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I am not overly political and have no given affinity to any party, my vote is cast on who's policies I think are better and also on who fronts the party to some extent.

I just cannot see any reason why Milliband has been elected to lead the Labour party, he is about as far removed as possible from a leader, if it were a sports team then he would be the one left over after everybody else was picked!!

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I believe it's because the Unions, who's support he relied on, thought they could bend him to their will, and if he gets in maybe they will call on payment.


I am not overly political and have no given affinity to any party, my vote is cast on who's policies I think are better and also on who fronts the party to some extent.
I just cannot see any reason why Milliband has been elected to lead the Labour party, he is about as far removed as possible from a leader, if it were a sports team then he would be the one left over after everybody else was picked!!

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I don't think either of them came out of it very well. Spoonface was as evasive as ever and Milimong just looks and sounds...odd.


Trying to choose between them is like trying to choose between walking through a cow pat or treading in a pile of dog ****.


God forbid either of them had to debate Farage. He'd wipe the floor with them.

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To me the debates were more about 'popular politics' than substance. I know I will offend some on here but consider Margaret Thatcher against Milliband or Michael foot against Thora Herd. They are just not 'leaders', these new chaps. We need someone with grit and commitment and a vision. Not some airy fairy favourite of any group of society but someone who earns respect and oozes assurance and intellect.

Ed Milliband was a union plant (voting numbers). David Cameron looks like a least worst option (but who else is there). I was once in a meeting of Conservative party supporters when William Hague was elected party leader by the MP's, the most unintelligent comment I ever heard was "they have given us another bald one, what can we do with that", Maybe thats DC's strength - he has hair.

Politics in the remaining parts of the Uk is bankrupt when a jumped up fat scots bloke can tell us "I'll re write Labours budget" and belives he is other than a fading embarrassment.


If Margaret was alive today, I'd vote for her. God help us.

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