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Crown Shoot 15-16


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A slightly different approach to this years Crown Shoot topic, usually we go for a pre season run down, this year with a little luck, we'll try to update almost as we go.


So far there has been two work parties


The first was back in February planting bare root trees and ratting. 150 odd trees and about 20 rats, not a bad days work!


The second work party was last weekend, making new feeders to increase our number of feeders by 2/3's and checking pen fences, tidying up into collectable heaps the various bits of scrap and litter, stripping and washing drinkers, cleaning feeders out and collecting the feeders on each drive into one area so that the 'farmers' (our syndicate members who farm and sort out the cover crops) can work the land in readiness for sowing.

Pictures to follow......

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  • 4 weeks later...

A few pics from a work party a few weeks back


Forum members Spanj and LHJ planting some seedlings




Gordon looking particularly proud of his new stile




Magman set up some tunnel traps

This one is waiting for the final piece of turf



Edited by Paul223
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Despite the pens being checked and repaired.......




The stick marks a hole!



And last year we had a cock bird coming in to be fed daily at the farm... He's back this year too, actually cheeky enough to knock on the door and come inside!



Edited by Paul223
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Ooooooh does that mean I get to get my camera out earlier this year? :):)



We have a pair of kingfisher nesting and if that interests you?


Or greater and lesser spotted woodpeckers!

Edited by Paul223
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Nice day to check the zero on the .243//<![CDATA[

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And the grouping was ?

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Well as you know Paul I've not been happy with the rifle for some time, so reverted back to the meopta and a set of low warns, first time using the rifle this year.....


Top group 55 blitz kings


Bottom group 75 v-max


A bit of vertical stringing but that's from a cold barrel each time, 22mm group, distance I'm not 100% on (in excess of 100 yards), just wanted some practice as I'm off to Scotland next week!

More practice this week



Edited by Paul223
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So what were the cows doing in that cultivated field?


A good start to the Crown shoot diary.

Field... Nothing in it as yet

The cows were originally at the far end of the field I'm parked in, inquisitive **** have got to have a look, that pic was taken after I decided move the target out a little further with the beef getting to close for a nose

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