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jesus...bit rough up north isnt it?


Down here in Cornwall it would be more like "knock at the door" "right on r e steve, gonna be strimming all bledyy avo, mind do e?" "no problem Dave, you crack on, if it gets annoying I'll let you know"....some time later...."Yoooo Dave... thats enough now!"....."right on pard, I'll do e dreckly"...."fancy a beer do e Dave?" "that would be bledy ansome Steve"


I love conrwall.

Spot on!
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jesus...bit rough up north isnt it?


Down here in Cornwall it would be more like "knock at the door" "right on r e steve, gonna be strimming all bledyy avo, mind do e?" "no problem Dave, you crack on, if it gets annoying I'll let you know"....some time later...."Yoooo Dave... thats enough now!"....."right on pard, I'll do e dreckly"...."fancy a beer do e Dave?" "that would be bledy ansome Steve"


I love conrwall.

Proper order.

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I've got a two year old, and can sympathise with courier man. To see your baby crying and the Mrs getting upset over some ignorant numpty, I'd have been over that fence and wrapped the strimmer around his head. Quickly strimming the garden edges is one thing, but 5 hours!

Only thing I'd have done was drag his *** back into my garden and say he came at me! I've had bad neighbours in the past, even had the usless police involved. Ended up sorting my myself, which solved the problem. When others are living all so closely these days there should be some consideration.

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jesus...bit rough up north isnt it?


Down here in Cornwall it would be more like "knock at the door" "right on r e steve, gonna be strimming all bledyy avo, mind do e?" "no problem Dave, you crack on, if it gets annoying I'll let you know"....some time later...."Yoooo Dave... thats enough now!"....."right on pard, I'll do e dreckly"...."fancy a beer do e Dave?" "that would be bledy ansome Steve"


I love conrwall.

Is that the county next to Doven and before the Cisilly Isles?

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Everyone should have consideration to their neighbour, but seems to have been non existent in this matter. Anyway sticks and stones and all that, courier man is bang out of order, especially if he went through a fence to hit the other guy. As others have stated not firearms holder material, sounds more like anger management class is in order and probably social services if he is that short tempered feel pretty sorry for the baby having a numpty for a father. I fear however there will be nothing more than a mere slap on the wrist, more likely to get harsher treatment for eating a banana behind the wheel. Until there is real gumption to bring n proper punishment this type of thing will go on. Who knows, courier man might have to sleep with his eyes open. Other options for resolving this type of thing. Next time strummer man might think better of doing that if it was his intention to wind up the neighbours!

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At a guess I'd say it's a bit of a roughish council estate. Not got a problem with that, I grew up on one. If I'm right then it's probably an everyday occurrence.


When in my teens I, and a load of mates, watched the police block off both ends of a road with panda cars (remember those) while a certain gentleman (neighbour, who's recently been headline news) held them at bay with a 12 gauge shotgun !!


Fighting and bust ups happened all the time, if you hadn't knocked someone out, spent the night blind drunk in the fields and had "a relationship" with a girl by the time you were 14 you were considered a poofta :lol:


I was fortunate enough to buy a property in a decent neighbourhood when I got married ......................... been boring here though for the last 30 odd years :lol: :lol:


Perhaps some of us don't really know how others live ?? :no:

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I cut my lawns at 8pm once a week after work and strim . I also have a newborn :) but it's got to be done .

Looking back I've been a pain as a lad but I look after my neighbours if I can

I've got 2 under 5 and often it's only after they're asleep around 7.30pm. I can get out do those type of jobs. Lucky my gardening gear is plug in rather than petrol driven!


Both sides of me have young family too. They'd only have to put their head over the fence and I'd stop straight away.

Edited by shalfordninja33
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