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Eley wasp 5.6


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I recently bought a mark 1 hw 80 off my mate so have been trying a few different pellets,mainly superdomes,and to be fair they have been good,but decided to try some eley wasp in 5.6,at twenty five yards they are really accurate,groupings are well acceptable,and the spinner has took fair battering,i know they are not made by eley anymore,but for the price they are excellent,i have a mk5 meteor i use in the garden so the eleys will be fine for that aswell.

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I recently bought a mark 1 hw 80 off my mate so have been trying a few different pellets,mainly superdomes,and to be fair they have been good,but decided to try some eley wasp in 5.6,at twenty five yards they are really accurate,groupings are well acceptable,and the spinner has took fair battering,i know they are not made by eley anymore,but for the price they are excellent,i have a mk5 meteor i use in the garden so the eleys will be fine for that aswell.


What pellets are you using as they aren't Wasps lol


Eley wasps were good, the current wasps have tonnes of swarf, are misshapen and very roughly made.

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What pellets are you using as they aren't Wasps lol


Eley wasps were good, the current wasps have tonnes of swarf, are misshapen and very roughly made.

To be fair they are not as bad as i first thought,my mate gave me a tin of original wasps,they were far better made then the present day ones,but the proof is in the pudding so to speak they perform just as well as the superdomes at twenty five yards in my garden,the guy who i bought the 80 off said he has used wasps in it and they were fine.

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My 1980s model HW80 was much better for accuracy and punch with Eley Wasp 5.6mm than any other pellets............but my late 1990s model HW97 is better with Eley Wasp 5.5mm, but nowhere near as good as the HW80.


I also found that Accupels domed or pointed were pretty useless for accuracy or punch if used in the HW97.

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My 1980s model HW80 was much better for accuracy and punch with Eley Wasp 5.6mm than any other pellets............but my late 1990s model HW97 is better with Eley Wasp 5.5mm, but nowhere near as good as the HW80.


I also found that Accupels domed or pointed were pretty useless for accuracy or punch if used in the HW97.

My 80 is a early one,i have no problem in hitting twenty bore empty cartridge at twenty five yards in my garden,when i get the chance will go up to the farm were i shoot clays,and see how they perform at thirty yards,as said earlier for the money i find wasps are fine for the type of shooting i do :good:

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Gemini52........sounds like another one of me........


...anyway..........I used to fire my HW80 at the primer of a 12 bore cartridge sat on an apple box at 50 yards..............I hid behind a corrugated iron shed while I did it.

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I bought a load of the Wasp pellets, A mate told me that Eley had sold the Wasp name and the new ones were **** but they weren't allowed to put the Eley name on the lid!



I think I have eight tins of the Genuine Eley product and six tins of the rubbish ones!!

John :)

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I bought a load of the Wasp pellets, A mate told me that Eley had sold the Wasp name and the new ones were **** but they weren't allowed to put the Eley name on the lid!


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I think I have eight tins of the Genuine Eley product and six tins of the rubbish ones!!



John :)

It would be interesting to compare the original wasps to the new ones,maybe you could do a comparison and let us know :good:

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Gemini52........sounds like another one of me........


...anyway..........I used to fire my HW80 at the primer of a 12 bore cartridge sat on an apple box at 50 yards..............I hid behind a corrugated iron shed while I did it.

Did you manage to ignite the primer,what are we like big boys and there toys :lol:

Edited by gemini52
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I bet you have got a BSA Scorpion .22 pistol tucked away, too.....................


.....I have......

I had one in the eighties,to be honest i cant remember what happend to it,seem to remember it would not cock,no doubt it got thrown out,i do have a mark five meteor in 22 that i play with in the garden :yes:

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It would be interesting to compare the original wasps to the new ones,maybe you could do a comparison and let us know :good:


I'll do that tomorrow though I know the Eley ones are very good as I gave a tin to a friend for his Webley pistol and was amazed at how well and uniformly they were made :good:

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Just had half an hour in the garden using the mk 5 meteor,the wasps performed well,cartridge cases were flying all over the place,hit the spinner five times on the run,i set up a target at twenty yards,the groups were the size of a two pence piece,bearing in mind the mk 5 has the worse trigger on on any bsa i am quite satisfied,just be my luck to buy some more wasps and they are awful,i got them from j s ramsbottem on ebay so will give them another go, :good:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought another tin of wasps,tried them in the garden and to be honest they are awful,i must have been lucky with the first tin,like i said in the first post they were really good,but the new lot are not in the same league,had no problem hitting cartridge cases,and the spinner but when i tried to put a group together they are all over the show,i had some superdomes left so done a comparison,five shots each at twenty yards,the superdomes i had four pellets touching each other,the wasps scattered all over the place,looks like i will be eating humble pie for bit :whistling:

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