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No dog can u use a boat/dingy


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I'm doing my first year wildfowling this year well day permits unless I can join a local club that still has space I don't have a dog

And can't really get one

Would it be possible to use a small dingy on some sort or would it not be possible at all

Can I have some feed back plus I'm looking at joining chinchester next year as full this year if anyone shoots there is it possible thanks :)

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Best place to get a definitive answer mate is from the club website where there is a contact email address. If you use it and don`t get a response, please pm me.


That way you can be sure that the information you are getting is accurate, in addition, most clubs would prefer not to discuss their business on an open forum.


However,in many, but not all, of their areas the use of a dog is specified in the lease and there is no way round it.


In your first year you will be constantly supervised by someone with a dog. If you pass the probationary first season there is nothing to stop you from continuing to team up with a dog owning member.


Hope this helps.

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You can wildfowl without a dog in some places but they are few

A boat sounds totally impractical as the tide will have the slain away on s tide too fast etc

There is a north West club that doesn't actually allow dogs on it ground so it can certainly be done It's not for me though if I couldn't take a dog I wouldn't go

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Ya thanks for the advice hopefully I can join Chichester next year I was looking at going ever other Saturday so will just have to find a shooting buddy with a dog

Also every other sat is that to much or not how often do u wildfowlers go out on the marsh really want to get into it this year will have to be day permits :)

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Yes it can be done but it's a nuisance launching the boat to to retrieve birds. Flight can be quite short and you can miss a lot of opportunities while fetching your birds back. On the upside you can get to some of the more inaccessible places and you don't have to lug your gear across the mud. pics below of inflatable kayak



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. How strong is the inflatable was thinking off giving it ago ?


Yes it can be done but it's a nuisance launching the boat to to retrieve birds. Flight can be quite short and you can miss a lot of opportunities while fetching your birds back. On the upside you can get to some of the more inaccessible places and you don't have to lug your gear across the mud. pics below of inflatable kayak


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Bit of detail here for you http://www.bluewatersports.com/shop/gumotex-twist-2-inflatable-kayak-with-bag-fin-pump-and-2-quality-paddles-camo.html

Cheaper on Amazon

I've found it to be stronger than I expected. It gets inflated at the sea wall and dragged through the spartina with all my gear in to the water. Been using it for 3 seasons with no punctures or leaks. Can get all your gear and decoys in the front position and paddle from the rear.

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You might end up unpopular with other m embers if you make too many visits this is why many of us join multiple clubs

Generally I figure on making two flights a week but it can be more or less depending what's happening

Not on the same spot though

Is there something wrong with visiting the same marsh a lot?

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Is there something wrong with visiting the same marsh a lot?

A lot depends on a lot in that regards but many clubs have rules about re-visiting the same area in the short term

It's about finding a honey hole and then making darn sure you fill your boots n your freezer. This might be ok with those who like to decoy geese inland but it's not ok with most Wildfowlers and clubs on the Saltings

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What it like shooting the foreshores then If any one can give me a little in sight doing my first permit on the 12th so would like to get better insight of what it likes :)

Literature abounds on the subject. One thing it's not about is the bag. Not that Wildfowlers are looking to sit in the cold and wet for hours for nowt it's just a combination of everything that surrounds you and the anticipation that makes us return
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Is there something wrong with visiting the same marsh a lot?

in my eyes motty there's nothing wrong with multiple trips to the Marsh during any week of the season but round where I live there's lots of jealous 2 faced people that slag anybody and everybody who dares have more than a couple of flights on the same marsh in a week. I was out more than most doing many flights in a week but watching the Marsh 7 days a week ( only live 5 minutes away) and let's just say my ears were burning.
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Farmboy, you have been given some good advice here and on your other thread, notably by anser2 and mudpatten. If you make contact with your local club then you will get help as a prospective member. If the marsh head has public access get down there with your wellies and binoculars and poke about a bit next weekend. "What's it like ?" is not easy to answer as marshes (and hence the methods) vary so much from 9 foot high reeds to flat grassy merse.


There are (broadly) two different situations where retrieving demands use of a dog. The first is when you are shooting on the verge of open water. A fishing rod or boat might be the solution here. The other is when you are shooting a partly flooded salting. You may well drop a dead bird just a few yards away, but the other side of a quite small creek. I don't think anyone outside the SBS would drag an inflatable boat a couple of miles to deal with this one.


If you are going to use a small boat then make yourself familiar with it in summer. Being unable to get back on a sit-on kayak is a laugh in shallow water in August but not in a deep water channel in January. Even apparently sheltered estuaries can get very nasty when a squall comes through or the tide turns against the wind.


I do hope you get started successfully this season. It may become a life long obsession so beware.

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Well if some say going to much is not good so you pay the fees to go wildfowling say like me I will be going two Saturday's month every other Saturday and I don't see or shoot anything on both so surly you have to consider outings and results of that makes sense as I'm a carp fisherman and go nearly every weekend but may only can on one of those trips ???

Just don't wanna join and **** of the members but the same time I want to get into wildfowling

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I used to be in the Alde and Ore club in Suffolk for a few years at a time when I couldn't have a dog. You just have to be very selective and enjoy being there as much as getting a shot. I shot one teal in the 3 or 4 years I was in the club as the ducks usually flew the river, so a shot would have seem the bird floating away on the tide. The geese though tended to fly over the land more, so I got a reasonable number of geese over the years. Had some memorable times laid out in the mud with flocks of wigeon just feet away from me chattering away to each other. Unshootable, but great to be there.

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My old dog wasn't very good around other dogs so sometimes I couldn't take him with me. You have to be very selective. Saying that, a lot of new members seem to arrive without a dog and then ensure that they go out with someone with one :-)

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Surely the moon and tides help keep you off some of the marsh at flight times as the tide and dawn dusk will only work out ok 2 weeks out of four


Try it don't spend a lot to start with hope you get some help when your there and enjoy the moment

If you do get your own dog better than a boat and you will get invited from fowler so that haven't 😊


Enjoy the moment


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A lot depends on a lot in that regards but many clubs have rules about re-visiting the same area in the short term

It's about finding a honey hole and then making darn sure you fill your boots n your freezer. This might be ok with those who like to decoy geese inland but it's not ok with most Wildfowlers and clubs on the Saltings


A lot depends on a lot in that regards but many clubs have rules about re-visiting the same area in the short term

It's about finding a honey hole and then making darn sure you fill your boots n your freezer. This might be ok with those who like to decoy geese inland but it's not ok with most Wildfowlers and clubs on the Saltings



in my eyes motty there's nothing wrong with multiple trips to the Marsh during any week of the season but round where I live there's lots of jealous 2 faced people that slag anybody and everybody who dares have more than a couple of flights on the same marsh in a week. I was out more than most doing many flights in a week but watching the Marsh 7 days a week ( only live 5 minutes away) and let's just say my ears were burning.

These posts are interesting. On the marsh I shoot, I could go to exactly the same spot every day of the week and no-one could say a word. If I was in that spot first, then it's my spot.

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