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best way to live catch pheasants

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Right o boys got a question .

first off I, m not asking on the ethics or wether it's a gentleman's way of doing it .

I, m asking if legal what is the best way to live catch pheasants to remove from a farm that wants them clearing off as best as possible .

so my idea is to live catch them and release onto one of my permissions that the land owner says it's fine to do

I already have some birds on a mix of wild ones and some I bought and released so I have feeders etc in place

Sorry mods double posted in error please remove one

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Make a small pen 6ft x 3ft triangular or square whatever suits , make holes in the sides and fit funnels like a lobster pot . bait with small feeder inside and grain scattered about through the funnels.

Birds will go in down the funnels but don't have the brains to come out same way, you`ll need to reinforce the funnels otherwise trapped birds will flatten them whilst doing circuits around the inside looking for the exit.

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Make a small pen 6ft x 3ft triangular or square whatever suits , make holes in the sides and fit funnels like a lobster pot . bait with small feeder inside and grain scattered about through the funnels.

Birds will go in down the funnels but don't have the brains to come out same way, you`ll need to reinforce the funnels otherwise trapped birds will flatten them whilst doing circuits around the inside looking for the exit.

have you got any diagrams or plans please
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Ever seen Danny the champion of the world?

Well, I'll be blowed. I note that the book was written in 1975.


In the mid 60s an old chappie who lodged with my mother in law used to tell of his exploits in long netting rabbits during the war years. He was doing this legally and his efforts supplied much needed food about the town. He did get a tad annoyed at times because he always gave the rabbits away and then many recipients promptly sold the furs for 6d. However, other people also have nets which are long and often have bits of sea weed in them and occasionally he would help out on the not so legal use to which these were put. If it was known that there were pheasants where they were going they took a tin of treacle, a bag of grain and a slack handful of the old cone shaped paper sweet bags. The bags were wiped inside with the treacle and some grain stuck to it. These were then put down with a thin trail of grain a couple of yards long leading up to it. Once all were in place you simply sat down and waited for the squawking to start. Apparently, it was similar to chasing an headless chicken but very effective.


Thanks for posting, Pete, it brought back memories of a cracking old country gent.

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However, other people also have nets which are long and often have bits of sea weed in them and occasionally he would help out on the not so legal use to which these were put.


Thanks for posting, Pete, it brought back memories of a cracking old country gent.


No worries, having posted it I now want to see the film again.

What was the illegal use of fishing nets? I'm presuming poaching of some sort, hares?

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Haven't read all the answers...


Two hazel or similar sticks, push them into ground about 4 to 5 foot apart, run some chicken mesh around them in a fashion to look like a elongated wigwam, twist tops together, peg to floor, make a funnel in, scatter some wheat, job done. You can easily carry it all and move it about.

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No worries, having posted it I now want to see the film again.

What was the illegal use of fishing nets? I'm presuming poaching of some sort, hares?

Yep, used as long nets.Used more for the pot really than profit - with the tourism industry largely on hold and with an extended spell of weather things could get a bit tight.

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forget the chicken house make the run and wire both ends cut a couple of holes and fit funnels to the in side, you may be better off fitting a door through which to retrieve the birds.chicken run alone is £40 not worth the bother of making your own.

Edited by malantone
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A bit rough and ready but it worked for us to collect laying stock for last season.


3 Harris fence panels.

2 to form the "tent" and the other one cut in half to make the ends secure with easy access.


A couple of 2 foot tunnels (one each end), sprinkle a bit of wheat about and your away.



Make sure you check on it at least once a day.

Edited by shoot and be safe
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A bit rough and ready but it worked for us to collect laying stock for last season.


3 Harris fence panels.

2 to form the "tent" and the other one cut in half to make the ends secure with easy access.


A couple of 2 foot tunnels (one each end), sprinkle a bit of wheat about and your away.

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Make sure you check on it at least once a day.

thank you mate now I know what something that works looks like I,ll give it a bash at making my own version

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