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at the farmer,s request


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Had a phone call yesterday from a farmer who has seen a fox near to his release pen at 730 am then when his daughter came in at 8 am she also saw a fox (same one i think) and could i have a look round when i got the chance.

as i do the school run with the kid,s in the mornings i thought if he,s about that late in the mornings he will be around very early in the evening,s .

so headed of last night at 7.15 to arrive at 7.40 nice still conditions parked up with the back windows down

and into the back seats i go.

good thing with a 16" barrel you can get set up in the motor no problem, bolt in mag full im ready by 7.45

a quick scan with bin,s nothing ,had a quick call with a new caller i picked up at the basc fair sunday .

7.50 out come,s a dog fox about 100 yrds down the hedge , rifle in poisition ****** follows the arch in hedge

out of veiw . a quick call see,s him broadside with his head facing me . took the head shot and this might sound daft but im sure he dropped before i pulled the trigger , staight down without a twitch :yes:

paced him out to 72 yrd,s




entry point




called to see the farmer put fox on floor and knocks on door .

farmer come,s and as soon as he see,s it shouts wife come and have a look at this he,s shot the bloody fox already :lol::lol::P one happy farmer and land safe for a few years :good:


thats all folks

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Had a phone call yesterday from a farmer who has seen a fox near to his release pen at 730 am then when his daughter came in at 8 am she also saw a fox (same one i think) and could i have a look round when i got the chance.

as i do the school run with the kid,s in the mornings i thought if he,s about that late in the mornings he will be around very early in the evening,s .

so headed of last night at 7.15 to arrive at 7.40 nice still conditions parked up with the back windows down

and into the back seats i go.

good thing with a 16" barrel you can get set up in the motor no problem, bolt in mag full im ready by 7.45

a quick scan with bin,s nothing ,had a quick call with a new caller i picked up at the basc fair sunday .

7.50 out come,s a dog fox about 100 yrds down the hedge , rifle in poisition ****** follows the arch in hedge

out of veiw . a quick call see,s him broadside with his head facing me . took the head shot and this might sound daft but im sure he dropped before i pulled the trigger , staight down without a twitch :lol:

paced him out to 72 yrd,s




entry point




called to see the farmer put fox on floor and knocks on door .

farmer come,s and as soon as he see,s it shouts wife come and have a look at this he,s shot the bloody fox already :lol::P:no: one happy farmer and land safe for a few years :good:


thats all folks

good man Rob. :yes:

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Excellent shooting :good: So which is getting the most use, 17 or 22 so far?



on even terms at the moment :lol::lol: :yp:


thanks for all the reply,s lads nice these summer evening,s hey :good:


They would be but it's still SPRING :lol::lol:



Well it might still be spring up where you are but down here on the Costa del Kent its been 26+ degrees, all the girls in micro skirts, planted the garden up, fly fishing in shirtsleeves today its been LUVVERLY..... :lol::lol::lol:


:wub: D2D

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