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I do wish people would stop calling them refugees, they are not they are migrants. Refugees stop in the first safe country that they (FEEL SAFE IN?) come too. Migrants run to where the promises of housing and wealth are showered down. The migrants should be refused entry. There are closer safe countries than France and Poland.


Where would you feel safe if you were fleeing Syria? Turkey? Bulgaria? Serbia? Hungary?

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I fear that this ticking timebomb is going to see street warfare between whites and Muslims in this country.


It is EXACTLY what the government has engineered to accrue assets and find a reason for military presence on the streets at the same time.


I have it on exceptional knowledge (guy that helped design them) that there are airfield size areas filled with armoured vehicles designed to fit narrow streets that were never sent to war zones.


Why weren't they deployed when needed?


Because they were needed in the war at home they already knew was coming!!

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err. ok. so all Muslims are non white ? As most people live in cities with wide streets why the need for special armoured vehicles that can fit down narrow ones when bin lorries fit down most if not all streets ? Deployed where when needed ? So we have "airfield" sized areas of armoured vehicles that no one, ever, has leaked or asked why we have them ?

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I fear that this ticking timebomb is going to see street warfare between whites and Muslims in this country.


It is EXACTLY what the government has engineered to accrue assets and find a reason for military presence on the streets at the same time.


I have it on exceptional knowledge (guy that helped design them) that there are airfield size areas filled with armoured vehicles designed to fit narrow streets that were never sent to war zones.


Why weren't they deployed when needed?


Because they were needed in the war at home they already knew was coming!!

Shame we have not got an army for them to fit in isn't it?

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It is EXACTLY what the government has engineered to accrue assets and find a reason for military presence on the streets at the same time.

Why would they want to do that. Is it tin foil hat time this is the same government that woint use water cannon in case they hurt someone.

Edited by ordnance
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I fear that this ticking timebomb is going to see street warfare between whites and Muslims in this country.


It is EXACTLY what the government has engineered to accrue assets and find a reason for military presence on the streets at the same time.


I have it on exceptional knowledge (guy that helped design them) that there are airfield size areas filled with armoured vehicles designed to fit narrow streets that were never sent to war zones.


Why weren't they deployed when needed?


Because they were needed in the war at home they already knew was coming!!


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I fear that this ticking timebomb is going to see street warfare between whites and Muslims in this country.


It is EXACTLY what the government has engineered to accrue assets and find a reason for military presence on the streets at the same time.


I have it on exceptional knowledge (guy that helped design them) that there are airfield size areas filled with armoured vehicles designed to fit narrow streets that were never sent to war zones.


Why weren't they deployed when needed?


Because they were needed in the war at home they already knew was coming!!

I fear any logic and reason will be entirely wasted in relying to this.
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I saw this on Facebook, it seemed quite appropriate...


Wise words 'Can i just take this opportunity to remind you all that Mr Mohammed from your local shop wasn't involved in last nights attacks on Paris. Neither was Mrs Azeer from Lloyds Bank or her family. Kamal from down the road has never been to Paris, and his brother Abdul, the taxi driver, was watching the news in horror along with everyone else.

The people behind last night's attacks weren't Muslims, they were extremists using religion as vindication for their cowardice.

Please, I urge each and everyone of you, do not lay blame at the doors of the innocent just because of what they believe. They are no more to blame for Paris than you are.

We are one world and one family. Treat each other as such, because what happened last night should bring us closer together, not make us lash out against our neighbours for a perceived religion affiliation'

The thing is if terrorists were there for a long time waiting for the call they may very well be the local corner shop guy.

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I fear that this ticking timebomb is going to see street warfare between whites and Muslims in this country.


It is EXACTLY what the government has engineered to accrue assets and find a reason for military presence on the streets at the same time.




You had me for a moment there at line one, because I can see that happening.

Line two though - I take it that's the secret World Government? Perhaps working in conjunction with non-terrestrial entities?

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Problem is guys... At some point it WILL happen over here........ Best wishes to all those affected in France....

This :good:


And then what do we do?


Take to arms, oh no, you may be an ISIS so guns are now banned in the UK.


There is a bigger picture to this, you just can't see it if your vision is small :no:

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Fair enough, but this is what I see happening.


How's your proposal to solve it coming along?

I wasn't aware that I had to solve the global problem of IS and extremism alone. I don't however believe we are heading for civil war or that there are Hollywood-style bunkers dotted around.


The answer, rather unfortunately, isn't simple, easy or confined to one government's actions. The seeds of the current problems were sown many, many years ago and compounded by later political and economic decisions, and will take generations to come close to resolving.

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Unlike you,he probably isn't stockpiling tinned good

Keep ducking the question and repercussions, good idea :)


If you don't think this is going to spill over to here you are fooling yourself.


What are they going to do? Accept people who are OK to have gun licences or ban guns on the off chance you may be an ISIS sleeper?


Have a guess where my vote goes.


There is no political action without gain to the politicians.

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wow this degeneration was rapid. so my 56 year old corner shop owner who actively encourages me to buy lottery tickets and sells booze is a plant ? devout Muslims are not even allowed to handle alcohol or encourage gambling. I've read the Quaran, I have Muslim friends. My Muslim fellow tradesman wanted last year to get us a Christmas "gift". He knew we would refuse cash,he's not allowed to handle booze as he's of whatever faction that decrees it. He couldn't buy us a fry up as there is pork involved. His view is the killings are carried out by utter nut jobs who won't get the eternal virgin tripe.

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I fear that this ticking timebomb is going to see street warfare between whites and Muslims in this country.


It is EXACTLY what the government has engineered to accrue assets and find a reason for military presence on the streets at the same time.


I have it on exceptional knowledge (guy that helped design them) that there are airfield size areas filled with armoured vehicles designed to fit narrow streets that were never sent to war zones.


Why weren't they deployed when needed?


Because they were needed in the war at home they already knew was coming!!

Where exactly do you think these huge stockpiles of anorexic tanks are hidden? It's not as if we have vast areas of unchartered wilderness to build these top secret bases, I think someone may have noticed them
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wow this degeneration was rapid. so my 56 year old corner shop owner who actively encourages me to buy lottery tickets and sells booze is a plant ? devout Muslims are not even allowed to handle alcohol or encourage gambling. I've read the Quaran, I have Muslim friends. My Muslim fellow tradesman wanted last year to get us a Christmas "gift". He knew we would refuse cash,he's not allowed to handle booze as he's of whatever faction that decrees it. He couldn't buy us a fry up as there is pork involved. His view is the killings are carried out by utter nut jobs who won't get the eternal virgin tripe.

Unfortunately it is not a matter of whether he is a good or bad Muslim, with the atrocities being committed he is still a Muslim and therefore a potential target of retaliation

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Where exactly do you think these huge stockpiles of anorexic tanks are hidden? It's not as if we have vast areas of unchartered wilderness to build these top secret bases, I think someone may have noticed them

Unless they aren't allowed in there!


Where do you think military equipment would be kept?


Not sure exactly where, but the information is good.


Believe some were called Bulldog and other doggy names but was a while ago and can't recall exactly.

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mate stop. answer the questions posted above ? where is the massive stock pile of skinny armoured vehicles and who will man them.

As for the fact he's a Muslim and a potential target for retaliation that's just crazy. by whom ? those loons at Britain First ?

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mate stop. answer the questions posted above ? where is the massive stock pile of skinny armoured vehicles and who will man them.

As for the fact he's a Muslim and a potential target for retaliation that's just crazy. by whom ? those loons at Britain First ?

Just said, was a while ago and can't remember where.


And yes, Britain First, EDL any of the nutters.


You and everyone else on here can bury their heads in the sand about this but it IS coming here and I'm worried for my children.


So what are the government going to do?


**** all that's what


I'm just concerned that me and mine may get caught up in the fallout :no:

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ok. I'll bow out now. Your response is appreciated. I'm not burying my head in the sand,I just won't let it be filled with future fear. The IRA were more insidious and better hidden,we beat them.

They will not win because they can't. They will not win because terrorism never has.

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