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Bird Identification:French Partridge

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Bird Identity's

​French Partridge

This bird is sometimes know as the red legged partridge and is distinguished between Grey and English by its buff belly grey breast and its streaked red legs and feet. This bird, if provoked will prefer to run rather than fly but will most times fly using its rounded wings.

Edited by ClayShooter101
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Bird Identification

​French Partridge

This bird is sometimes know as the red legged partridge and is distinguished between Grey and English by its buff belly grey breast and its streaked red legs and feet. This bird, if provoked will prefer to run rather than fly but will most times fly using its rounded wings.


Is this why they are called French?

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Is this one?

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Perdix perdix is the Latin for English partridge and the red legs are alectoris ruff,

Just thought I would chukar that one in the mix !

Alectoris Rufa , blooming auto correct.

Perdix perdix is the Latin for English partridge and the red legs are alectoris ruff,

Just thought I would chukar that one in the mix !

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Yeah, as someone said it's a Chukar which are similar, but larger than French Partridge.

I remember someone telling me you had to be careful where you bought your imported eggs as sometimes they'd slip in Chukar/hybrid eggs. They are better layers than French, but as a sporting bird and generally worse. (Apparently)

Edited by Bleeh
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