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What Do I Do With the Dead Magpies?


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May sound like a simple question, but I dont know what I am supposed to do with them.


At the moment I have them in a bin bag ready for the dustman. Should I do that?


Or I can chcuk them in the feild next door for the foxes.


Advise would be appreciated.



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You could try chopping them up and flushing them! In someone elses toilet, of course. It would certainly perplex the blokes from Dynorod! :good: Hedging them doesn't always work, I hedged 9 of the damn things, and they were still there a week later, complete with maggots, bad smell and unimpressed land owner :unsure: I burn mine now in a garden incinerator, lit at about 10.30pm, as they stink a bit when burning.

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Thinking about it, if you went down to the local dual carriage way at 2am and scattered them out the window by the morning (after numerous hgvs etc) they would look like road kill! :good: Just pick different roads each time! :lol:


Or like Andy says, put them in a jar of formaldehide, and sell them as scientific specimens on EBAY :lol:

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