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Flocking Pigeons

pigeon controller

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Friday saw us heading out to the field that we had seen the birds feeding on last week. If they were there it would mean that they have been feeding all week and hopefully a few more have joined. As we approached the field we could see some birds in the trees so we knew that they were still feeding on the field. Contacted the farmer who gave us the go ahead so we set up and put out our normal set up and waited for them to return which they did in a flock of approx two hundred. We did not shoot and let them move off . When they had passed over the next field a couple came in the decoys and were dispatched which had the effect of splitting the flock. It was now 11.30 and we had a steady flow of birds all the time we were shooting and we packed up at 16.00 as we noticed a change in the line with them going to roost. We collected up ninetyone Pigeons and one Jackdaw.


Today was a different day all together with us finding flocks of two to three hundred birds but not feeding just sitting in trees. While we drove the lanes we saw no birds flying at all . We decided to split and have a field each to see if we could keep them on the move. We knew Bunny Blaster was set up locally so the plan was the keep them on the move for all of us. After walking off three hundred birds of a ten acre rape field I helped DB set up and then left to go on another rape field. After an hour I had a call to say it was Carp could I come and pick him up, we moved him to the top edge of the fifty acre field I was shooting . Now although we were shooting the same field the wind was so strong the sound was being carried away and the birds were not stressed by the shooting . We ended the day with seventy three between us and Bunny Blaster had a similar bag on his field . The main concern of the day was the tightness of the flocks in the area and the way they would not stay in the area but just move off .


Note to JDog , Ive submitted my weekly report you can go to bed now with your mug of hot chocolate








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There you go PC not quite empty grass lol.

Had these plus a magpie that managed to do a disappearing act in a hedge. Pigeons got the better of me though mostly coming from behind me and catching me out. A good example of how well you two old pros do in these difficult conditions. Only having a small dairy farm to shoot on doesn't help mind.

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There you go PC not quite empty grass lol.

Had these plus a magpie that managed to do a disappearing act in a hedge. Pigeons got the better of me though mostly coming from behind me and catching me out. A good example of how well you two old pros do in these difficult conditions. Only having a small dairy farm to shoot on doesn't help mind.




Did you enjoy it??. That's the question ??

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Ha ha yes I did enjoy it mate thanks. Bought a new hide net way back at South Yorkshire shooting show and used for first time today, dare not put another later over it as it would have blown both hide and me onto the M1. I will be back out again


Well done , you can only shoot whats there , you will shoot a few pigeon this year I promise !

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