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Turkey making demands of EU membership


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The EU has said they will not take any new members this decade, and when they do consider new one ones Turkey is low on the list.


So that's all fine then, we can all rest easy, obviously the EU has never changed their mind or backtracked on a ruling! :lol::lol::lol:



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How can what is essentially part of Asia be a part of Europe.


We should never have been in or have taken any part in it. As for migrants first safe country not who has the best benefits.

Turkey is a crossroads between Asia, Europe, Russia and Arabia. Istanbul is part in Europe and part in Asia. Because of its location Turkey has been the subject of occupation by many civilisations down the centuries.

It could also be a critical flashpoint because, via Crimea, Russia depends on the Bosphorus and Dardanelles for access to the Med. Russian tourism is also an important element of the Turkish economy.

The US and Nato depend on Turkey to defend Saudi Arabian oil.


On the one hand, just about every nation depends on staying friends with Turkey and, on the other hand Turkey is vulnerable to invasion beause other nations' self-interest.

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Transcontinental countries are not at all uncommon, Egypt is an oft overlooked example, Russia is both Asian as well as European, Iran would have had even stronger links to Europe than Turkey had Azerbaijan not been annexed from it through war with Russia.


You can enjoy European association and membership without even being in Europe in any shape or form, even enter the European song contest if you want, just ask Israel. :yes:

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Yep, but the upside is when they've took over it will end up like they have now, third world cess pit. :lol: Then where will they go :lol::lol:

Rhodesia! Oops I mean Zimbabwe... Lets see if Mr Mugabe will do a swap...was a great place to live once!..that is what happens to a country, when us Colonialists Pigs leave :big_boss:

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