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Carpol tunnel relese surgery


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Last Saturday I had carpol tunnel relese surgery. I was just wondering if anyone on here has had it done ? If yes how long was your recovery ? Iv been signed off work for four weeks ( seems rather a long time ) I do manual work , also how long before you were shooting again ?

Cheers for any replys

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I had Carpal Tunnel surgery on my right wrist in 2010, I probably laid off shooting for a couple of weeks, but I only took 2 or 3 days off work, as I'm office based and paid from the neck upwards..!


If you are a manual worker you need to be extra careful with the wound and make sure you don't damage it, as apparently you can be back to square one.


I'm due to have the left wrist done next month, have tried to schedule it so that there are no major clay shoots for at least a fortnight, but the golf may take a bit longer to get back into..!


Good luck, I hope you recover well, my operation was a complete success.



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I had Carpal Tunnel surgery on my right wrist in 2010, I probably laid off shooting for a couple of weeks, but I only took 2 or 3 days off work, as I'm office based and paid from the neck upwards..!

If you are a manual worker you need to be extra careful with the wound and make sure you don't damage it, as apparently you can be back to square one.

I'm due to have the left wrist done next month, have tried to schedule it so that there are no major clay shoots for at least a fortnight, but the golf may take a bit longer to get back into..!

Good luck, I hope you recover well, my operation was a complete success.


Thank you for your info. I Had the test a week ago last Monday and was booked in for the following Saturday 5th March.

I am a metal polisher working mainly with classic cars and motor bikes so use my hands a lot. My left hand is showing signs but no way near as bad as my right hand.

Hope your opp gose well for you.


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I had mine done and was on the marsh 3 days after I just put a poly bag over the dressing to keep it dry. 18 month down the line i still get the same symptoms I.e.pins and needles and numbness.

That's not good. The sergan did say as Iv had numb fingers for so long the nerve might be damaged and they might not get any better but the pain should go away. I can live with the numb fingers and thumb just be glad if the pain goes away.

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I had both wrists done, separately at 10 year intervals.


The first, when I was working, was done on Maundy Thursday and I was back to work on the Tuesday after Easter. Until I had had the stitches out, it was a little uncomfortable, but I could drive. However my job was supervisory rather than physical.


The second time I had it done, I was retired, but continued with my business, albeit that my wife drove until I had had the stitches out.


No subsequent pain or pins and needles in either case

Edited by amateur
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ditto missus had both done within six months ,left hand full recovery ,right hand not so good weak and gripless .Dont rush back m8 ,you can undo the surgery quite easily and as you use your hands it wouldnt take much.Left hand took 6 weeks to recover but the right hand still aint the best atb

Edited by clakk
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ditto missus had both done within six months ,left hand full recovery ,right hand not so good weak and gripless .Dont rush back m8 ,you can undo the surgery quite easily and as you use your hands it wouldnt take much.Left hand took 6 weeks to recover but the right hand still aint the best atb


Cheers don't think I will rush back especially polishing things like bumpers. Like you said could undo the surgery then I'm screwed with my job.

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what re the symptoms o carpal tunnel I aask because 3 weeks ago my whole arm down to my finger tips went numb and tingling still got it now but not quite so intense my fingers feel 3 times the size upper arm and forearm still numb and cold at times hard to feel things knuckles andfingers feel stiff

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My brother has been told that his is not carpel tunnel syndrome and is raynards which has caused him to quit shooting especially fowling because it is so painful his hands go white and swell up with severe pain what is the difference in the two?,and is there any surgery he can havbe?, he is due to see a specialist but any info would be great....thx Robbie.

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I,had this opp my righthand about 25years ago and was signed of work for 13 weeks. I am left handed and a builder though so had to let the scar tissue heal longer.

Blimey 13 weeks !!! I'm bored sill after 1/2 a week. Lucky my wife has taken next week off work so we can go somewhere.

Think 13 weeks would kill me

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had a guy called malcom clarke do mine,he told me not to rest it and get using it.i had one of the worst he had done.i walked out using it straight away so did the woman before me so its not a macho thing.went back to work as a tree sergeon within a few days doing lighter jobs .back up to full speed in two weeks. my asdvice is get using it asap


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I had dupuytren's release surgery a few years ago - lets hope you don't pick up an MRSA infection like I did.


The end result of mine was this on one of the fingers that had almost doubled over. The scars of the other cuts healed up nicely.



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I had dupuytren's release surgery a few years ago - lets hope you don't pick up an MRSA infection like I did.


The end result of mine was this on one of the fingers that had almost doubled over. The scars of the other cuts healed up nicely.



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Blimey looks like you had a ruff time , hope you are ok now ?

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I was diagnosed with CT in my right hand, and was given the opportunity to take part in a study which got me to the front of the queue for the nerve tests but meant I had to accept what the (allegedly) random computer allocated me, i.e. a cortisone injection or surgery.


Computer said surgery, so I'm going in fairly soon. They've said the same to me, light duties for a few weeks, driving might be an issue.


Beginning to wish I had a bidet though..? ;)

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Best of luck with it .... iv had 4 surgery's on my left hand which left me with clenched fist syndrome all brought on by a accident at work .. I'm back in hospital mid April to get one of the plates out of my little finger as it's wearing through the skin.just take your time or you will be back to stage one ...All the best m1

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