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Cold Weekend

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The weekend started cold and cloudy as we headed out to two farms who had contacted us to say they had loads of pigeons devouring the rape. On the first farm we drove throught the main area of rape and disturbed about fifty birds out of the trees over a one and a half miles of rape. I caught up with the farmer and told him where had they gone and his reply was the rocket sent them in all directions . I was spitting feathers and told him straight if he wants them shot do not disturb them and ring me . This particular farm owns 22 gas guns so the birds do not get any peace any way as he moves the gas guns about every couple of days. So we looked at another farm who had contacted us to find a gas gun under the tree we shoot from and no birds on the field, why do they do that phone you then put a gas gun on the field. I've always said that its best to shoot the field hard then put out a gas gun as the birds are wary of the noise. We then looked at another farm which had a large amount of birds in a wood next to the rape, we saw the farmer and he said it had not been shot for two weeks so we walked down the field a set up . Just then the gas gun went off and the birds lifted out of the wood. We waited for them to return and in the next hour three came back but not to the decoys so we packed up and started looking again.

We moved on to a farm we had seen birds flighting to on our way out on the morning, when we arrived we could see birds in the trees but nothing flighting at all . We watched it for thirty minutes and all we could see was the birds playing " Follow The Leader" out of the trees one would drop out and they would all follow. The trees they were in we could not shoot due to them being at the bottom of a garden. We decide to shoot from under a tree in the field which gave us a lot of visability but also made the hide very conspicuous so we tried to cover it with branches from the tree. We were set up for 15.30 and shot till 17.15 so in one and threequater hours we shot sixty two which was a great result for a drab day.


Today we set out on the understanding we would only set up if the birds were feeding hard on the field. We drove round a number of farms in the area and found birds feeding on clover in pony paddocks, gardens and public parks so it was a relief to find them on the rape that we have shot three times this year. It's a groundhog day as the only position you can safely shoot this field is from the only bush on its wire fenced edges. We were set up by 10.00 and the birds came straight back in to the pattern of twelve fresh birds on cradles above the rape. We put the magnet out after about an hour to try and draw some birds that were skirting us. At midday we had a complete hour with no birds coming to the pattern , so at 14.00 the farmer drove on the field to scatter the nitrates, we had not put any decoys in the tram lines so he could drive straight through, during the time he was on our field we shot four birds. He then drove onto the remaining three fields and this had the effect of sending us a continous stream of birds which we took advantage of to the best of our abillity. We stopped shooting at 17.15 and picked up one hundred and seventy two birds so that made up for the messing around the previous day.









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Well done. I'm continuously fascinated by the sheer amount of birds you have holding in your area. It's incredible. Super two days for the time of year.

The clue is in the word Wood Pigeon as we live in the Ancient Forest of Arden??????


Also with this constant East wind we are getting all Motty's birds who have never been shot at????????

Edited by pigeon controller
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