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Camerons dad and his off shore tax haven


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This is why the protectionist anti shooting, anti hunting, anti Tory looney left despise us (shooters) and constantly attack guns, shooting, hunting etc......... It's not really about animal welfare its because they identify themselves as socialists and can smell the corruption in the rich and powerful ruling classes.........so they attack shooting and hunting etc because it is considered the domain of the rich and powerful........and in persuance of their class war, don't give a flying fig about the collateral damage inflicted on the ordinary joe!


What is the type of shooting associated with the wealthy and powerful? Driven Grouse shooting.........and where is the latest attack by the anti's aimed? Yep you've guessed it!


So the rich and powerful are responsible for that too!

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SNS - you seem to have missed the point. I don't need you to spell out the facts. If you think David Cameron was wise going after Jimmy Carr, your judgement is suspect.


You can point out, until you are blue in the face, the difference between the schemes - it matters not. It was a political PR disaster.

You can't compare an investment scheme with what Jimmy Carr did.


:yes: Our shop steward was staunch anti Tory but it didn't stop him rushing out to buy his council house at a much reduced rate, and I have just cashed in an ISA and have secured a tax free lump sum from my pension with which to pay off my mortgage! :yes: Don't you just hate the tories.



The tories are such a terrible party. Looking after the people who work hard. Heaven forbid.

Edited by BrowningB525
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You can't compare an investment scheme with what Jimmy Carr did.



That isn't the issue. The issue is that any mention "off shore" - whether it be Jimmy Carr or David Cameron - and a large percentage will be up in arms. If in doubt - read this thread.

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Sorry but he can't take the moral high ground like he did with Jimmy Carr whilst engaging in or benefiting from tax avoiding activity like his parents. The rich make the laws for the benefit of themselves which is why loop holes are left open, average Joe on PAYE has no chance to benefit. Some on here seem to love him for some obscure reason but this reflects very badly on him.

That's the whole point, he hasn't.


My in laws weren't posh. My father-in-law was a train driver's son from Norfolk, my mother-in-law was a Barnsley girl, hardly posh.

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That's the whole point, he hasn't.


My in laws weren't posh. My father-in-law was a train driver's son from Norfolk, my mother-in-law was a Barnsley girl, hardly posh.

Oi !! I'm from Barnsley...................... Oh I see what you mean.


Carry on.

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That isn't the issue. The issue is that any mention "off shore" - whether it be Jimmy Carr or David Cameron - and a large percentage will be up in arms. If in doubt - read this thread.


You're right Gordon, because there has been suggestion of dodgy dealings then people will be more than willing to believe that.


The hard of thinking will always believe a good conspiracy theory or that there is some devilish and underhand plot, it is confirmation bias on their part.


I do agree with you that the whole affair has been handled badly by Cameron and his advisors. He should have been candid right from the start and defended what happened and not handled things like it was some dirty and grubby arrangement. This drip feed of news has made it seem sordid.


In general I think that DC has shot himself on the foot on so many occasions and it frustrates me greatly, mainly through bad execution of policy and not by incidents such as this.

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I'd love to see a parallel thread on here where for example a polish immigrant had taken advantage of the benefits system to send home money or a single parent had "forgotten" to declare they had a spare bedroom and avoided paying say a couple of hundred quid in tax etc. I do kind of feel the polarity of the conversation may well be reversed?


It's not the first time on PW I've got the feeling that there are some commentators who's initial replies have to be self censored because they include something like "shouldn't let their kind have a certificate"! Maybe it's just me??

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I'd love to see a parallel thread on here where for example a polish immigrant had taken advantage of the benefits system to send home money or a single parent had "forgotten" to declare they had a spare bedroom and avoided paying say a couple of hundred quid in tax etc. I do kind of feel the polarity of the conversation may well be reversed?


It's not the first time on PW I've got the feeling that there are some commentators who's initial replies have to be self censored because they include something like "shouldn't let their kind have a certificate"! Maybe it's just me??


Nope you're not alone, I raised the same point with regards to Greece and got no takers :lol:;) , can't be bothered to search the various threads on that and compare peoples feelings to make sure they're consistent. Life has often shown me they won't always be.

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Nope you're not alone, I raised the same point with regards to Greece and got no takers :lol:;) , can't be bothered to search the various threads on that and compare peoples feelings to make sure they're consistent. Life has often shown me they won't always be.


But isn't the whole purpose of debate to inform, form and change opinion?

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Of course but that's not what I'm talking about ;) I'm saying there are people who have lets just say flexible views depending on the culprit. :yes:

Yes I was aware of that...................but my point was debate could explain some of the inconsistencies in some individuals postings.

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That's the whole point, he hasn't.


My in laws weren't posh. My father-in-law was a train driver's son from Norfolk, my mother-in-law was a Barnsley girl, hardly posh.

Not taken the moral high ground with Jimmy Carr, really???



Edited by JRDS
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He has just got 500k off them, do you for one minute believe that none of that would have been linked or generated from his dad's offshore company? Plus where did all his other assets from it go, it was reputedly worth 25 million or so?



JRDS - at the time, David Cameron said he hadn't had the time to look at Gary Barlow's investments, but slagged off Jimmy Carr. I wonder whether he has made the time to look at Gary Barlow.

I suspect not.

I think you suspect correctly.

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He has just got 500k off them, do you for one minute believe that none of that would have been linked or generated from his dad's offshore company? Plus where did all his other assets from it go, it was reputedly worth 25 million or so?



I think you suspect correctly.

And an offshore company is illegal?

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Not if the rich use the loopholes made by the rich for their own benefit, but it is highly dubious and used for Tax avoidance hence why DC sold his shares before becoming PM and why it took days for him to actually come clean (assuming he has which he probably hasn't). The point is he took the moral high ground whilst being as bad as the rest with his family using every trick to avoid taxation. This isn't about what is technically legal or illegal.

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Not if the rich use the loopholes made by the rich for their own benefit, but it is highly dubious and used for Tax avoidance hence why DC sold his shares before becoming PM and why it took days for him to actually come clean (assuming he has which he probably hasn't). The point is he took the moral high ground whilst being as bad as the rest with his family using every trick to avoid taxation. This isn't about what is technically legal or illegal.

Do you have any evidence as to why he sold his shares? Of course not. Why don't you predict why I have sold shares in offshore funds. You can't. You just spout rubbish.

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Do you have any evidence as to why he sold his shares? Of course not. Why don't you predict why I have sold shares in offshore funds. You can't. You just spout rubbish.

A total coincidence then why he sold them shortly before becoming PM and took 5 days to admit he had any!! Dream on.



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The point is he took the moral high ground whilst being as bad as the rest with his family using every trick to avoid taxation.


You mean apart from the fact he has forgone his tax free allowance so has actually ended up paying more tax than he needed? And before you ask it's on the return he filed. But hey, why bother using facts when you can use sensationalism eh!

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