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Camerons dad and his off shore tax haven


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Not a good week for Dave with more admissions coming out:-

The prime minister has admitted making £80,000 from importing heroin but that it ended well before the 2010 election.

David Cameron inherited the business, which included opium fields in Malaysia and a processing factory in Malta, but insists he sold his shares two months before he became prime minister.

He continued: “My father’s heroin business was not so much aimed at narcotics refinement as providing a decent income to those former subjects of the Empire left high and dry by independence.

“The unfortunate fact that it was, and is, in contravention of some international laws is really irrelevant. This business kept people in work during some pretty tough times.

“When I was 18 I actually did some door-to-door work selling the product and let me tell you it was very much needed by the ordinary, decent people of Britain.

“I sold the shares, half of which were owned by my wife Samantha, in February 2010 for actually slightly less than the market value, and sadly wasn’t able to pay tax because I feared the authorities would kick up a fuss.

“Now, if my opponents are finished dragging my late father’s name through the mud, I have a country to run.”


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Good try but weak argument nonetheless. Getting a deal off someone by paying cash has existed since time immemorial, it isn't a loophole, strictly speaking it is illegal :yes: if the builder does not declare the money, the law is clear on that because it affects the small guy.


The amnesia the law conveniently suffers from is when it comes to big money ;) it is literally NOT illegal to pull a few tricks here and there where million/billions are concerned so long as you follow the correct route of the loop holes left and designed to help the super rich. I am at a loss why some are being so facetious and obtuse in admitting the difference.


The builder trousering 4 grand readies in a good year will spend that in his local community because he has no other choice, it's chicken feed. The white collar criminal who trousers £50m will use it as a weapon of influence, why else do you think countries don't just get together one week end and stop the nonsense once and for all ? These loop holes could be closed in literally days.


Bankers telling us they're worth £1m bonuses or else they'll leave and work abroad will soon work for £85 grand salaries if all countries came together and called time up ;) . They won't because they support each other's crimes and refuse to let the good times end.


Yes Brother Hamster. This just shows how out of touch you are with what really goes on. Do you not think that the 'rich people', who you clearly hate, don't spend money in the local community. Mayfair, where I work, is full of Russian million/billionaires. If they aren't spending their money then I don't know what they doing in the shops all day long. And I know many builders who have earned serious money renovating their properties in London and the home counties. A friend of mine runs a company that fits out a lot of these high end properties. He has never been so busy and has a brand new Aston and Range Rover on the drive. It all trickles down.


And the vast majority of 'Private bankers' wouldn't get anywhere near £1mln. The big money is for a few 'rainmakers' in Investment Banking or Corporate Finance. I moved from the later to the former and took a drop in pay. I wanted an easier life!


Power to the people.

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Not a good week for Dave with more admissions coming out:-

I have a slight inkling Gordon that that might not be true - not because of the subject, but that he only made £80k out of it haha. From the Daily Mash perhaps? :hmm:

Edited by MrM
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Yes Brother Hamster. This just shows how out of touch you are with what really goes on. Do you not think that the 'rich people', who you clearly hate, don't spend money in the local community. Mayfair, where I work, is full of Russian million/billionaires. If they aren't spending their money then I don't know what they doing in the shops all day long. And I know many builders who have earned serious money renovating their properties in London and the home counties. A friend of mine runs a company that fits out a lot of these high end properties. He has never been so busy and has a brand new Aston and Range Rover on the drive. It all trickles down.


And the vast majority of 'Private bankers' wouldn't get anywhere near £1mln. The big money is for a few 'rainmakers' in Investment Banking or Corporate Finance. I moved from the later to the former and took a drop in pay. I wanted an easier life!


Power to the people.


I love rich people, I even love the super rich so long as they pay their dues. Major economists are on record as saying "trickle down" doesn't work, it was always a big lie. :yes: Sure billionaire tax exiles spend money but they don't spend enough of it and they buy super expensive stuff that has little relevance to most of us.


The trouble with that much buying power (gained at least partly by not paying tax) is that they buy land and property which creates a two tier wealth divide. Some can see it some can't, it's no big deal on a forum but our kids will be inheriting a very ugly world.

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Now there is some merit in that. I have private health insurance so no need for NHS. My children go to a private school so no need for eduction. According to many on here the police are useless so obviously I can do without them. I don't intend to start a war so no need for armed forces. What else? I am employed so no need for benefits. Private pension so I'll forgo my state pension. So yes I would happily pay less than than the 47% I pay for not getting any of the 'benefits' that I don't get. anyway.

Ditto, and when i explained that i was freeing up NHS spaces in hospitals and places in schools, he didn't have an answer. I also get taxed on my private health care so adding more to the coffers.

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The non tax paying idle rich love you. :yes:


I love how some think it's envy, envy of what ? It's disgust, it's repulsion that ordinary people have to pay taxes but that certain groups have loopholes created to avoid paying tax which will absolutely mean less money available to be spent on the country's infrastructure. How anyone can deny that is mind boggling.


If paying taxes is so wrong and mood selective :rolleyes: why not do away with them entirely ? People keep mentioning Cameron but the subject is a billion times bigger than he is, the figures stolen and stashed run in the trillions.

If only I was idle :lol:


Monday- home, Tuesday- London and back then Tuesday evening drive to North of Kendal. Weds early AM, drive to Perth as out with one of the team. Rest of weds & thurs, Perth to Aberdeen to Elgin to Inverness and back to Perth.


Thurs even drive to Manchester, Am meeting in Salford, PM in Sheffield.


I left School at 16 with 1 "O" level.


The loopholes are in place because we don't use accountants to make tax policy and various governments of any colour come into power, change the rules then backdate it (or try to)

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If only I was idle :lol:


Monday- home, Tuesday- London and back then Tuesday evening drive to North of Kendal. Weds early AM, drive to Perth as out with one of the team. Rest of weds & thurs, Perth to Aberdeen to Elgin to Inverness and back to Perth.


Thurs even drive to Manchester, Am meeting in Salford, PM in Sheffield.


I left School at 16 with 1 "O" level.


The loopholes are in place because we don't use accountants to make tax policy and various governments of any colour come into power, change the rules then backdate it (or try to)

Remind me not to buy a second hand car off this geezer!


It is tax policy/laws that are to blame........right or wrong it is human nature to get around policy, laws and rules if it benefits/suits an individual.....change the tax laws/policy/rules to close the "loopholes", enforce them and job done!

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Remind me not to buy a second hand car off this geezer!


It is tax policy/laws that are to blame........right or wrong it is human nature to get around policy, laws and rules if it benefits/suits an individual.....change the tax laws/policy/rules to close the "loopholes", enforce them and job done!


Amen to that!

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Remind me not to buy a second hand car off this geezer!


It is tax policy/laws that are to blame........right or wrong it is human nature to get around policy, laws and rules if it benefits/suits an individual.....change the tax laws/policy/rules to close the "loopholes", enforce them and job done!

:lol: Will have had my current car 3 years in June. Bought with 12.5k miles on now on 114,000. Mainly motorway any reasonable off accepted.


As has been said on this thread earlier, we all try and save a bit. I've just paid cash to a fencing man.... No difference

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This. So this.



CharlieT, on 08 Apr 2016 - 10:44 AM, said:snapback.png

Seems to me this whole damn silly nonsense is based on nothing more than envy, class hatred and ignorance.


I trust that those who object to legal, tax efficient investments stand by their moral high ground and refuse to accept their private pensions when the time comes.

Envy of what ? Philip Green is a bald pot belly dude looking for his second heart attack, Bernie is a wrinkly sadact with trophy wife number 2 who got beaten up for his wrist watch and is near universally despised by most people in the know, the odd savvy chap like Eddie Jordan will suck up to him on TV because they know the correct side of the buttery toast.
Almost all tax avoiding rich saddo's have nasty skeletons in their cupboard and won't sleep well at night, the public speak ill of them now and will do so when they're dead. You can't take it with you and you can live a fairly tale life style even if you did pay your taxes, the only difference is people will know you for a greedy thief.
I for one have a much tastier line up of people I could really look up to and envy, there are literally thousands of rich people who are also model citizens, many are also dead good looking, might even have a good voice and the odd stunning wife to boot, while these people abound why do I want to bother with those with ugly faces and souls ?
I have a lovely house, lovely wife, lovely friends, lovely hobby, can afford the odd luxury, son who has three offers from medical uni's including his first choice :yahoo: what possible envy could I have ? It's not envy, class or hatred, it's wanting the good things to be more equitably available for everyone.
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The Laws are made by the rich elite to benefit themselves and their friends whilst making the Plebs pay full whack at source.


I assume you are not a member of your company's pension scheme then? Because if you are, where do think they invest your money for your retirement? Get rid of all these loopholes and everyone from the top to bottom will have a smaller pension Good plan!

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I assume you are not a member of your company's pension scheme then? Because if you are, where do think they invest your money for your retirement? Get rid of all these loopholes and everyone from the top to bottom will have a smaller pension Good plan!

If everyone paid their proper taxes we wouldn't have to join a company pension scheme, if you didn't choose to! And this country could afford to pay a good living state pension to ordinary people on retitement, not the pathetic under £130 per week some pensioners currently get to live on! And people would be able to retire if they chose to at an age where they were still young enough to enjoy a reasonably long, good quality of life? We can't presently because of tax evading/avoiding parasites!.......................the rich and powerful would still have their non contributory gold plated company pensions and golden handshakes when they retired to keep them in the manner to which they have become accustomed!


There's a big difference between an ordinary joe paying into a company pension to provide security in retirement without knowledge or choice as to where that money is invested when that is the only option! and some rich and powerful parasite salting money away into an offshore account to deliberately avoid paying tax or deliberately with full knowledge investing in unethical foreign companies profiting from the misery of others.

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If everyone paid their proper taxes we wouldn't have to join a company pension scheme, if you didn't choose to! And this country could afford to pay a good living state pension to ordinary people on retitement, not the pathetic under £130 per week some pensioners currently get to live on! And people would be able to retire if they chose to at an age where they were still young enough to enjoy a reasonably long, good quality of life? We can't presently because of tax evading/avoiding parasites!.......................the rich and powerful would still have their non contributory gold plated company pensions and golden handshakes when they retired to keep them in the manner to which they have become accustomed!


There's a big difference between an ordinary joe paying into a company pension to provide security in retirement without knowledge or choice as to where that money is invested when that is the only option! and some rich and powerful parasite salting money away into an offshore account to deliberately avoid paying tax or deliberately with full knowledge investing in unethical foreign companies profiting from the misery of others.

Couldn't have put it better myself.

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I note no-one has commented regarding my question about DC's castigation of Jimmy Carr either and how "morally wrong" it was that he used a legal offshore scheme?


also (but not quite on topic but "in close proximity") can one of the "stop bashing the wealthy for being wealthy" advocates explain why Sam Cam needs a tax payer funded frock picker? Understand she has to look well turned out but £53k??



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If everyone paid their proper taxes we wouldn't have to join a company pension scheme, if you didn't choose to! And this country could afford to pay a good living state pension to ordinary people on retitement, not the pathetic under £130 per week some pensioners currently get to live on! And people would be able to retire if they chose to at an age where they were still young enough to enjoy a reasonably long, good quality of life? We can't presently because of tax evading/avoiding parasites!.......................the rich and powerful would still have their non contributory gold plated company pensions and golden handshakes when they retired to keep them in the manner to which they have become accustomed!


There's a big difference between an ordinary joe paying into a company pension to provide security in retirement without knowledge or choice as to where that money is invested when that is the only option! and some rich and powerful parasite salting money away into an offshore account to deliberately avoid paying tax or deliberately with full knowledge investing in unethical foreign companies profiting from the misery of others.

What a great statement... :whistling:

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Willxx - I agree with your point about DC and Jimmy Carr. Cameron rather stupidly seized the moment when he thought he could score some points. Not having thought it through, he now looks like a hypocrite with double standards.


As for Sam Cam not needing the fashion advisor - you are correct - she needs another advisor with better taste.

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I note no-one has commented regarding my question about DC's castigation of Jimmy Carr either and how "morally wrong" it was that he used a legal offshore scheme?


also (but not quite on topic but "in close proximity") can one of the "stop bashing the wealthy for being wealthy" advocates explain why Sam Cam needs a tax payer funded frock picker? Understand she has to look well turned out but £53k??



I think DC has handled it badly and should been straight from the start and has been hypocritical but has not broken the law. Does the PMs position with any party in power come with a dresser or is it just samcam ?


Did DC not pay tax on any income from the offshore account anyway?

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I think DC has handled it badly and should been straight from the start and has been hypocritical but has not broken the law. Does the PMs position with any party in power come with a dresser or is it just samcam ?

Dunno! But Mrs Cameron apparantly comes from a very wealthy landowning family, but I guess times must be hard as in these times of austerity where "were all in it together" she obviously needs UK tax payers to bankroll her (unsuccessful) vanity project!

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