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It was Mike..only did it as things were going too smoothly and it needed livening up a bit "cough cough" :whistling:

Anyway i should get lots of credit for the 1st 2 i shot as they were off Mark's HOBBIT sized sticks and i'm normal .... sized :yes::)

:lol::lol::lol: Fair play to you for your efforts but more importantly for being Marks carer. Do you get money off the government for this undertaking :lol::lol::lol:

Out tonight up the tower on the Chicken farm, quiet for a while and then what looked like a big old dog popped out of the ditch about 160 away.

He started to come then changed his mind and started quartering away. I was hopeing he would turn, but no such luck, so I opted for the shot. I hit it hard in the front shoulder, farmer heard the contact from inside the shed. The fox rolled over and I thought it was dead.

Having made the gun safe, I came down from the tower and went to pick it up, nothing!! :no: I saw where it had been, and saw where it went, (couldn't be far) but it had gone through the hedge into a field of long grass yet to be cut. no chance of finding it, I'll go out with a dog tomorrow and hopfully get a pic then.

I doubt it would have gone far as you said, keep us posted.

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Headed out on Friday night after the rabbits on a piece of ground where the wheat has just been cut so a bit easier to see whats about. Arrived and parked up so I could start at the rabbits off the pickup roof, quick flick of the torch was met by a nice set of fox eyes. Over to the NV and a hand squeak saw the fox come hurtling across the field. He stopped at 40 yards and got a 17 grain v max from the .17hmr straight between the eyes.


31 rabbits later I was about to head home when I spotted some more nice bright eyes. Hand squeak saw this one head over but he stopped on the top of the bank and wouldnt present a safe shot. A little more squeaking got his interest and he finally presented a shot at 60 yards. Same shot placement as the first. No 1 was a full grown dog fox cub and no 2 was a adult dog. All in all not a bad nights work.


Since I am getting stick from the airy fairy picture brigade I have pushed the artistic boat out :lol::lol::lol:



nicely done mike great nights work there bud :good:

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well my little tree hugging pal has came back from the dark-side :ninja: ,despite paying for a annual subscription for the protect magazine he has discovered he is illiterate :hmm: and is much better at shooting than trying to work out stories with just pictures :whistling: so ive added this fox for him he shot last night when we were out ,we accounted for 17 rabbits and a hare also not a bad shift..despite him crushing me balls all night on the quads tank ..the little cz 512 is proving to be a gem also and is extremely quiet



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Cheers mate. Hope your keeping well.


Just a general note that if anybody throws abuse at me for the next week or so I am on holiday so its not that I have taken offence :lol: Keep up the good work in my absence please guys.

what he means is he,s having the couch re-padded and covered where hes worn hole throught it watching the telly :whistling:

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Have a nice break Mike, I've got four nights booked out for next week on rabbits and old Charlie boy, to catch up after my holiday, should be able to pick up one or two hopefully





Cheers Bud


well my little tree hugging pal has came back from the dark-side :ninja: ,despite paying for a annual subscription for the protect magazine he has discovered he is illiterate :hmm: and is much better at shooting than trying to work out stories with just pictures :whistling: so ive added this fox for him he shot last night when we were out ,we accounted for 17 rabbits and a hare also not a bad shift..despite him crushing me balls all night on the quads tank ..the little cz 512 is proving to be a gem also and is extremely quiet



Nicely done :good:


what he means is he,s having the couch re-padded and covered where hes worn hole throught it watching the telly :whistling:

:lol::lol::lol: How rude....... :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Was out last night. Lurked at a spot where I have previously spotted glimpses of a blond fox, but nothing showed.

Got cramp and stung by nettles though.


Sauntered off to a long east-west field. Wind was west to east and I was on the high slope to the north. The sun was going down and there was a serious grey overcast. I fitted up the NV (remembering the torch this time) and tucked under a tree.

I was scanning around and playing distress calls on my phone, but not a lot was moving.

Spotted a very young rabbit farting about, about 20 yards off to the west.

Panned to the west and spotted a handful of rabbits at about 300 meters off, also messing around. So I played around with the lamp intensity a bit, and geting my scope focus just right.

Panned back and got all confused as nothing would resolve. Then I sussed it. A wall of rain was heading straight at me.



So I cover up the leccy bits and head back to the car.

As I'm dismantling the kit, my farmer shows up and we have a chat, just as the rain goes off.

A laugh is had and he heads off to pick up his daughter from the train station.


Stuff it: head off for home and a bottle of something spicy to make the job of drying off all the potentially rusty stuff and put the batteries onto recharge.


Think I need to get out knocking more doors for permissions, or buy a huge camo brolly and a flask.

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Was out last night. Lurked at a spot where I have previously spotted glimpses of a blond fox, but nothing showed.

Got cramp and stung by nettles though.


Sauntered off to a long east-west field. Wind was west to east and I was on the high slope to the north. The sun was going down and there was a serious grey overcast. I fitted up the NV (remembering the torch this time) and tucked under a tree.

I was scanning around and playing distress calls on my phone, but not a lot was moving.

Spotted a very young rabbit farting about, about 20 yards off to the west.

Panned to the west and spotted a handful of rabbits at about 300 meters off, also messing around. So I played around with the lamp intensity a bit, and geting my scope focus just right.

Panned back and got all confused as nothing would resolve. Then I sussed it. A wall of rain was heading straight at me.



So I cover up the leccy bits and head back to the car.

As I'm dismantling the kit, my farmer shows up and we have a chat, just as the rain goes off.

A laugh is had and he heads off to pick up his daughter from the train station.


Stuff it: head off for home and a bottle of something spicy to make the job of drying off all the potentially rusty stuff and put the batteries onto recharge.


Think I need to get out knocking more doors for permissions, or buy a huge camo brolly and a flask.

Or shoot a few rabbits? :)


Couple of weeks back flushed with success at getting one on the bait in the garden and knowing there are at least two more around I sat out in the orchard. Waited till 0330 and nothing but at least it was dry and I had a garden bench to sit on.

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Or shoot a few rabbits? :)


Couple of weeks back flushed with success at getting one on the bait in the garden and knowing there are at least two more around I sat out in the orchard. Waited till 0330 and nothing but at least it was dry and I had a garden bench to sit on.

I always have trouble with that one. Keep quiet and wait for the fox, or take a rabbit. The choice is usually dictated by the calibre of the rifle I have that night.

That particular farm isn't over-run with rabbits, and I had the .22-250, so as there is no need to vaporise then, they live another night.

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We had two ducks killed Wednesday night and 13 Thursday night the first for over three weeks. So got in place by 10pm nothing dead so I knew I hadn't arrived too late. Sat in the truck and had a good view as the field had a little slope to it. At 12.40am I spotted eyeshine about 300 yards away. Changed over from nv spotter to rifle with nv scope it was a cat. I was watching it for around 10 minutes ( bored) when suddenly a fox trotted passed at 30 yards away it frightened the life out of me it looked massive after looking at a cat at 300 yards. So an easy shot dead vixen and back in bed by 1.30 if only they were all that easy.

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Two more in Ze bag


Had a little run out for an hour last night to check zero for next week


See three and grassed two of em. Both full grown dog foxes around 80 and 160 with the 222


None of em seemed to be in a hurry, just wandering around, downside was the mozzies, I've got bitten to bits, I laid up on a bank overlooking a valley with a stagnant pool nearby , I've got a forehead that looks like someone has taken a toffee hammer to it and note to myself don't wear shorts again when foxing I'm smothered head to toe in bites


Let's hope we have some decent frosts and cold snaps early to knock em back



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You back yet Mike ?


Was out last night under the full moon and very still , didn't hold much hope of seeing anything. Called in a barn owl a few times which is always nice to see.


Then spotted this dog fox , shot him at 100 yards on the stubble. Note his damaged ear , must have been doing a bit of fighting I guess.



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Exiting 10mins,Rabbit Distress playing on the FoxPro and one turns up carrying a Rabbit but moves onto the wooded bank.Quick change to "pups" stops it but right behind a large fencepost...typical.It Quickly moved off but returned some 5mins later.As i was lining up the shot i saw another through the scope,it moved from left to right and this 1 was in the field.He went behind some rushes and my mate (spotting with thermal)directed me onto him....picked him up to see a 2nd behind him.Dropped the 1st (stumpy),2nd went 30yds left and duly stopped side on,dropped him too.
Turns out these 2 were both big dog foxes and not the original fox i was about to shoot.
Took another 45mins of calling but Dog Fox call brought the young Vixen(bottom in pic) onto the same wooded bank as previous and she was duly dropped too.



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