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English fans in Russia, World Cup 2018


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What a shadow of our former selves we British are there was a time when our Empire was the greatest this world had ever seen most of the globe was our shocking shade of pink.

Now look at us our last claim to fame our ellite football holigans demoted to second place by a bunch of Russians.

We need out of Europe build ships sail the cworld take back our old colonial triumphs :hmm: or should that be Royal Enfields. perhaps :lol: :lol: . sorry ill get me coat. :blush::mellow:

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Some of these Russian 'ultras' are ex army/police. Seems they weren't getting enough action in their sectors so quit to get guaranteed action starting fights with someone sitting having a beer. I saw one with 'Russia never surrender' written on his back, surrender from what? A 45 year old bloke sitting quietly having a beer only to get a chair leg smashed around his head! These 'men' are allowed to breed!!. Would love to sit one down and ask what his aim and point for doing it was. Apparently the Russians have travelled to Lille where the English are and its nowhere near where the Russian team are playing so that says it all. Pathetic scum.

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The 2 new carriers will rule the waves again once we can get planes for em . American ones albeit .

I think England going to get the boot , the podgy chair chuckers will see to that . At least the Russkies can stay on their feet though the whole tone of the rhetoric from them stinks . Really not enjoyed this competition .

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our elite


What a shadow of our former selves we British are there was a time when our Empire was the greatest this world had ever seen most of the globe was our shocking shade of pink.

Now look at us our last claim to fame our ellite football holigans demoted to second place by a bunch of Russians.

We need out of Europe build ships sail the cworld take back our old colonial triumphs :hmm: or should that be Royal Enfields. perhaps :lol: :lol: . sorry ill get me coat. :blush::mellow:

our elite football hooligans ? according to my mate we haven't got any as the proper hooligans are all banned from travelling he is a Londoner and I think he means proper hooligans like the I.C.F and and millwall should be let loose on these Russian fellers

Edited by d foxxer
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our elite


our elite football hooligans ? according to my mate we haven't got any as the proper hooligans are all banned from travelling he is a Londoner and I think he means proper hooligans like the I.C.F and and millwall should be let loose on these Russian fellers

Millwall fans and Russians. Jeez that would be very very messy....

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***. Our "best" hooligans are nothing to be proud of. 30 years ago, on the 80s equivalent of these forums, the rest of Europe was presumably saying about the English exactly what we're now saying about the Russians.


If as a football fan you don't like the animal behaviour of other football fans, and the reluctance of the governing bodies to do anything of substance, vote with your wallet,and don't go.

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my only experience of football violence in many years of being a Wimbledon supporter and travelling all over England was at Selhurst Park. Upper tier, with my 9 year old niece. She needed the loo about ten minutes before half time. Sadly there were three Southampton fans in our end who decided to give me a slap. As my niece walked past one of them said " let the bitch go past then do him". as far as I can remember we scored and I got past in the chaos. Luckily she heard nothing. Ten minutes later we are in the bar area and one walks past on his own to use the gents. Damn those slippery toilet floors.

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The worrying thing at the moment is that some welsh fans went purely to fight with english fans but have now joined forces against the Russian supporters.. Its got a bit out of hand.. Also french police are quick to charge or fire tear gas etc.. The Russian police will be worse... So the WC could be a dangerous place to be on two years time

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Anglaland was the original Saxon name.


Thats it the Norse invaders gave us their language which helped form ours today, the Norse also looked at Scotland And wales but decided against Scotland becouse of the women finding the men more attractive so only the viking boy georges hung out up there and wales was well wales and what with all the sheep and singing they just populated the then dane law in the north and east. You nknow the best bits. :devil::lookaround:

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The worrying thing at the moment is that some welsh fans went purely to fight with english fans but have now joined forces against the Russian supporters.. Its got a bit out of hand.. Also french police are quick to charge or fire tear gas etc.. The Russian police will be worse... So the WC could be a dangerous place to be on two years time

I absolutely loved that!


It's all friendly fun between England and Wales, lots of banter and laughs, but when it counts the boys were piling in and helping each other out!! "**** off Russia, we're England & Wales!!👊🏻👍🏻"

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