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As for your quote you have quoted me out of context, I already explained my position and reasoning on the other thread and am not going back over it. You've obviously read the rest of that thread so what exactly are you implying?

Whatever. I've linked to your post so if anyone's in any doubt they can read for themselves.
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Wow, what an about-turn! Now you've retreated to "they're all as bad as each other".


Interesting to see you say you'd be okay with UKIP-esque undermining of this result. Markedly different from the "Suck it up" you posted before.


I don`t recall you ever asking my opinion on politicians as a whole. Anyway it`s not an about-turn or a retreat. I was merely pointing out that for every nasty thing you want to say about Nigel or UKIP I can find a comparative statement about Cameron or Remain.


It`s no different at all. I`m still telling you to suck it up until the process has finished and then feel free to try and democratically change it. Not my fault you lack understanding.

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Where have I said anything bad about your Nigel?


You permit remainers to do what they can to change the outcome but only once the process is complete. Why is that, and when is that?


Meanwhile, in the EDL:


"Second EU Referendum Petition Started By Leave Voter William Oliver Healey - The petition for a second EU referendum with 3 million signatures was started by a leave voter last month worried the remain camp would win."



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Whatever. I've linked to your post so if anyone's in any doubt they can read for themselves.

You still haven't answered my question, what are you implying? Even in the small bit of my post you quoted you can see I said "I've got nothing against immigration". So I ask again what are you implying?
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Wow. In response to an article about an increase in hate crime?


No, in response to a whinging child who just cannot accept the result of the referendum and move on.


Anyway, I don't have time to waste on you tonight. In case you hadn't noticed England were beaten by Iceland earlier, and I need to start a petition to get the game replayed so we can win.


Now, wipe away those tears, it's way past your bedtime.


Nighty night precious xx

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You still haven't answered my question, what are you implying? Even in the small bit of my post you quoted you can see I said "I've got nothing against immigration". So I ask again what are you implying?

Someone posts comments including "white English... You know the ones whose country this is" and rather than saying anything else, you say "you beet me to it". If you can't understand my disquiet then there's no more that can be said.
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You permit remainers to do what they can to change the outcome but only once the process is complete. Why is that, and when is that?




Because that`s the democratic thing to do.


Presumably once Dave`s gone. Your man I believe? Idol perhaps? You know, the one who said he`d stay on whatever the result . . .

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No, in response to a whinging child who just cannot accept the result of the referendum and move on.


Anyway, I don't have time to waste on you tonight. In case you hadn't noticed England were beaten by Iceland earlier, and I need to start a petition to get the game replayed so we can win.


Now, wipe away those tears, it's way past your bedtime.


Nighty night precious xx

Nighty night.
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Someone posts comments including "white English... You know the ones whose country this is" and rather than saying anything else, you say "you beet me to it". If you can't understand my disquiet then there's no more that can be said.

And just so people reading this post don't misconstrue the conversation on another thread, this was my response to your accusations "Well you've totally jumped to conclusions again without getting facts, what I mean by that is walk into your local hospital its at breaking point due to number of people, there's not enough places in schools for children etc I don't need stats to see that I can see it with my own eyes. without sounding corny I have many friends from many backgrounds hence why my friends would laugh at you and if you look back you will see in an earlier post I've stated I am for immigration, just that it should benefit the country and its people and of course protect those in need" of course you already knew that but I'm not being misquoted and implied to be a racist by anyone, that's a disscusting ploy and detracts from genuine cases, I've never been so offended by something some internet troll has said in my life.
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Someone posts comments including "white English... You know the ones whose country this is" and rather than saying anything else, you say "you beet me to it". If you can't understand my disquiet then there's no more that can be said.

I fully explained myself on an earlier post and you know it(read above post), you've then dragged it up again and tried to do the same thing, I'll ask you a fourth time what are you implying?
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And just so people reading this post don't misconstrue the conversation on another thread, this was my response to your accusations "Well you've totally jumped to conclusions again without getting facts, what I mean by that is walk into your local hospital its at breaking point due to number of people, there's not enough places in schools for children etc I don't need stats to see that I can see it with my own eyes. without sounding corny I have many friends from many backgrounds hence why my friends would laugh at you and if you look back you will see in an earlier post I've stated I am for immigration, just that it should benefit the country and its people and of course protect those in need" of course you already knew that but I'm not being misquoted and implied to be a racist by anyone, that's a disscusting ploy and detracts from genuine cases, I've never been so offended by something some internet troll has said in my life.

What on Earth? I quoted your post verbatim and linked to it. In essence I have done nothing more than directly quote you. And that prompts you to " never have been so offended in my life" (and you slip a personal insult in there too, just for further irony.


It's still not too late for you to comment on the text you quoted of rodp's which he "beet" you to.


If you're offended by having your own words quoted back to you, how do think non-white English people feel about being told England's not their country?

Edited by Granett
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The EU was never perfect in fact I dislike it , but it is a club you have to be in if you want a decent standard of living..............


The majority voted OUT so man up and take it on the chin.Why don't you just say the EU was an utter shambles. You must have joined a few clubs ?


Utter **** the last part of your sentence, shameful actually.

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What on Earth? I quoted your post verbatim and linked to it. In essence I have done nothing more than directly quote you. And that prompts you to " never have been so offended in my life" (and you slip a personal insult in there too, just for further irony.


It's still not too late for you to comment on the text you quoted of rodp's which he "beet" you to.


If you're offended by having your own words quoted back to you, how do think non-white English people feel about being told England's not their country?

I'm offended by you implying that I'm racist, if that's what your trying to do, you've dragged it up from another topic which has already been explained what I meant by it hence my trolling comment what else is it? Please clear up what your implying?
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What on Earth? I quoted your post verbatim and linked to it. In essence I have done nothing more than directly quote you. And that prompts you to " never have been so offended in my life" (and you slip a personal insult in there too, just for further irony.


It's still not too late for you to comment on the text you quoted of rodp's which he "beet" you to.


If you're offended by having your own words quoted back to you, how do think non-white English people feel about being told England's not their country?

Another point, when have I ever said anything about non-white English people, I'm Welsh. I don't even know why I'm responding to your post, the words you are quoting weren't mine, I don't believe the person who originally made them had any racist intent but you won't know as you keep asking me to justify his words and you won't answer my question, what are you implying?
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This thread has strayed a long way from the original question - which was to do with the demographic split of the vote, and has become an argument among a small number of members. It will therefore close, and the members involved are invited to take the discussion to personal messages should they want to continue,

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