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There are about 250 acres of rape on my ground, split into 4 areas that they have just started combining, I can't shoot this weekend, but will be over there on a work party on Saturday, so can scout about.


The dilemma I have, is, to take any time off work next week I need to book it today, so do I take Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday, Friday?


We have our birds turning up next weekend, either Saturday or Sunday, weather dependant, so I'll be up there on at least one day next weekend. The rape is not near either of the pens.


I have to take a gamble whether there are any pigeons about, although there have been quite a lot in the area for a while.

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No, can't do that Ditchy, did that a few weeks ago to go at 'em on the peas and then got a nasty infection somewhere unmentionable two weeks later that required a week off work.


Looking at Thursday and Friday now as 250 acres will take them a while to get through and it will give me 4 days straight.


save your holiday and call in sick like what all them others do.......... :lol:

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Tricky one. I always like to see them on the field before I start taking days off. I appreciate you need to notify your man of your intentions.

If the birds have already been dripping onto the crop they will probably be straight onto it once it's combined. Again, I like to let them build up before shooting. Might be worth checking the forecast too?

Good luck though!

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Unfortunately, I don't have the opportunity to go at the drop of a hat. Long range weather looks goods.


There has been a lot of pigeons in the area on the peas (next to one block of rape), until a couple of weeks ago, when they moved off, onto, I assume barley. The fields in question all have decent history for producing pigeons under various crops.


I hoping that if they finish the combining by Monday, it'll give them a few days to find it, whichever field the choose.



Tricky one. I always like to see them on the field before I start taking days off. I appreciate you need to notify your man of your intentions.

If the birds have already been dripping onto the crop they will probably be straight onto it once it's combined. Again, I like to let them build up before shooting. Might be worth checking the forecast too?

Good luck though!

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No, can't do that Ditchy, did that a few weeks ago to go at 'em on the peas and then got a nasty infection somewhere unmentionable two weeks later that required a week off work.


Looking at Thursday and Friday now as 250 acres will take them a while to get through and it will give me 4 days straight.




get a doctors note....involving the words "shooting pains"..

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if it's like around here the fields will be discked about half an hour after the start of the field. you just got to take a day and hope. get on a line or two and set up your stall. I've had a day or two where I have decoyed them in onto nothing but dirt. but it was where three lines were on a sort of pigeon crossroads. Good luck in what you do. Get the birds in the pens early and then get out as soon as you can.

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Tomorrow afternoons appointment has been cancelled, so I'll take the kit with me and see what is about after we've done some last minute work in the pens.


if it's like around here the fields will be discked about half an hour after the start of the field. you just got to take a day and hope. get on a line or two and set up your stall. I've had a day or two where I have decoyed them in onto nothing but dirt. but it was where three lines were on a sort of pigeon crossroads. Good luck in what you do. Get the birds in the pens early and then get out as soon as you can.

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Some of you experts at shooting rape stubbles might find things different where and when you shoot the stubbles than what I find .


First of all I find, if its been diced over it don't really make that much different , in fact with all the stalks gone the decoys tend to stand out a bit more , although if the stalks are still there I always put the shell decoys on top of the highest stalks that are left,


Another thing I find with rape seed is that once it start to germinate or break into leaf the pigeons start to leave it alone , and move on to wheat stubbles , where you are things might be different , or are they ?

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Just driven out to a field today that was being hit as standing Barley. It was cut yesterday and I thought it should make some good shooting. Plenty of crop on the ground and not a pigeon in sight. Will leave it a few days and see if they come back, but try it for fox tonight.

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Well, my dilemma has been solved. Everything that has been combined had had the disc harrows through it and the remaining to fields to be done will be combined and disked by Wednesday. No need to take Thursday and Friday off now :unhappy: .


I hope they aren't as quick with the harrows once the peas are combined.

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