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A Different Weekend

pigeon controller

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I was about to set out on Friday morning when I received a phone call from one of my farmers. He had seeded two fields of wheat and the crows were going mad he said. Now this particular farmer is very loyal to us with regard to the shooting on his land and when he phones it means he has a problem, so change of plan. When I go crow shooting I only take my crow shooting equipment as if you try and do both in my opinion you do both badly. So pigeon decoys back in the freezer and look for some crow decoys, I cleared out my freezers prior to my holiday so no decoys only my " Boot Polished " plastic crow.

When I drove up the lane and turned into the first two fields I was greeted to the sight of approx one hundred crows on the first field and eighty pigeons on the second. The farmer was working the next two fields so that would keep the birds on the move. When I received the phone call he did not mention the pigeon !!! I chose my position and set up with my plastic crow and started calling, I soon had a reply and called a crow within range who went straight out as a decoy, I then heard a magpie and called him to me and he went out with the crow , the next two birds in were magpies which I placed round the crow , I had a few more crows come and then a high pigeon which folded and dropped which I placed in a spike to the left of my crow pattern.

I had set up at 11.00 and shot till 17.00 , DB had finished work and said he would take to dog for a walk as he did not want to shoot crows. I'd been soaked with two heavy showers of rain and picked up fortyfive corvids,three magpies and twentyfour pigeon. Text a picture to the farmer , brilliant when can you come again, do I owe you any cartridges?????


Saturdays weather was the pits, the wife text me from the stables to say it was soaking rain are you still going out?? the normal answer is " Does the sun rise in the morning" which I sent , the answer was the girls all say your mad.

So this Mad Pigeon Shooter set out to find some birds to shoot, I found a few on rape, clover and seed but not any numbers. I was passing the narrow entrance to a thirty acre field and noticed a few birds under the Oaks so stopped to investigate. As I walked down the field I could see lots of birds all over the field which has a lot of clover in it plus it had tang marks in the surface. So drove down to the farm and the farmer informed me that it had been direct drilled on Friday. I asked if the rain was going to give up and he said 18.00 , so I set off for the field.

I chose a postion under an Oak tree which would allow me to build a brolly hide. I'd only brought six decoys as I did not want to loose decent birds to the wet conditions, so four on spikes and two on the magnet which I place up wind to my right, the four decoys were directly infront of the hide. The weather was just soaking rain the first birds to come near were shot and added to the pattern but with the weather not much was flying. I'd set up for 11.00 and at 15.00 the sun came out and so did the birds at 16.30 the rain started and went on till 17.30 when I decided to pack up. It was interesting that as the day when on the birds started to committ to feed even in heavy rain. I picked up fourtyfive pigeons and two crows. Thats more than I would have shot sitting at home moaning about the weather.









Edited by pigeon controller
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