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Farage on the way back????


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Saw him on TV about Brexit - thick as two short planks. He said not a single voter voted for Brexit, without knowing what the terms were.


Amongst my friends who voted for Brexit, not one considered the terms - they just wanted out.


He claims to speak on my behalf, but hasn't consulted me. The man is an idiot.

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I just think its appalling, political parties are scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to find a candidate who may possibly have a pulse. These are people I would struggle to envisage running a Parish Council!


Is this really the best we can do? Fit to govern? No way!


I am not joking when I say this, PW could field a better team than Labour, Lib Dems, UKIP or the Greens combined. For too long politics has been the career choice of people who are basically inept.


Can't hack it in the real world but politics is a soft option. Lots of boring committees but you get expenses and serve your time and a safe seat will come along and you are set up for life. Kiss *** make the right noises and one day who knows? the Lords?


Not a bad career choice for a plonker

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I just think its appalling, political parties are scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to find a candidate who may possibly have a pulse. These are people I would struggle to envisage running a Parish Council!


Is this really the best we can do? Fit to govern? No way!


I am not joking when I say this, PW could field a better team than Labour, Lib Dems, UKIP or the Greens combined. For too long politics has been the career choice of people who are basically inept.


Can't hack it in the real world but politics is a soft option. Lots of boring committees but you get expenses and serve your time and a safe seat will come along and you are set up for life. Kiss *** make the right noises and one day who knows? the Lords?


Not a bad career choice for a plonker

Any idea how I apply???
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Seems the Bookies wont pay out because he's never left office formally as the Leadership papers were never signed.


Been offered a 1/2 settlement so that's not too bad.


Took the money and stuck £20 of it on Farage again at 33/1 with PP


His ego will get the better of him !!!


Sam Allardyce is 500/1.

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Oh well, perhaps they should call it a day, they managed to get the referendum held and got the whole ball rolling.

Perhaps 500/1 against Sam Allardyce is pretty good after all :lol:


Interesting the use of the word altercation...suggesting something a little more serious than a difference of opinions..

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The telegraph has unconfirmed sources saying Steven Woolfe collapsed following an altercation and that he was punched by a colleague - his condition remains 'serious'.

I disagree with nearly everything UKIP stands for, but Woolfe seems like he does know what he's doing for the party. Hopefully he's okay. dreadful thing to happen

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The telegraph has unconfirmed sources saying Steven Woolfe collapsed following an altercation and that he was punched by a colleague - his condition remains 'serious'.

I disagree with nearly everything UKIP stands for, but Woolfe seems like he does know what he's doing for the party. Hopefully he's okay. dreadful thing to happen

Punched by a colleague...


Surely not even UKIP EMP's would stoop so low. :no:

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Woolfe seems to have recover - thank goodness. That said, it is reported that he was the aggressor - taking off his jacket and inviting Mike Hookem outside. It didn't go so well for him, once outside.


All a bit silly - reminds me of John Prescott and Eric Joyce.

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Woolfe seems to have recover - thank goodness. That said, it is reported that he was the aggressor - taking off his jacket and inviting Mike Hookem outside. It didn't go so well for him, once outside.


All a bit silly - reminds me of John Prescott and Eric Joyce.

Would you really fight someone called "Hook 'em"??
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Unbelievable though really... set-aside the fact that they were two adult professional public servants....two UKIP MEP's slugging it out like a couple of football hooligans ?


The British reputation is already at a low and these two idiots tarnish it even more.


Whichever party their allegiance is to they should be chucked out and certainly shouldn't be paid with Tax payers money.


Now we are never going to win the Eurovision Song Contest. :no:

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The clue was in his name. A bit silly - politicians inviting people outside. Do they never think of the bigger picture?


Fall out with Russia - invite Putin outside? :hmm::hmm::hmm:


They need to get real.

Imagine how much more peaceful the world would be if it were thus. Trump offends Putin, they step ouside and the Russian whoops his fat hide. Job done, move on.

images of Maggie v Galtieri. ( Maggie in round 1 )

Bush v Saddam ( dirty fight - no result )

Blair v anyone ( Blair's corner throw in the towel at the sound of the first bell )

Chamberlain v Hitler ( ko to the nazi first punch )

Hitler v Churchill ( total KO Churchill round 2 )

Stalin v Hitler ( Stalin win as Hitler pulls out of weigh in )

Tojo v Roosevelt ( Roosevelt on points )

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