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limited edition poppy - made from shells collected from the somme


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Thought a few of you might like to take a look at these. Not cheap at 40 notes, however I think they're fairly special and as such have ordered two to put up for my boys.


Nice video on the british legion website which shows you the war shells being collected on the somme, then melted down and hand crafted to form the poppy pin. Also a nice touch that a little piece of the somme dirt is included in the red centre of the poppy.





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Just ordered one. My grandfather was there!. Got decorated for his actions at hellfire corner! He then got gassed but made it back home. Have his medals and ribbons still boxed. He never wore them! Have his military trunk to. Including his horse brushes dress tunic,bayonet, a mean looking knuckle duster,letters and some sourcy french post cards and poems.



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We got the wife's dad one a while back,his grandfather was killed on the somme in 1916.There was a thread about these on the stalking directory and few on there thought they were distasteful.


Anything that comemorates the action of the fallen is worthwhile, we will remember them.

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