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Help with a business idea

Doc Holliday

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I've had this idea for a while and is for a device in my line of work that I'm sure would be a good seller. The only issue I have is I don't know how to get the ball rolling, having had ideas pinched/copied/stolen previously I find it hard to entrust things to individuals or even businesses.


Basically, I need an electronics company to make me something which, I would imagine in their terms, would be quite simple.


I also need another company that would need to supply me with something in addition to this but this would be a lot less involved but something I would still need as a separate item to the electronic part.


I did speak to an intellectual property lawyer some years back about getting it patented but she said it couldn't be done as these were items that were in use in other areas and a patent wouldn't protect it.


It turns out that patents tend to get by-passed anyway as they're only effective to the country they're registered in and that someone could easily go to another country and get them to manufacture it.


Ok, I could look at a worldwide patent but then it starts getting really stupidly expensive.


Any help and/or suggestions most welcome.

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That's wrong information. As far as I recall you can use known components for a unique new purpose and get the IP rights. Else you couldn't invent anything electronic because you didn't invent the resistor.


You can go some way to protect your invention by getting designers/manufacturers to sign confidentiality agreements and using more than one company so no-one gets the whole idea of your invention.


It's surprising what you can get patents for but at the end of the day, if a big company rips off your idea, do you have the resources to fight them?


Depending on the invention, one way is to get it out there first in volume with lots of advertising. Buyers will always lean toward the first one on the market. A bit like - I don't want any old workmate - I want a Black and Decker workmate or - I don't want any old sauce - I want Reggae Reggae Sauce.

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Whatever you patent will be hijacked in China and sold on ebay if there is any money in it and you will be stuffed. I know of a decent little electronics Company who are 100% trustworthy and will not stuff you but if you are that concerned a simple Nda will suffice.

You can patent anything if you have the money. I know of a Company who patented an electrolysis machine which is a process as old as the hills and the machine was a direct copy of one I made and sold them and Gw pharmaceutical have managed to patent cannabis . If you can patent a plant that is millions of years old then the world of patents is indeed your proverbial lobster rodders.

If your idea is a good one the best suggestion is get an investor on board who has deep pockets and knows about marketing protection of your idea, they will probably want a large portion of your idea but 49% of something is better than 100% of nothing. Big business has become a game of deep pockets and the one with the deepest pockets usually wins the prize

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Whatever you patent will be hijacked in China and sold on ebay if there is any money in it and you will be stuffed. I know of a decent little electronics Company who are 100% trustworthy and will not stuff you but if you are that concerned a simple Nda will suffice.

You can patent anything if you have the money. I know of a Company who patented an electrolysis machine which is a process as old as the hills and the machine was a direct copy of one I made and sold them and Gw pharmaceutical have managed to patent cannabis . If you can patent a plant that is millions of years old then the world of patents is indeed your proverbial lobster rodders.

If your idea is a good one the best suggestion is get an investor on board who has deep pockets and knows about marketing protection of your idea, they will probably want a large portion of your idea but 49% of something is better than 100% of nothing. Big business has become a game of deep pockets and the one with the deepest pockets usually wins the prize



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Many employment contracts have a clause that states that anything you might "discover" or "invent" during the course of your work becomes the property of the company.

Depends what you do and how related this is to your job.

a very valid point indeed, stuff developed or ideas may well be deemed the ip of the company you are working for if it is slightly related
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