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It's the turmoil and movement and change that will allow money to be made. No doubt mining has the potential for growth, defence as well though I'm looking to the UK. The US indices have risen strongly so I guess much of it is already priced in over there. I've been taking advantage of the weak £ converting international funds for UK ones. Many UK domestically focused companies have not faired that well recently and smaller companies have not had a run in a while though some funds are now moving quickly. Money will flow in at some point. I doubt I'll get it right but think I'll get it right enough.

I am a fan of funds also. So much choice nowadays and enables you to spread the risk across so many different areas - sector, market, currency, country, continent etc.


For example why buy a physical commodity such as gold and have to worry about storing it. Just buy a gold based fund.

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It sort of depends on what you think is a not unsubstantial amount of cash for me that would be about £20.000 but for you it could be £500.000 for my £20.000 I would put it in to a Santandair 123 account it was 3% on up to £21.000 or you could give it to a stock broker to gamble with and hope that you come out on top but one thing for shore he will,

Or you could open your own investment isa, you don't need to-be a stock market guru just a small amount of research can yield some good investments, most of mine are with Fidelity, I took a punt on their 'China Special Situations' the fund was offered at £1 per share at start-up in 2010

So I took £5000 worth of shares, they are now worth £8850, although its been a bumpy ride the return of £3850 over 6 years is not bad.....http://www.hl.co.uk/shares/shares-search-results/f/fidelity-china-special-situations-ord-0.01

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a vaping shop

This, and get contacts in Amsterdam for when weed is legalised - it's making big money in the states so it's inevitable it will be legitimised over here and I'm sure plenty of our lord's and masters will be amongst the first to dip their breaks

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This, and get contacts in Amsterdam for when weed is legalised - it's making big money in the states so it's inevitable it will be legitimised over here and I'm sure plenty of our lord's and masters will be amongst the first to dip their breaks

Yea that's good advice, contact drug dealers.


Got any numbers?

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Yea that's good advice, contact drug dealers.

Got any numbers?

Nope but as far as investments are concerned as soon as the stuff is legalised it will make profit, and probably for the same people who built their fortunes on tobacco and currently sit in various positions where they couldn't possibly get advanced notice

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I am a fan of funds also. So much choice nowadays and enables you to spread the risk across so many different areas - sector, market, currency, country, continent etc.


For example why buy a physical commodity such as gold and have to worry about storing it. Just buy a gold based fund.

Because most Gold based funds are just shares in an electronic format and when you want to see your gold (if the stock market crashes or economy takes a slide) then you won't have it. Your investment will be dead. If you physically own it then it's guaranteed. People hold gold and silver for long term investments or economic uncertainty. I believe the markets and especially the property market will crash in the next few years and gold and silver will outperform every other commodity.

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Because most Gold based funds are just shares in an electronic format and when you want to see your gold (if the stock market crashes or economy takes a slide) then you won't have it. Your investment will be dead. If you physically own it then it's guaranteed. People hold gold and silver for long term investments or economic uncertainty. I believe the markets and especially the property market will crash in the next few years and gold and silver will outperform every other commodity.

With the massive lack of homes being built and more and more people wanting to buy how could the property market crash? Struggling to see it.


Interested to hear your perspective though

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Because most Gold based funds are just shares in an electronic format and when you want to see your gold (if the stock market crashes or economy takes a slide) then you won't have it. Your investment will be dead. If you physically own it then it's guaranteed. People hold gold and silver for long term investments or economic uncertainty. I believe the markets and especially the property market will crash in the next few years and gold and silver will outperform every other commodity.

If gold prices fall in electronic format, the gold you have in your safe will also fall by the same amount.

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With the massive lack of homes being built and more and more people wanting to buy how could the property market crash? Struggling to see it.


Interested to hear your perspective though

Wanting to buy and being able to buy is a different matter.



Interest rates rise/economy tanks

Buyers can't afford mortgages so liquidity dries up

Sellers slash prices in order to sell

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Because most Gold based funds are just shares in an electronic format and when you want to see your gold (if the stock market crashes or economy takes a slide) then you won't have it. Your investment will be dead. If you physically own it then it's guaranteed. People hold gold and silver for long term investments or economic uncertainty. I believe the markets and especially the property market will crash in the next few years and gold and silver will outperform every other commodity.

As others have said there is no difference in a gold fund and the price of physical gold. If the price of gold falls the price of the fund falls and if it rises the fund rises.


There is no scenario I can think of where that wouldn't be the case. As for wanting to convert your gold fund into physical gold, you can't and why would you want to?

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As others have said there is no difference in a gold fund and the price of physical gold. If the price of gold falls the price of the fund falls and if it rises the fund rises.


There is no scenario I can think of where that wouldn't be the case. As for wanting to convert your gold fund into physical gold, you can't and why would you want to?

I guess the poster is talking about having a physical asset to trade in the event that it wasn't possible to cash out a fund.


I'd call it an insurance policy as opposed to investment. Unless you can get gold at scrap prices.

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Wanting to buy and being able to buy is a different matter.



Interest rates rise/economy tanks

Buyers can't afford mortgages so liquidity dries up

Sellers slash prices in order to sell

A possibility but I believe the government knows if interest rates rise too much it'll be a big crash for the country hence they're keeping it low.


Houses around here (Bristol) priced moderately are selling in days. It appears there are plenty of people who can afford to buy ATM and considering rates are so low I believe it would take quite a jump to cause a crash.

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A possibility but I believe the government knows if interest rates rise too much it'll be a big crash for the country hence they're keeping it low.


Houses around here (Bristol) priced moderately are selling in days. It appears there are plenty of people who can afford to buy ATM and considering rates are so low I believe it would take quite a jump to cause a crash.

Yes I agree that the government knows that but markets really drive rates and the government would need to intervene if the was a significant attack on the pound as per ERM. The problem with rates so low is any upward change represents a significant percentage increase. Say you are paying 1.5% interest on your mortgage and this rose to 3%. This is still low in historic terms but your interest repayments have just gone up 100% overnight.

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With the massive lack of homes being built and more and more people wanting to buy how could the property market crash? Struggling to see it.


Interested to hear your perspective though

So this happened back in 2004-2007 before the last financial crash. What governs the housing market is supply and demand and the ability to borrow money and for banks to lend money, if banks are lending and at low rates then the public can borrow at low rates. We have seen over the past 30 years a massive inflation on house prices, and that is solely down to interest rates being reduced every few years to stimulate the economy and Quantative Easing (printed money funneled into the economy to encourage growth and spending. The rates are now at an all time low of 0.25% Base rate meaning depending on you LTV of your property or deposit size, you can get ridiculously cheap mortgages for next to nothing! So people will buy big! And borrow as much as they can to secure the best home they can! Why??? Because homes have always gone up in value!! Well not anymore, if interest rates are now at an all time low! They cannot go any lower! And therefore the banks are unable to borrow from the bank of England or Fed Reserve and no overseas investors want to invest in government bonds or mortgage bonds. This means that borrowing is at its all time highest and all time cheapest and will not get any cheaper. So how can the housing market go up??


So the interest rates will rise soon, and they have to! This is because as inflation increases, Investors and overseas investors will want their returns to increase with inflation and the interest rates will rise. So what does 1% or 3% or even 10% mean for an average mortgage??? A bloody huge amount is the answer! And for someone who only has 10 years left with plenty of spare cash a month, it's no problem. However the family and individuals that have 2-4 yr fixed 2-4% rate mortgages that will have to be renewed at say a few percent higher, then we have problems. Not only do most of those first time buyers have poor rates due to the low LTV value and Help To Buy scheme from the government, they also hold several other credit accounts (HPI car, HPI oak furniture land, 2 credit cards at 0%) well let's face it 0.25% is free money! Not when the rates go up! It becomes expensive. So then people start missing payments on their mortgages then the banks start repossession orders, and the people at the top..... (Financial investors, Mortgage investors and investment bankers no longer want their massive CDO funds or investments) and they sell. And panic starts to happen and the market WILL crash.


This has happened before in history 1970s and more recently 2008, we learnt nothing only to reboot the economy by reducing interest rates by nearly 5% and injecting several billions into the economy, Bank bailouts and money printing, this leads to hyperinflation and a currency that devalues! What's the last step to try and improve the economy?? Make the currency fall, and this will encourage overseas investment (China) in the currency and and increase spending. (Already happening).


If the banks don't lend and the interest rates are to high then there is no housing market fact. How many people actually understand what they will pay on their mortgage or credit cards these days?? Or how many people just head on moneysupermarket and look for the "How much can I borrow" box! These will be most of the sub prime mortgage category along with the absolutely catastrophic help to buy scheme that will be the first to suffer.


Now unfortunately this has been happening across the world and property has become a safe haven for all investors and across the world banks (Global) have all jumped on this band wagon and are starting to crack. ITALY under economic meltdown, GREECE past economic meltdown and many other failing EU states are on there way. Just search Countries % of GDP to debt ratios and check out how much debt these places are in! And it's getting worse. Ours is just 2 trillion and that's Government debt not Public or corporate debt and we are up to 88% of debt to GDP ratio. Our real debt is up at the 500% but that's another story.


How much actual cash is there in physical form?? Around 3%! There's figures banded around and people don't actually know but most of it is all just a guess. Ask people how much cash they have in their wallet? I bet many say nothing or the odd fiver. So when this happens and the news say that magical word "recession" where will they run??? The cash machine. And it wont be in there because all your pensions and mortgages are being traded in thin air on the markets, and when they crash there is no way out of this one. ( Northern Rock it HAPPENED) They will just simply blame a few significant things to shift the blame. I can't think of anything that's happened recently that oh wait..... Trump and Brexit. They'll do.


I could go on but can you or anyone else honestly say they saw the crashes coming in history?? Nope and do they know how close we actually got in 2008 to an economic meltdown? Nope. It's the worst we have ever been and the debt is rising at £5700 a second. And who's best off? The bankers. They always win. You work to pay a life long list of debt for a house and living and they have money work for them!

Edited by Whatmuff
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As others have said there is no difference in a gold fund and the price of physical gold. If the price of gold falls the price of the fund falls and if it rises the fund rises.


There is no scenario I can think of where that wouldn't be the case. As for wanting to convert your gold fund into physical gold, you can't and why would you want to?

True but the papermarkets unfortunately do control the physical markets, and guess who controls them? JPMORGAN and the large banks! So they manipulate the real markets by making huge purchases and drive prices down and then stockpile when the price is low then sell paper shares when the price rises. (HSBC, JPMORGAN,DEUTSCH BANK, have been to court in recent months for this exact practice and fined/got away with)


When markets fail and then all those people who think they have investments in gold in say a vault in Mexico, do you really think that they will see their 10oz of gold??? Nope because it's just paper market gold! Like pretty much every other stock. So buying physical gold is an insurance policy to prevent this from happening!


And ask me why JPMORGAN and China and Britain and Russia and many other countries are now buying up the gold and silver? Well if the **** hits the fan then precious metals will sky rocket over night! As investors turn to these in time of economic collapse.


Always physical over paper markets. And it's a long term investment not a quick two week money maker.

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True but the papermarkets unfortunately do control the physical markets, and guess who controls them? JPMORGAN and they large banks! So they manipulate the real markets by making huge purchases and driving prices down and then stockpile whenot the price is low then sell paper shares when the price rises.


When markets fail and then all the people think they have investments in gold in say a vault in Mexico, do you really think that they will see their 10oz of gold??? Nope because it's just paper market gold! Like pretty much every other stock. So buying physical gold is an insurance policy to prevent this from happening!


And ask me why JPMORGAN and China and Britain and Russia and many other countries are now buying up the gold and silver? Well if the **** hits the fan then precious metals will sky rocket over night! As investors turn to these in time of economic collapse.


Always physical over paper markets. And it's a long term investment not a quick two week money maker.

Any investment is long term otherwise you are just speculating. We'll have to agree to diasagree on physicals vs ETF's but imo you sound like a prepper to me. If things are going to go as catastrophic as you predict your stockpile of gold won't do you any good.


When did you go long on Gold out of interest?

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Any investment is long term otherwise you are just speculating. We'll have to agree to diasagree on physicals vs ETF's but imo you sound like a prepper to me. If things are going to go as catastrophic as you predict your stockpile of gold won't do you any good.


When did you go long on Gold out of interest?

Hahaha not prepper, they are mental ha. Not really massive on gold to be fair as it's already fairly high in value but more silver for me as its so undervalued at the moment. The price is controlled by the banks and I'm anticipating the price per ounce to sky rocket. It's all an if or when but so is everything.

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