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Fellow Shooter Caught stealing mates Stealth camera


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well i thought i would post this as it appears there is a change in the law or how they deal with thief & stealing culprits.


my mate had his stealth cam stolen and a fellow shooter who we both know brought his laptop to me for repair and in the process of back up his pictures , docs etc i could not help but see that his picture folder was taking a long time to back up.

on closer inspection it turns out there 614 images from my mates stolen stealth cam and the last two images taken were of this fellow shooter taking the cam.


the camera owner was not happy but gave the thief 2 weeks to return the item or he will go to the police, which was due to take place this morning.

but yesterday owner gets a call to come and collect his camera from the police station.


now this is where it gets silly when owner said to officer what are you going to do about it her reply was what do you want? you have your camera back its not theft because he returned it, he could say he borrowed it without your knowledge and he did say at the time he did not know what he was doing he had a melt down ( readers bare in mind this guy was carrying a shotgun in the image taken by the camera)

my mate said so if i nick your car and bring it back in a months time it would be ok.. i just borrowed it.


so when my mate (the owner told me this) i contacted another shooting buddy who is a magistrate and he told us there have down graded certain types of theft e. g. like in my mates situation and from sheds and alike, not in the public interest.


owner of cam and myself could not believe it the law is a waste of time.


open ticket for thieves!

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Unfortunately the wording of the law relating to theft includes the term 'Intention to permanently deprive....." If someone claims that they only 'borrowed' something without the permission of the owner, but intended to return the item then there has been no intention to permanently deprive. Given that the Theft Act has been in place since 1968 you can imagine how many cases have been dropped through this loophole.

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Unfortunately the wording of the law relating to theft includes the term 'Intention to permanently deprive....." If someone claims that they only 'borrowed' something without the permission of the owner, but intended to return the item then there has been no intention to permanently deprive. Given that the Theft Act has been in place since 1968 you can imagine how many cases have been dropped through this loophole.

And precisely why TWOCing had to be added as a separate offense as the permanently deprive part was how joyriders used to get off.


(Although why this hasn't been extended beyond motor vehicles I will never know)

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It is amazing what dirty tricks mates will do. I caught some lads in a Land Rover that had been ringed. Coincidentally the 'donor' vehicle was registered to a shooting mate of mine. I had no idea that he even owned one. Turned out he had an old wreck for some years and had sold it on fleebay for about £200 to the lads I'd arrested. As Steve wasn't computer literate he'd asked a mate to put the Landy up on eBay for him. When i got the paperwork from eBay it turned out that Steve's mate had sold it for over £600 and had pocketed £400 himself.


Fortunately Steve was looking after his mate's FAC rifle in his gun safe and so the debt was reluctantly settled.

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Saw in the news yesterday a woman has been taken to court and now has a criminal record for finding a £20 note on the floor of a shop and keeping it!...........but I suppose prosecuting her must have been in the public interest eh?


I suppose she should have handed the cash in to the police and claimed it if it wasn't claimed in six months!!!.........Yea right!

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Saw in the news yesterday a woman has been taken to court and now has a criminal record for finding a £20 note on the floor of a shop and keeping it!...........but I suppose prosecuting her must have been in the public interest eh?


I suppose she should have handed the cash in to the police and claimed it if it wasn't claimed in six months!!!.........Yea right!

It's one month I believe. In my view she got what she deserved other wise as said a couple of times above how far do we go with this fiasco. Policing has gone down the drain since accelerated promotion. Top management full of ladder climbers looking for a Knighthood.

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On about this the other day in a shop regards shop lifters, it's a crime should be punished move the bar and a greater crime now becomes the lowest punishable and eventually you have no rules to govern by at all.

That is why I posted the example above, if anyone commits a criminal offence they should be made accountable to society......it is the courts job to decide guilt or innocence, it's the Police's job to enforce the law.........not decide who will be prosecuted and who will not.....it is the lawmakers job to tighten the law and revise "terminology" that opens "loopholes"

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Saw in the news yesterday a woman has been taken to court and now has a criminal record for finding a £20 note on the floor of a shop and keeping it!...........but I suppose prosecuting her must have been in the public interest eh?


I suppose she should have handed the cash in to the police and claimed it if it wasn't claimed in six months!!!.........Yea right!

No sympathy, she was asked in the shop if she had found it she said no. The shop owner checked his cctv saw her pick it up and so phoned the police who the asked her if she had picked it up to which she again said no. If only she had been honest at the start.


Also on the radio people were defending her but what surprised me was the amount of callers who said if they saw someone drop a purse they would pick it up and keep it.

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