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gangs of kids in parks


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took my lad for his karate lesson this evening,he is training to be an instructor.could'nt get a lift home so decided to walk it,cut through the park,half way through bumped into a gang of about 12 teens,boozing,not drunk,my lad had his tracksuit on with the karate club name on it....so one or two had to start taking the ****,normally i would ignore,walk on..but i recognised one of them who liked beating up younger kids,one of them has got himself a reputation has a hard man,yes it was him taking the ****,shouting the loudest,showing off in front of his mates..well kept on walking.abuse got more,he got braver the further we got,my lad said lets keep going ignore them....unfortunately...anyway the look on their faces when i about turned and made a bee line for this piece of **** it was priceless...the abuse stopped,suddenly they all seemed they wished they were somewhere else....gobby ****** wont be gobbing off till about xmas....as i got near him i must have tripped and caught him with my elbow ( in shotokan we call it Empi ) it is japanese for..tripping up and accidentally catching someone full in the face with your elbow :blush: .




it couldnt have been me cos i was in the pub at the time.....now an hour ago i decided to go to the off licence for a few cans,guess who is outside the shop,all the gang minus gobby...so i thought here we go..round two...no **** taking this time...




i wouldnt recommend what i did ( when in the pub with my mates ) for obvious reasons.


sometimes you have to do what you think is right...so this prompts the question......what would you do to get these parasites off the streets/parks etc...




.....i reckon all teens must do compulsary armed service mimimum 12 months..not in combat/theatre but in basic training / logistic roll.




could go for hours about this...most of these kids are ok,maybe they just cant see a future....who knows

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had something like this happen when I was out with my family in MC Donalds.


Load of gobby lads come in and start mouthing off, swearing etc etc.............They then start giving the girl behind the counter loads of it........


I end up having enough.........put down the big mac and go and front up to the "ring leader" against the wishes of my wife and her parents..........


I "advise" him that my family are enjoying a quiet evening out and the disruption that they are making is somewhat unwelcome.................



He starts to become all brave.....................and it gets to the point where I am just about to wrap my hand around his throat and take him down when I get pushed to one side by a nice plain clothed officer waving his warrant card.




Ahh well................he lives to see another day.

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Fair play but remember if you get caught being that your a shotkan student you will get made mince meat of by the police! I went through school being basically being told if I ever was involved in a fight that I would be in the biggest trouble as I did both Shotokan and Kickboxing!


Although on a sidenote I hope one of two things:

a) you don't get caught

:blush: they don't wait to find you or your son alone and outnumbered, as no matter how good you are at shotokan 15 chavs will win!

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When my brother moved to London he took up Taiquando and Kickboxing just incase he needed some self defence. Xmas before last he was xmas shopping and walked down an alley when two black guys jumped out with a knife demanding his trainers. When they ran off, one with a broken arm and the other with a broken rib or two, he kept shopping................ :blush:

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Right approach mikky take the ring leader out. Had a similar problem a few years back when i used to train regularly (before marriage screwed that up :blush:).


Got a phone call from my brother who was surrounded by about 20 such hard men. Anyway i drove down there did a hand brake turn in front of them jumped out, chinned the one at the front of it all, threw my bro into the car and drove off before they had chance to count and realeise the odds were in their favour (thank god they were all thick!!!!) :blush: :blush: The old sphincter was goin i tell ya :blush:


Mind you these days you never know if they are tooled up so would think twice about doing it now :blush:

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Our local park had a prblem with drunk and abusive yobs, until a cctv camera on a stalk was installed. Also its a alcohol free zone and i have seen the cops moving people on.


I`ve had one or two confontations with the local yobbery, and find 100% aggression aproach works, although i`ve not had hands on.


On occaision yobs have come the other way blocking the pavement. I dont get in the road for anyone, so play chicken. They either get out of the way or get a shoulder check.


Had my car gobbed on by oiks. Turned around in a screech of burnt tread and had them clean the windscreen with the sleives of their coats.


Went to the pictures with the wife and kids to find yobs kicking our chairs. This enflames me at the best of times, but done deliberately i rear right up. After a chat they sat still without a noise.


I really despise lowlife scum making peoples life a misery, but if people were less submissive i`m sure it would improve.

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You have to defend yourself and your family at all costs. What takes the brains is deciding whether to walk away or go in. Walking away may mean they think they have won and you have lost face but getting banged up just isn't worth it.

Every dog has it's day and one day there won't be anyone around to catch you.

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i deal with these kids, and their useless parents on a daily basis at work. unfortunately there isnt a solution to annihiliate this scum of the earth. i'm a realist. in this mad world whereby the human rights act has become oppressive and disabling rather than it's original aim of enabling and empowering, means the only answers are the sort which will end up getting YOU into trouble, rather than the chav at hand.


there are certain areas of the city where i know when to keep said gob shut if i'm harrassed by idiots like this. i dont want a knife to my throat or a gun to my head. it's a world gone mad.

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Good to see we have a site full of 'ard men but just remember your gun licences are at risk if you get caught/done for GBH and old bill as well as the anti's would just love one less shooter on the list. Is it worth it for a bunch of space wasters? :angry:

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God things have changed!!!I used to sit out in the park with all my mates drinking,probally near on 30 of us,where we went was always popular with the youngsters because it was right next to the canal and the park(when i was a kid)was brilliant,but the parents never had a problem bringing there kids in,half the time they would end up talking to us all, remenising(sp) on there childhoods!If they did seem a bit worried we'd move down the field a bit till they went.No chance of that happening now though!!!!! :angry:


dave :lol:

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I'm not going to say that I am the toughest and scariest of lads but I have been cage fighting for 2 years now, so I can hold my own. I was walking through town with my girlfreind on my phone a few weeks ago when we where approached by 3 lads demanding my phone no weapons on show just the usual I'ne got a knife in my pocket they done the worst thing possible punched my girlfreind in the face as a warning to me so I ended up slaughtering 2 of them and then chasing the other one round town for half an hour with my girlfreind running behind me telling me to leave it


ps I dont condone violence of any sort

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