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Spring Watch at the Farm 2007


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Just back from a few days at the familly farm in Devon and I thought I would share some of the pictures I managed to take whilst there. The activity on the farm at the moment is quite staggering and we have a number of important successes at the moment. (Fingers crossed we will be relocating back to Devon within 12 months!)


This is the view from my window every evening, looking East:




The swallows have arrived and are busy sitting tight, this one is nesting in a passage up to the utility room of the farmhouse, they have used the same nest for over 10 years and over winter a wren normal squats:




We also get lots of house martins:




This is one of the ponds on the farm, we dug this out about 20 years ago and used to stock with trout, the largest I caught was just under 10lb. Not been stocked for a while but I am planning to in the near future. Good population of eels plus a resident population of moorhens that breed very well, we also get a few ducks nesting but in winter you count in over 50 mallard and a few teal most evenings.




Here is a wild mallard heading back to her nest:




We have a large badger set, been there longer than I have been on this earth, but I did not have time to sit up one evening to try and see if there are cubs, the spore at the tunnel entrances indicates there are:






Looking down into the main entrance:




Plenty of rabbits about:




I also managed to locate a pigeon nest:



Not allowed to post any more images but if you click on the links below you will see the pictures, it is worth it if you can:


I watched for a bit and then went back when the mother had flown of for a bite to eat:




Talking of nest this hen pheasant had decided to nest in the garden:




10 eggs…fingers crossed:




I think this may be dad:




These doves have also appeared out of no where in the last few years, they are nesting in a new barn we put up about 15 years ago:




The farm is close to Powderham Castle, they have a large deer park full of fallow, as a result we get a few on the farm from time to time, I spent about 30 mins stalking these so apologise for the poor pictures, there was a fawn there as well but he legged it too quick for me to get a shot:








But I am saving the best to last, first a little owl, not a great photo as it was late but I do like them:




We also have had the kestrels return though they decided to nest in a large oak tree rather than a ledge on the barns, two chicks that I can see but hopefully more:






Then the best off all, the barn owls are doing well, they have bred the last 5 years with good returns, I believe there to be at least 3 chicks this year and they are about to fledge, very early.






So, things are looking good on the wildlife stakes at the farm, the work we have done with owl boxes, beetle banks, pond renovation, rough strips and bird seed mixes is paying dividends it seems! Should be good this winter as well as we have sown just over 5 acres in spots around the farm of a dedicated wild bird seed mix.



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What a lovely place your family has. Lots going on too. I have seen two 'resident' little owls at my permission but your place has all sorts. :angry:


Many thanks.


Though we aim to farm it commercially we also aim to manage it for wildlife.


If we cant afford to look after it in such a way to provide an income in conjunction with making it a great place for wildlife then we are failing to be honest. Making a living takes precedence but if we can afford to help a little on the wildlife front then that is important.


Helping also means control, I love to see rabbits, pigeons, foxes, etc about......but in the righ proportion.



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Thanks for taking the time to share those Jerry, fantastic to see all that going on!


Best of luck striking the balance as well, sounds very much like you will do just that and have more pictures for us in years to come!

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Great pics, you're certainly a very lucky man, although I appreciate exactly what you mean about it having to be viable as a business as well.


My mother in law has a farm in the Blackdowns in Devon, not too far from you and it's idyllic.


There's not much cover for game as it used to be dairy, (now beef and horses), but it does have a fantastic trout stream that runs through the middle of it. Personally I've not had much luck fishing, but it's great for swimming in :good:


We try and get down as often as possible, but have to endure the wretched M25 to get there, which tends to spoil it a bit. B)



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Great pics, you're certainly a very lucky man, although I appreciate exactly what you mean about it having to be viable as a business as well.


My mother in law has a farm in the Blackdowns in Devon, not too far from you and it's idyllic.


There's not much cover for game as it used to be dairy, (now beef and horses), but it does have a fantastic trout stream that runs through the middle of it. Personally I've not had much luck fishing, but it's great for swimming in :good:


We try and get down as often as possible, but have to endure the wretched M25 to get there, which tends to spoil it a bit. B)




Takes me 6/7 hours to get down to the in-laws place in Cornwall. Awful journey.


Cracking pics B)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a little update as been at the farm for a few days, see my thread in the guns section about my HMR.


Managed to snap these little fellas, at the time of my last trip they were still in their nest, now out and ready for serious flying lessons.






The other good news is the owls and kestrels have all fledge, one owlet did not make it and we were worried about the weather but the rest have made it out and about. We see them most evenings and hear them all the time.



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