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So after 3 weeks of having a broken leg I've read every single book I've got in the house, every shooting magazine for the shooting gazette to air rifle magazine and completed my last Xbox game. I forced myself to do a bit of Physio this morning and had 5 minutes on the cross trainer - the benefit of an intramedullary nail means the bone is that as soon as you can bear the pain of exercise you can start Physio. Anyway I've sat down and fallen into a YouTube hole watching shooting videos and have ended up watching a few videos on Americans skinning coyotes and what the fur buyers are looking for. And it left me wondering why haven't we got a market for fur in this country anymore? People still wear it knowingly and unknowingly - I saw a thing on to the other day where they were investigating faux fur and apparently now it is cheaper for manufacturers to use real fur from raccoon dogs and other small fluffies than produce artificial fur.

Is it just one of those daft British things like we don't eat horse because they're pets not meat and we can't have hand guns because we'll all be going on shooting sprees?

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The scale probably isn't economical.


To make it economical you'd probably need huge amounts factory farmed (like the mink farms we used to have).


We used to have mink farms but they were closed down. I believe they were hounded by the animal rights groups and often had acts of sabotage etc.


Now we just let it happen in France I believe.

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Apart from the anti movement maybe the biggest problem is preserving and logistics.


It didn't seem to be a problem in the 70's and i'm sure logistics were a lot worse then.


I've heard stories of some of the old boys making quite decent money of fox pelts, some even used FMJ bullets to do less damage to pelt.


With things like foxes ur shooting them anyways.

Also heard about in the past u had a lot of different 'bounties' paid by MAFF, think grey squirrel tails andbeaks from cormarants/gooseanders


I can mind as a young boy and we used to get the fancy glossy brochure's from the fur companies wanting different fur and giving the prices.for the year

We sold skins up till about 88ish, not great money but then again things were cheaper in those days.


The simple fact is UK is far far too PC and urbanised, wot would be normal 20-30 years ago is no longer even outin the country.

The UK seems to suffer it more than any other country, even in europe hunting and eating meat is still the norm

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It didn't seem to be a problem in the 70's and i'm sure logistics were a lot worse then.


I've heard stories of some of the old boys making quite decent money of fox pelts, some even used FMJ bullets to do less damage to pelt.


With things like foxes ur shooting them anyways.

Also heard about in the past u had a lot of different 'bounties' paid by MAFF, think grey squirrel tails andbeaks from cormarants/gooseanders


I can mind as a young boy and we used to get the fancy glossy brochure's from the fur companies wanting different fur and giving the prices.for the year

We sold skins up till about 88ish, not great money but then again things were cheaper in those days.


The simple fact is UK is far far too PC and urbanised, wot would be normal 20-30 years ago is no longer even outin the country.

The UK seems to suffer it more than any other country, even in europe hunting and eating meat is still the norm

Yes you just reminded me of a very good shot,not on here as far as I know that said he made good money from fox pelts, just a bit of brain fade. :hmm:

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I could be a bit hazy with the figures but i'm sure back in 80's u were stilll getting 15-25 quid a fox pelt which was decent money then (gettin about 10 quid for beating) and i'm sure it was more previously.


I always remember the brochure was quite hard shiny paper, really well printed for back then and used to be quite thick, thinking back i have no idea how it was so thick nowadys.

Used to be quite a few companies doing it too

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even in Europe hunting and eating meat is still the norm

.....as is wearing fur coats, it would seem. We were in Prague winter before last and so many women were wearing fur coats there, as was my wife. Same in various other European cities we/she has been to. She has a whole wardrobe full of them (known as the Narnia wardrobe). For what it's worth, she has been wearing fur since before I knew her, 30+ years, with scarcely a negative comment. For me this means most people don't actually have a problem with it and rightly think that there are other, more important things to worry about.

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.....as is wearing fur coats, it would seem. We were in Prague winter before last and so many women were wearing fur coats there, as was my wife. Same in various other European cities we/she has been to. She has a whole wardrobe full of them (known as the Narnia wardrobe). For what it's worth, she has been wearing fur since before I knew her, 30+ years, with scarcely a negative comment. For me this means most people don't actually have a problem with it and rightly think that there are other, more important things to worry about.

It's bloody cold in parts of Europe and fur is nice and warm!


Especially if it's homemade it's probably not as ridiculously expensive either. Love watching those Arctic shows and they make their own fur hats, boots and gloves and they always say they're better than any man made material.

Reindeer boots are apparently very snow proof lol!

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So it is yet again a small minority of troglodytes with big mouths steering the wheel of the big ship. Because some crusty dreadlock flea riddled hippies don't like fur, what could be a lucrative outlet for a waste by product is no longer a viable option for shooters in this country.

Our authorities/society allows these extremist, anarchist types to exist to threaten and intimidate anyone who doesn't share their chosen crusade.......they seemingly can use 'direct action' with impunity........but try to counter them with defensive direct action of your own, and you'll end up in the nick!

It seems the law will do nothing to protect those that act within the law, and those acting within the law ain't allowed by the law, to protect themselves, from those who take action, contrary to the law!

You couldn't make it up!

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