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Hows your chili and toms?


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Near enough have the wee bit where i built the greenhoose finished although it still needs a lick of paint.


Chili and toms looking excellent with only 2-3 not germinating from 25ish and after a month in there plenty have fruit already.

Overwintered chili have decent fruit on but not sure if they are worth doing and they got checked when first moved from inside.

Have maybe crammed too much in so might thin out if the chili suffer as they are in the middle of 2 rows of toms.


Have been getting strawberries for nearly a fortnight with a massive crop on some and generally everything inside is looking well.


Things outside are a wee bit experimental this year and trying to make the most of the limited room but seem to be fine.

Not sure how the tatties will go as the box is roughly 1.2mx1.2m and have crammed in around 20 seeds at various depths so could be a rubbish crop with small tatties but will see.


Hows everyone else getting on and hopefully this fine spell is helping as things look ahead of usual.





























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I just started moving my chillies from the warmth and light of the heated set up in the barn, to the more unpredictable environment of the poly tunnel, got about 80 plants, all doing well, the Jalepenos, Charleston Hots and Padron are now in the tunnel, the rest will follow this week.

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Thats all looking good and away ahead of mine here in the Borders. First year with greenhouse on the allotment so sort of feeling our way as regards watering and feeding.




I started earlier than usual and think it was a good thing although lucky there were no many frosts.

Im green with the greenhoose too so a learning curve for me but hardly water the chili and they seem spot on.Last year the flowers kept falling off and think due to over watering.This year im going to go organic with the feeding and just manured around the plants yesterday after a bit of advice from one of the farms i shoot on so will see how that goes.

Any advice always welcome here.


I just started moving my chillies from the warmth and light of the heated set up in the barn, to the more unpredictable environment of the poly tunnel, got about 80 plants, all doing well, the Jalepenos, Charleston Hots and Padron are now in the tunnel, the rest will follow this week.


I probably put mine out weeks too early and was lucky we have stayed mainly frost free.Did get one night and it def checked the toms but they are over it now.

Seeds were started inside very early and will go that route again and get them fine strong before they go out.

Should have some amount of fruit off 80 plants.


Looks good dave. I just put my peas and sweetcorn outside. I have a small plastic greenhouse and its been pretty good so far. Not had any Scottish gales yet so its still intact


Best weather i can remember for this early although we did have a fair spell of wind a few weeks back but cant grumble.


I put a wee bit of peas in around 4-5 weeks ago and they are looking well and only have two sweetcorn this year which i only bought yesterday out of pity as they looked past their best.

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Well your plants look nice and healthy, strawberries looking good too, with your tomatoes be careful not to have to many in a small area, they need plenty of air circulating around them, your biggest enemy is blight, to help combat this I use 20 grams of copper sulphate to 5 litres of water and a little squirt of washing-up liquid.


Tip for making plant feed, get out and cut loads of stinging nettles, cut them from the base and put them in a hessian sack then submerge this in a large water butt and leave to stew for a week or two (it will stink a bit) then mix a pint of the liquid with a gallon of water, you can use this on all your plants but your tomatoes will also need a dose of liquid tomato fertiliser.


If I could recommend just one salad tomato it would be Sungold, about the size of a two pence and sweet as sugar.


Good luck :good: you will be surprised just how many things want to destroy your plants. :yes:

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I think my chillies are doing well, they're in my nans greenhouse as i dont have glass/tunnel facilities here but shes green fingered so they should arrive in perfect condition when ready! Seeds from our very own rimfire, sampled the chillies he grew last year and they were warm to say the least, brought a tear to my eye, twice :lol:

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We've had the first of out broad beans the last three nights. My favourite treat of the year I think. Love broad beans straight out of the garden. Once the beans have gone the tomatoes can go in their place. Toms are in a cold frame at the moment and about bursting out, so the timing will be about right. Amazing what you can get out of a 3'x7' raised bed!

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Long story short.

Guy in the pub was told about the aphrodisiac content of chilliest one night, came in the next evening rageing at us as he had gone home rubbed them you know where and did the deed.

He spent a long time at the sink and his partner in the bath using the shower.

Still make's me cringe thinking about it.

Good looking plants by the way hope mine catch up to that standard.

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How and where do you keep your chilli plants over winter? Mine did not survive so have had to start fresh..


Pruned about 2/3 of the plant and kept inside with very minimal water.First time ive tried it and not sure if its worth it although i probably put it out too early and checked it.

Going to try again with a few this winter and see how it goes.

Well your plants look nice and healthy, strawberries looking good too, with your tomatoes be careful not to have to many in a small area, they need plenty of air circulating around them, your biggest enemy is blight, to help combat this I use 20 grams of copper sulphate to 5 litres of water and a little squirt of washing-up liquid.


Tip for making plant feed, get out and cut loads of stinging nettles, cut them from the base and put them in a hessian sack then submerge this in a large water butt and leave to stew for a week or two (it will stink a bit) then mix a pint of the liquid with a gallon of water, you can use this on all your plants but your tomatoes will also need a dose of liquid tomato fertiliser.


If I could recommend just one salad tomato it would be Sungold, about the size of a two pence and sweet as sugar.


Good luck :good: you will be surprised just how many things want to destroy your plants. :yes:


Aye,i might have too much crammed in for sure so will keep an eye.With near all seeds germinating had more than i thought but maybe being greedy with all the space.

Good advice with the copper and will keep it in mind.

I only got chilli's & Tom's potted up yesterday. Have scaled it back a bit since giving up the allotment. Have 3 chilli plants (2 Scotch Bonnet & 1 Apache) as well as 2 plum toms (1 Roma and another variety opf which the name escapes me).


Scotch bonnet is a wee bit savage for me but have a few Apaches which are a nice heat.Have around 5-6 varieties but not tagged so will have to taste to see whats hot or not.

Had Romas last year and was looking forward to making sauces with them but they were a total disaster and got absolutely zero fruit so didnt bother this year.

I think my chillies are doing well, they're in my nans greenhouse as i dont have glass/tunnel facilities here but shes green fingered so they should arrive in perfect condition when ready! Seeds from our very own rimfire, sampled the chillies he grew last year and they were warm to say the least, brought a tear to my eye, twice :lol:

Handy have the nan do the work but sure she enjoys it.

Chilis are so addictable and ive i short memory on how hot some are.


We've had the first of out broad beans the last three nights. My favourite treat of the year I think. Love broad beans straight out of the garden. Once the beans have gone the tomatoes can go in their place. Toms are in a cold frame at the moment and about bursting out, so the timing will be about right. Amazing what you can get out of a 3'x7' raised bed!


I thought about broads too but was late kind and just chucked in some peas but when they are past will get something else in.Was thinking of late leeks but will see.

The first pic of the chilli plant, what is it? It's a chunky fella.

Think its Habanero Orange.I mixed up the tags last year and thought it was sweet variety so picked and ate one and got some shock.

Its been overwintered so will see how it gets on.

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