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defaced posters


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I have travelled over 1000 miles this week and have seen numerous defaced conservative posters but no defaced labour ones. Strangely in mainly conservative areas .


Why do they think they have the right to damage other people property

I may not agree with someone politics and I will argue my point with them but i wouldn't rip down their posters


Is it a certain type of person ?

I think it's a form of tribalism, a bit like football supporters .

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there is a thought going round that the defaced posters are been done by their own people to shed a poor light on the oposition...... :hmm:


in the time of fake news ...liars...money...etc ............i would not be surprised.........


think upon that one if you will......... :hmm:

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there is a thought going round that the defaced posters are been done by their own people to shed a poor light on the oposition...... :hmm:





I think most conservative voters haven't the time ! They are too busy at work .


I know this is a sweeping generalisation but " many a true word is spoken in jest"

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This happened a lot in the Scottish yes no independence referendum and a very large percentage of the no posters in my area were defaced , taken down or a yes poster put over them.


There is a story about a farmer in rural Aberdeenshire who was a very staunch no supporter and he had some signage and posters put up in prominent areas of his farmland near a busy road and these were defaced or taken down every other day so he decided to put his prize bull in the field along with his posters and a big NO white wash painted on the bulls flanks and this put a stop to the posters being defaced.

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