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on the pigeons.. first tme this year!


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well this past years been a bit of a bitch to say the least, been really busy with various community projects I'm involved with, been fairly ill myself and had my mum ill for a month or two before finally looing her a few weeks ago so I've hardly been out, in fact I worked out the other day in the past year I've fired 16 shots with my shotgun. SHOCKING after previous years!


so this weekend my mate finally managed to drag me out. a local farm had shown a few floating around so we set up on a stubble field and had a lovely few hours. not crazy busy but them cam in quietly.. he missed a few, I missed loads.. I've never been a brilliant shot but almost a year off hasn't helped but I surprised myself and shot better than I ever have


ended up picking 41, we had a half a dozen more but lost them over the hedge or in the brambles but I looks like I've a busy morning tomorrow socking the freezer back up. think its the best day I've had on pigeons so far



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thanks, hope to get out more... am taking the season of wildfowling so that's a fair bit less over the winter



I hope you manage to get out more now your commitments and health have changed for the better. .

I go out at least twice a week and have not had a day at pigeons for many months. Hopefully barley has been cut this week and may to get a shot or two tomorrow with a bit of luck..

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think its the biggest bag I can expect where we are Steve, biggest I've had locally anyway, they came in steady for the few hours we where there so it was a lovely afternoon and great finally getting out again, forgot how much I enjoyed it

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