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Short Wood & Compensatory Strategies


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Hello Chaps.


I've got a lovely unmatched pair of Russian guns (Baikals - they're not even the same gauge) which are a bit short in the wood department. They aren't really my size at all, in fact.


I met a chap called Putin last week, and he told me that this is a common problem amongst the heirarchy over there (something to do with inbreeding) and that they resort to all sort of compensatory strategies, which I've had explained to me in great detail.


Much as I might enjoy naked fly fishing (I think he meant me, not the fly) or being photographed with my shirt off whilst mounted on someone else's mare (that's supposed to be very good), I'm not sure that, in spite of Vladimir's best intentions, it's going to make my wood any longer than it already is (though he did have a suggestion about what to do about the nasty orange colouring).


So I resort to the collective wisdom of the PW massif. I've tried this:








but unfortunately they're built for guns better endowed than mine. Both simply fall off the back of the stock when the gun is pointed upwards because there just isn't enough there for the stretchy bit to cling on to.


If I have to, I'll buy and fit permanent extensions, but I'd prefer to use something removable as I own at least one other gun that might benefit from being a bit longer (and I'd feel like such a fake if it was on there all the time).


So - any suggestions? I'm looking to add about ¾" to the length of both guns - for better fit, rather than recoil reduction. Even better if there's something from Uttings, as I'm yet to return the second extension - but remember - it has to be toight.


Thanks in advance.


PS - Vlad's number available on request, or alternatively, for the faint of heart, on the second cubicle from the door, Gents toilets, 3 Madeira Dr, Brighton BN2 1PS.

Edited by neutron619
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Hello Chaps.


I've got a lovely unmatched pair of Russian guns (Baikals - they're not even the same gauge) which are a bit short in the wood department. They aren't really my size at all, in fact.


I met a chap called Putin last week, and he told me that this is a common problem amongst the heirarchy over there (something to do with inbreeding) and that they resort to all sort of compensatory strategies, which I've had explained to me in great detail.


Much as I might enjoy naked fly fishing (I think he meant me, not the fly) or being photographed with my shirt off whilst mounted on someone else's mare (that's supposed to be very good), I'm not sure that, in spite of Vladimir's best intentions, it's going to make my wood any longer than it already is (though he did have a suggestion about what to do about the nasty orange colouring).


So I resort to the collective wisdom of the PW massif. I've tried this:








but unfortunately they're built for guns better endowed than mine. Both simply fall off the back of the stock when the gun is pointed upwards because there just isn't enough there for the stretchy bit to cling on to.


If I have to, I'll buy and fit permanent extensions, but I'd prefer to use something removable as I own at least one other gun that might benefit from being a bit longer (and I'd feel like such a fake if it was on there all the time).


So - any suggestions? I'm looking to add about ¾" to the length of both guns - for better fit, rather than recoil reduction. Even better if there's something from Uttings, as I'm yet to return the second extension - but remember - it has to be toight.


Thanks in advance.


PS - Vlad's number available on request, or alternatively, for the faint of heart, on the second cubicle from the door, Gents toilets, 3 Madeira Dr, Brighton BN2 1PS.

:hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Bakils and I'm supprised vlad didn't tell you come from Russia

It's cold they wear lots of clothes

Get dressed put on a jacket then a coat then a overcoat then a trench coat and you should be sorted no need to alter the wood at all 😉


Or trade them in for a English one with bosher then get it fitted 😉


Option 3 if you want a pair of guns go to your family gun maker and place your order 😊


All the best


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