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Fordson super major restoration


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The 1000 series came about in late 1964. I thought all fordsons were empire blue just the wheels, fenders and grill changed to grey but i could be wrong. From the serial number seems its a late blue/orange super.



its right doing the homework on the enjine number etc............that tractor may well be the wrong colour...........

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so now its not the original engine, its the wrong colour, is it even a fordson, is it even a tractor, it might be a mini cooper with a F-16 strike eagle engine



shud-upa-yer-face...and get on with it..........the enjine is the tractor...everything else are attatchements.....so if the number says that what is...........thats what it is.....


want to see it on stands with its clothes off........... :good::good:

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With regards to the expert fella that wants £30 for the V5c, yes you can do it yourself but you may need to present the vehicle to the dvla for inspection to check it is what you claim it to be. This isn't always as straight forward as it sounds as you nearest office could be across the country as loads of dvla offices were closed. If this chap is on the approved dvla list he can certify the vehicles authenticity and so what you a paying for is an easy(er) life. My mate that restores vintage motor bikes has had to do this several time with a few Excelciors, funny thing is he knows way more about the bikes than the expert LOL.


I wouldn't be to concerned if dates don't quite match up with when they should as record keeping in those days weren't always accurate. My bike mate has a chassis number where they used a 5 instead of an s and he has seen several bike from excelsior with this, we assumed they lost the s and used a 5 as a chassis number with a 5 in that position never existed.

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look .............its got disc brakes..........the new type valve/spool block...........its a super major last production run of that model before the 1000 seris...........



come on lee get on with it...........

Its had nearly 60 years to have had allsorts of mods and add ons. Unless its been oiled up and stored from new in a dry shed its bound to have alterations. Thats part of the rich history of a vehicle thats old and been used.

Its like the 40 year old brush thats had 4 new stales and 3 new heads.

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Lee...............ive been told off for talking rubbish as usual...on other threads



and they also said you need to put your timesheet and expenses claim in, for the week ending 21st oct...on the major re-build...




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Someone's off to the shed for a sulk! :rolleyes:



i do get fed up with people nit picking......... :unhappy: ..........if every post had to be 100% accurate....people wouldnt bother to post anything as they would be worried that they would be shot down everytime..........its supposed to be a discussion forum not a "nah nah nah...i caught you out forum"............

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I vaguely recall assisting with the replacement of a Major engine with a generic 4D motor from a ford lorry...possibly a Trader. I think we had to faff about with the clutch and flywheel assembly because the tractor unit was heavier and lower revving but gave more torque.


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did a bit of work on the major today, and it was only a bit, took fenders,nose cone and bonnet off, and jet washed it,

now im trying to work out whether to have it all blasted and re-painted or a really good clean up, go over it all with scotchbrite pads and blow it over, most of it is pretty ok really, im not trying to make a show winner so its just more time and expense that i just dont see a good reason to do, obviously all the tin work will be done properly,

bust saying that iv still not made my mind up yet, ill have to see what it will cost for someone to come round and dustless sandblast it



radiator has seen better days :lol:









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you have a fairly complete unit there...........could you get the rad' re-cored.............regards painting i think you will be putting a blow over on a blow over...........get it all mechanically spot on....then work out if you have the money in it to do a proper paint job...............


i still think if you can get hold of a TS82 plough and make that decent to mount on the super M.........it will really add value to it as a complete package.........

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iv sent a couple of emails to some mobile blast companies to see what the costs are, id probably rather do a better job rather than a blow over, think a new rads are about £150 so probably just get a new one, as with bonni it was going to cost more to re core than buy a new one, as for the plough, im looking, if you find anything let me know :good::good:

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think you can do better than that ...its incomplete hant got knives on it.............



there is a complete one at Westlake tractors...with disc knives...£375.00


if you started going to farm sales and took the farmers weekly you could pick one up for 200 squids complete





  1. get an adjustable top link.....
  2. lift up the lift arms and lock them off with the spool valve under the seat.....quadrant (position control lever "up") arms raise....then pull spool valve right out...that should lock it off...drop quad lever to realease pressure....hydraulics work at the same pressure as the injectors...


you need to sort this out ...if not they will catch on the tyres...

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