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A Happy hunter


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I admit I have started to notice its getting harder to get round the fields since I took a job in the office, Put on a few pounds, getting out of puff and a good drip on the brow so Mrs P has laid down a few new conditions of late!


Two weeks of misery later I have only lost 1kg! I have only one cup of coffee and one cup of tea a day and have†flushed my system†with gallons of water, eaten more salad than the bunnies on the shoot, and for what? I recon I have big bones, my ideal weight is 68kg and I am down to 93


I may be a tad over weight but do I just be myself and happy, or fast and get miserable?

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The problem with fasting is that your body goes into survival mode and stores fat for use later. So you need to eat regularly. Perferably high protein (pigeon!), low fat, low carbs (but not no carbs) preferably complex carbs (brown rice, pulses not white bread).


You can eat a suprisingly large amount of good food and lose weight. I was 100kg now down to 85kg and more importantly body fat ratio has dropped significantly. :good:



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A good way to lose weight is to get stuck at the bottom of a gutter with a high and fast rising tide........










...........if it doesn`t get you sweating and struggling the emptying of ones lower digestive tract certainly will lighten you by 4-5lbs instantly



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Dieting is a waste of time, it will soon come back on and some..

Only subtle lifestyle changes make any long term difference, don't do anything you can't keep up - the same goes for joining a gym (not that you are likely to do that :blink: )

It's already been said, walking is an easy one.

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