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"Im mainly dioptering"......


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thought i must do this before the shopping as Titchoke must have his monday fix as well as "billy bala"........

the linishing machine is working well and cutting the angles i want...(good practice for when i start on Harnsers knife)...you can see the before and after pic#5


i have also cut down the raiser side and it now forms a nice 90deg' flat to the upper surface.........all in all it seems to be coming together nice...(im surprised JDog has not made a "contributing " comment...proberly out with Barnyard Rocket):lol:

i was thinking a while ago...(not something i am good at as it usually involves sex)....and i seem to remember somewhere in my mega bolt stash i have some bronze M6 screw/bolts with a deep pan head.........so i had a fudge about and yeepee.:yahoo:i found them....so i shall cut them down and re-thread them and use them instead of the set screws...i can always change them as they will be the same thread...so i shall do them later today....


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50 minutes ago, 1066 said:

It looks like that linisher is working well - is it something you've knocked up yourself? Photos?

if you have a fudge about ...look for my linishing thread....it shows you the rebuild of the 1930's machine which i have adapted for my own use ..:good:

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right im running out of time....have to leave the drilling and tapping till tomorrow as i need to do hoovering and cooking now.............

these screws are some sort of brass alloy as they are harder than ordinary brass...and they do fade to a copperery colour in time............


(they came off a spitfire from inside Harnsers "bunker"....i had a go with his 50 cal' and he took me for a ride in one of his willies jeep he found in the bunker wot he did up)

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21 minutes ago, 1066 said:

They look the bees knees - I'll have a wade through the linisher thread later.

wade thro' being the operative word................

maybe when you have a mth to spare....infact take 2 months and have a shufty at the landrover engine re-build as well................(see ya in feb'..:lol:..thats if you havnt lost the will to live by then).

Edited by ditchman
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2 hours ago, ditchman said:

right im running out of time....have to leave the drilling and tapping till tomorrow as i need to do hoovering and cooking now.............

these screws are some sort of brass alloy as they are harder than ordinary brass...and they do fade to a copperery colour in time............


(they came off a spitfire from inside Harnsers "bunker"....i had a go with his 50 cal' and he took me for a ride in one of his willies jeep he found in the bunker wot he did up)

You too!

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AJP had an 'emporium' devoted to rifles in Moseley Road , B'ham. It still had that late 1800 early 1900 feel about it as had all the rabbit warren workshops of the Birmingham Gun Quarter, the last time I went there in about 1973/4. Last time I drove down Moseley Road it was derelict. Parker Hale had their factory in Golden Hillock Road.

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13 hours ago, Mr.C said:

Got to say Ditchy you cut a very tidy thread indeed, those screws look mint. 

Belive it or not i used my tap & Die set from the Lidl thurs "when its gone its gone" set .....£18.99p..plenty of lube ...plenty of lube

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right...finishing up now........its finished enough to test fire.....i will do that and then tidy it up ...recess bolts / screws....round off edges...and silver solder a locating plate onto the shaft...

i dint need to explain the process ,.....just shove up a load of pics....................

the first 2 pics are is checking the verticle adjustment ...true and level...front and rear of barrel.................

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On ‎30‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 15:03, ditchman said:

right im running out of time....have to leave the drilling and tapping till tomorrow as i need to do hoovering and cooking now.............

these screws are some sort of brass alloy as they are harder than ordinary brass...and they do fade to a copperery colour in time............


(they came off a spitfire from inside Harnsers "bunker"....i had a go with his 50 cal' and he took me for a ride in one of his willies jeep he found in the bunker wot he did up)

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Mr ditch, i pay my bills by being a "cnc" turner, not much cop when it comes to manual, and those bolts and your other work here looks stunning sir. ?? 

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si i will have 2 to zero.....i havnt touched the Mercury "S" since it was chrono'd and down rated with a different spring...i did the barrel alignment on it as well....so i will take both of them out for a look see

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11 minutes ago, Mice! said:

some nice looking woodwork there, but you need a white sheet to better show your wares.

so which will shoot the better groups.......

now that i dont know............the HW would shoot sub 10mm groups at 30 yds...then i took the "blacksmith" made mod off ....weighed it and replaced the weight with front sight and diopter rear....but the weight is now re distributed....so who knows :hmm:

the mercury "S"...was tatally rebuilt...i tried it ...all over the place and visous too...............to it to chris at brundall he chrono'd it ....i heard him larfing his head off out back of the shop ....as the thing was averaged out at 21.1ft/lbs....:lol:....should have been 11-12ft/lbs............he wouldnt let me have it back...until he had put a standard merc s spring in it...the one i put in was a spec spring ..a titan xs...but i use a dry lube..a mix of 2 powders and naptha which evaps off quick like....so now it is firing at 11.8ft/lbs...ive aligned the barrell...but have yet to fire it 



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Right here we are ...end of another thread..........


i havnt tried the mercury "s" 177 since it was changed from shooting waaayyyy over the limit ...and the shot placement was allll over the shop......(see merc re-build thread)

so i thought i would have a quick little session down the field...boy it was hot ..even in the shade the sweat was dripping into my eyes.......set up target at excactly 15metres...and started off with the HW77..across the landrover bonnet...worked a treat...very fine adjustment double the number of clicks as apposed to the same movement for the scope...changed onto the dark yellow filter and closed the iris

results on the first pic

then did the same for the Merc "S"....cept halfway thro i wasnt happy with the eyerelief distance ...and moved the scope back....dooohhhhh...re clicked again......

then onto the pucca target...very very pleased with results (apart from the muppet shot...after leaving the saftey on )

when i have a bit more time ....and cooler i will take both of them out and do 10...20...30...40...metre test on them....and then i will be able to calibrate the diopter sight then..


so there you go.hope i didnt bore you too much........:good:


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