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Air Arms S410 FAC


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38 minutes ago, rizla said:

Hi steve, fill mine to 190bar but its sub 12flb think its the same for fac just dont have as many shots per fill

Thanks. Originally, I was told to fill it to 200bar, but have read somewhere that this could be a bit too much,and 150 would be better suited.

EDIT: I've just read that 190bar is recommended, so you were correct. :good:

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8 minutes ago, rizla said:

How accurate do you find the fac version steve, and how many shots you get per fill

I find it very accurate, but depends on what brand of pellet I'm using. I've tried Accupell, Air Arms Field & Bisley Magnums. For my rifle, the Air Arms seemed to be the most accurate.

All pellets averaged around 29-31 ft/lb which is more than enough. As for shots per fill, I've never really fired that many in one go, mostly 15-20 pellets.

It's excellent though and hits hard. I'm hoping to try it on some rabbits and squirrels soon.

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34 minutes ago, rizla said:

I was using air arms field in my very good pellet, then i done a bit of pellet testing and found the jsb express grouped a bit better, i got a few differant pellets here if you like to try any, thats if you got 177

Thanks for the offer, but I've got a .22. There is a company somewhere, where you can buy a mixture of various pellets, which saves money on buying whole tins. Perhaps a few of us on here might like to swap a few brands for testing purposes.

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9 hours ago, steve_b_wales said:

Thanks for the offer, but I've got a .22. There is a company somewhere, where you can buy a mixture of various pellets, which saves money on buying whole tins. Perhaps a few of us on here might like to swap a few brands for testing purposes.

EBay Steve, you can buy packets of 50 to give them a whirl.

read quite a few threads on fac air and a lot of folk saying your better off around the 24ft/lb mark more shots still going to go whack.

maybe start a what pellet for fac on the air rifle section, plenty of folk using them.

got nothing to offer you really, i use accupell until i run out from years ago, bought some falcon accuracy plus(13.4 grains)  and hollow point Crossman(14.3g) to try out but think they might be a bit light for you?

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7 hours ago, Mice! said:

EBay Steve, you can buy packets of 50 to give them a whirl.

read quite a few threads on fac air and a lot of folk saying your better off around the 24ft/lb mark more shots still going to go whack.

maybe start a what pellet for fac on the air rifle section, plenty of folk using them.

got nothing to offer you really, i use accupell until i run out from years ago, bought some falcon accuracy plus(13.4 grains)  and hollow point Crossman(14.3g) to try out but think they might be a bit light for you?

My S410 cannot be regulated, as it's an 'older' model. Also,  I think reducing the pressure (bar) won't reduce the ft/lb but I may be wrong. Although I've had this rifle for a few years, I'm still 'new' to FAC airgun shooting. I purchased the pellets on reccomendation from a friend of mine who used a FAC rifle for a few years before I bought mine. Accupell are 14.3gr, Bisley Magnum 21.4gr and Diabolo Field 16.4gr. The Crossman you mentioned could be suitable, being the same weight as the Accupell, and possibly, the Falcon Accuracy Plus.

I would be grateful for 5-10 of each if you don't mind, and I would be happy to send you some of mine to try (I've only got a few B.Magnum left so won't be using them anymore)

Good idea too, to ask about what other members are using in their FAC air rifles.

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not a problem ultra stu likes the falcon says there a bit flatter being light, the skirts are very thin and folk reviewing them said quite a few were damaged.

the Crossman don't look as good quality as accupells but hollow point and same weight, the fella had them both so i thought I'd give them a whirl, i always liked bisley superfield but they didn't feel right loading in my rapid.

PM me your address and I'll get some in the post.


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6 minutes ago, Mice! said:

not a problem ultra stu likes the falcon says there a bit flatter being light, the skirts are very thin and folk reviewing them said quite a few were damaged.

the Crossman don't look as good quality as accupells but hollow point and same weight, the fella had them both so i thought I'd give them a whirl, i always liked bisley superfield but they didn't feel right loading in my rapid.

PM me your address and I'll get some in the post.


Thanks. I've just ordered some samples after following the link you added. I've sent for the following:

Air Arms Field Heavy (18gr)

Benjamin Domed Magnum (14.3)

Bisley Long Range Gold (14gr)

Webley Accupell F.T. (14.66 gr)

Weihrauch Magnum (21.2gr)

Happy to send you a few of each once I've received them.

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Obviously  different barrels will prefer different pellets .but at fac you also now have different energy levels and pellet velocites .so its often much harder to find a suitable pellet that does what you want at the ranges you want .

For example .My .25 cal fx .

I can shoot jsb kings and jsb heavies out of it .up to 60 yds the heavies will print a tighter group .than the kings  but go much beyond (out to 90 yds ) the trajectory works against them and the kings shoot tighter groups .

And as the fx is a long range gun. 60 yds isnt enough so i only  shoot the kings although the closer range accuracy isnt as blisteringly as good as the heavies is still more than good enough .

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10 hours ago, steve_b_wales said:

Thanks. I've just ordered some samples after following the link you added. I've sent for the following:

Air Arms Field Heavy (18gr)

Benjamin Domed Magnum (14.3)

Bisley Long Range Gold (14gr)

Webley Accupell F.T. (14.66 gr)

Weihrauch Magnum (21.2gr)

Happy to send you a few of each once I've received them.

cheers steve, have a look at Hamsters thread titled Wildcat on air gun section, he was doing some pellet testing. 

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