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I've not been into the sport for long, so forgive me if im wrong.

I can't understand where the sport in that is, or where the skill involved is?


Sure enough hes got balls or is an idiot for standing in front of a tonne of hippo, but isn't this killing for the sake of killing?


Stick to the bunnies!

But hey, i spose its each to their own.

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As said earlier on there are probably to many animals and they needed culling. But showing so many animals in one clip getting killed is overkill, some people will think this video is sick and call for a ban on big game hunting which I think has been done already.


I dont think they should of shot the rhino. But the lions he killed, numbers may not be falling because of hunting, Lions have got a disease like HIV and there numbers are falling because of this.

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looked at the vid before reading the replys, thought I was turning into an anti so im glad I wasnt the only one who found this a little upsetting. I dont know a lot about conservation and species control out there, so will reserve judgement. but seeing the big cats shot was quite sad. Magnificent beasts if you ask me. Hope a nice big male tears him a new a**e hole one day!


Check this one out for scary! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0CNgwZgoKFc&...ted&search=

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I'm with digger on this one, and to an extent a lot of the responses on here are exactly the same as anti's atacking UK shooting. Its through forming an opinion but without knowing anything about the subject.

I don't think I could do it but I have been on a few US forums where they are pretty fanatical about it and most of the species are still available to shoot. It brings in a large amount of income to very very poor nations, Africa is absolutely huge and a limited amount of hunting is possible just for management of the numbers. After all why have an organised cull when some american will turn up and pay thousands of dollars to do it for you. None of the edible meat is wasted enough people are always taken to butcher animals on site or extract them and the left over meat goes to local villages. Because of the influx of money the animals are seen as a resource and not a nuisance to farmers so their protection is more certain. That compillation would have been exactly that a compilation of clips over what could have been years, one things for sure the bloke doing the shooting has some pretty good confidence in his shooting ability as that is pretty up close and personal. It isn't like shooting fish in a barrel and quite often they would have stalked all day to get close enough to have a shot in very thick cover, and the thing with dangerous game and why they are called dangerous game is a lot of the species when confronted do charge. Shooting wise it was all as humane as you can get with large wild animals.

The dilema is always there shooting versus conservation and the two do go together as we see in the UK, some of the parks in Africa are having to face facts just protecting animals with no shooting can lead to big problems with competition for food and water and disease increasing when the density of animals gets too great. Elephants are beginning to be a big problem to some of the parks and they will have to cull eventually to stop total deforrestation going on.

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I saw a programme on tv about people paying to go big game hunting,they had to wait for about four days before they got the perfect shot.Like mentioned before the meat went to the local tribe so there is no waste,but when its edited down in video to make it look like that was all done in an afternoon it doesn't make make it easy to watch and it's not my cup of tea.

I know you get people saying it needs to done,but it still sickens me :exclamation:

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I was also unaware that Big game hunting was done at that close range over Iron sights.



Regards starlight32



No scopes when hunters were hunters years ago was there?


Point taken if want to be smart........


I suppose you would also know that Harry Truman sold cheap suits in Missouri but still managed to drop two Atom bombs on Japan............

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No wonder game in safari is becomin extinct - totally useful form off shooting really!! :good:



I think you'll find Hippos and buffalos are doing rather well and as said time and time again this is pretty old footage. Its no different to us culling cute rabbits and pretty Deer and lovely fluffy foxes. Its just not something we know about there does come a point with management of numbers where some shooting can be a good thing for a species and in Afica now that is the case, it means the animals are worth money to the locals so they are less likely to kill them to stop them raiding their farms etc. After all if you rely on your farm for your entire existence you're not going to be happy with a herd of Elephants flattening it and locals methods of killing wildlife are far worse than the shooting in that clip

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Each to his own I guess but I really hate seeing the big cats shot, especially that Leopard.

Yes I'm a hypocrite and I value the life of a big cat to that of a rabbit.

He looked like he was enjoying the challenge of shooting sleeping lions though lol :D

A better video would have ended in the hunter either being trampled or torn to shreds in my opinion haha.

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A better video would have ended in the hunter either being trampled or torn to shreds in my opinion haha.

There is one of those on youtube amongst other places, he doesn't get killed (although he should have) but it gets very very close :blink:


Excellent, I'll have to look out for that.

Maybe better luck next time :blink:

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Theres no way to make killing look nice but I must admit as far as hunting goes,some of that looks even stevens.He nearly got offed.As long as those species are on the license then thats how it is.I found it exhilerating stuff.Not sure why he needed to shoot the cats but I shoot rabbits as sitters.Must have been a cull.

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"People in glass houses", is a phrase that springs readily to my mind................................


As for being too close to shoot, in my DSC1 handbook it suggests that stalking in close to shoot deer is done to ensure humane kills.


I spent last evening duck shooting and this morning picking up wounded birds because some folks cannot judge the killing range of their shot. Glass houses friends, glass houses................



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well i dont mind people shooting big game but the way they shoot it theres no sport in that, some of the animals killed there was about a foot away not much sport in that but they were all killed instantly but its the distance that annoys me :lol:





not sporting, I think thats as sporting as you can get, instead of either hitting or missing theres the chance that if he misses he's dead. Now that to me is giving the animal a real chance.


All the animals shown take an incredible amount of stopping and the reason they were let in so close was to minimise the chance of a wounded animal. Bearing in mind the gun was open sights you simply don't shoot big game at range as they are so difficult to kill

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wat an idiot wat is he dong that for the heads on his wall at home or the adreniline of buffulo and hippo charging at him. not much skill in that apart from being able to shoot under immense pressure. i doubt they stalked those bufullo for long and you only have to wait for hippo and bait lions. bet all buffulo and lions were brought from a market day before. we went to south africa recently the guy taking us on safari said tere were too many lions in country so they sold to trophy hunter for about 5 grand for a small male. buffulo are about 15 grand!!! depending on how big the horns are.. idiots :blink:


i think ill stick to my prized squirrel tail <_<

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  • 3 weeks later...


Not really my thing even if I had the opportunity or the money to do it, But everyone for themself I suppose.


Does anyone know what calibre of Double rifle is he using?

What ever it is it certainly is knocking down any of the Big 5 game species.

I was also unaware that Big game hunting was done at that close range over Iron sights.



Regards starlight32


Not really my cup of tea shooting big cats. They are such amazing creatures and I can't believe there are so many that they need to be culled. The rest of the animals - fine as long as there are lots left. I would love to see a follow up clip with a Rhino giving him some horn! :good:


Hell of a gun though and at least they were clean kills.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest The Outlaw

I just as many of you guys shoot vermin but we do so at no risk to ourselves, he must be totaly mad.


Adrenaline rush yes, idiot yes, waste of skin yes, will I ever watch that again NO.


Not my cup of tea at all.


I too cannot understand the killing of the big cats and would love to see him have a 1-1 with anyone of those animals without


his shooter, that would be a better video.



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