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Start as you Mean to Carry On

pigeon controller

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We had not intended to go out on the first day of the New Year but had a call yesterday," hundreds on the rape". So committed ourselves to shoot today on this farm. Due the the liquid celibrations last night we started out at 09.00 and drove straight to the farm looking at three rape fields on the way for reference purposes. This farm has two rape fields within half a mile of each other so we looked at the one to find approx fifty birds tight in one corner as we pulled up in the gate they lifted and went over the hill to another farm. The second field we drove across the grass fields just to see the farmers Land Rover parked at the bottom edge of the field. " Ive just spooked two hundred off the field", we could see thirty in the trees at the top of the bank" where were they feeding "we asked, the reply was " Allover " very helpfull. We said we would go on the top field at the far edge and he left us to carry on . We had looked at this rape on Saturday and it had a shooter on it, apparently he had five all day but shot from the bottom of three fields with the birds natural flightline being across the top field, he must have watched birds cross all day.

We were set up for 10.30 with the normal set up and birds came to us straight away and we had approx fifteen birds by 11.00 and I took twelve to set up on the other field to send the birds back. After setting up I had five birds in an hour and DB was having lots of shots so I packed up and went back to join him in the hide. We continued to shoot well into the evening catching birds crossing our decoys high on there way to roost and stopped shooting at 16.10. we picked up the birds for the photograph and collected onehundredand two pigeons and two jackdaws. Lots of the shot birds were rammed with ivy berries not rape. Lets hope the season continues as well???




102 Pigeons 2 Jackdaws

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