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Sunday morning rant


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just caught a bit on sophie ridge interveiwing Jon Ashworth............Ridge asked him for comment on Grant Shapps being in Spain and having to quarantine when he gets back.............

get this................Jon Ashworths reply to the question Quote unquote.....

"this is typical of how the conservertive govt is running this country ......................."

eh !!!!!!!.........

what sort of reply is that........Diane Abbot on a good day is more coherant than that...........come to think of it my wife is...and she is in the last stages of dementia.  then we have Blair gobbing off that the Covid crisis has all been run wrong.....the unions are kicking off cause of the payouts from their coffers to molify the whistleblowers.........corbyn is not happy and scheming

i think it is important that we have a good opposition as it will stop the excesses of the ruling party and it is democratic...........but i am in true dispair at what this lot come out with...they are totally laughable.........and more worryingly...a large part of the electorate think the sun shines out of their rear end

what hope have we


as you were...carry on...rant over

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To be honest Ditchy I'm surprised anyone would want to have gone to Spain in the first place, or fly at the moment either.

If the rates are jumping up in Spain what did people expect ?

As for the opposition?? Blair can say what he likes because he doesn't count,  he's probably just trying to distract attention from the mess that is Labour. 

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To be brutally honest I think the whole bunch at Westminster have been sucking on something they shouldn't because the whole situation APART from our man in the fight with Barnier are in total disarray.   Just take this ridiculous must wear face masks in shops ...doesn't apply to pubs, cafes, gyms .   Totally pathetic. 

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.........................i have this theory...................

"the NHS has been around since the conception of "the Parliament"..........."..........

you see what happened is the king says to himself.."what am i going to do with these old nutters who have been slugging it out with war hammers ..and battleaxes...poleaxes and suchlike beateing the bejabers out of each other ...has just sent them around the twist..............."...

so what he did was to get them all together where he could keep an eye on them................the house of commons....so all the nutters ended up in the house of commons...like a sort of "care in the community".....and then the ones that used to create trouble and were too far gone....he used to send them off to the tower...sort of like a retro Dignitas in switzerland.....

the ones that were a nuciance....he used to send off to the house of lords ....(like an exclusise care home)  where they could spend the day sleeping and dribbling on their ermin robes and looking forward to when the bar opens and they can watch the tennis and think about food and make funny smells with their overweight bottoms.........

so really this whole parliment thing is really the forerunner of the NHS............


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23 minutes ago, JDog said:

Ditchy, you need a proper project to take your mind off these things. Something like an engine rebuild not fiddling about covering nymphs in gold leaf.

my engine days are finished..................i am reduced to fondling cherubs now.............surely as a wildlife spotter you should know the difference twixt a cherub and a nymf


9 minutes ago, Scully said:

You need to stop watching the news and so called ‘magazine’ programs Ditchy, they are designed to be controversial. 

i just cant help myself.....i need some sort of antique knife to fettle and to bring back into use..:hmm::whistling:

Edited by ditchman
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2 minutes ago, ditchman said:

my engine days are finished..................i am reduced to fondling cherubs now.............surely as a wildlife spotter you should know the difference twixt a cherub and a nymf


i just cant help myself.....i need some sort of antique knife to fettle and to bring back into use..:hmm::whistling:

😂 Ok, I can take a hint! 

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