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Back on the sticks


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Evening , havnt been stickmaking or anything making for a couple of months , due to nasal surgery, all good now ! So reworked the shed with better ventalation & a proper air fed hood. Anyways prepped & bent some buffalo horn , just heated and bent onto some formers to create handle shapes , leave alone till tomorrow now , ones a market stick the other probably be a full crook , straightened a bunch of shanks, so over next week or two will put them together.....




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This is what you start off with, this is grade 2 buffalo, bit more work involved , its roughly cut into correct length, boiled for a couple of hours & formed on a bending/shaping jig , using sash clamps & g-clamps plus a heat gun , dont try and force the horn , keep heating to get more malleable, got a couple of twisters , hazel & chestnut for shanks....



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Unclamped the tops , started to shape them , this is going to be a crook , shapes ok , just heating and gently squeezing in a vice to close the gape between the handle and nose , leave for awhile, next will scrape & sand up , then form the nose..



The other is going to be a market stick , roughed into shape , sand & scrape next , tend to have 2or 3 things on the go so can move between them , while stuff cooling etc....


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Good so far.

No doubt that you will be joining it to the shaft with one of your classic angled joints, which I look forward to seeing in progress.

Thanks for sharing and taking the time to show the various processes.


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Sorted a couple of shanks , just taking any bends out , straightening them  , straight hazel shank for the crook ! A twister for the walker...



Spacers added onto the crook top , got to fit a new blade on the band saw next ! Then will cut an angled joint on the  walker...


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Hazel shank still getting a minor kink out ! Twister straightened, drilled & angled joint cut , now to get a decent joint , chalk is your friend shows any high spots , slowly file & scrape till joint fits all the way around snuggly ....



Joint done , ferrule next...


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Fitting the ferrule , take your time & a correct size ferrule , will make or brake a sticks looks ! I usually wrap a piece of tape around, then cut a shallow cut for the stop , file down to the shape of the ferrule checking for fit ...



Ferrule fitted , now everything glued up square , use a mtb bike inner tube as a giant elastic band to pull everything tight , leave now ! Done for today , once the hazel is done will do the same for the crook ....then fit & finish...


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Filed & scrapped the top into shape , sand , then wet & dry through the grades , polish on the buffer , shows any Mark's up , more wet & drying till happy , then a buff....



Ferrule had a polish, shank wiped down & first coat of sealer , be a couple more , jobs a goodun, onto the crook next...



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Excellent work yet again!

my Market stick project has been put on hold for the foreseeable . My son is moving warehouse and he has appointed me project manager as well as , wiring the lights, power, data, phones, alarms, CCTV, distribution boards, building all offices etc so am there until Xmas


i have adopted the inner tube trick....very handy

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Now know a handy guy at all things electrical, cheers , done as an insight , there are far better stick makers out there , no reason for folk not to have a go , just take your time & patience! Always something to learn , actually a bit rusty at the moment, got an itch to scratch , next to make a coat rack out of roe antlers on an oak board.....we will see..

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