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Lots of idiots around..................

Evil Elvis

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:lol: Is it me or is it loony season?


i mentioned on another thread 3 tree huggers that shouted abuse at me an a mate while we were pigeon shooting a few weeks back.


A couple of weeks ago me and jerico were shooting in our hide when an idiot and his 2 whippets and a young child walked out of the woods and

straight out to our pattern then walked around it!!!!! I was so flabbergasted i said nothing, its not kind to pummel someone in front of thier kids now is it???


Then, 2 days ago, again whilst in the hide, i had just heard rustling in an oak tree behind me, 2 squirrels ran down and got blasted, then, would you believe it, i heard rustling further back, so i crept back into the woods only to see a bloody jogger with his mp3 player blaring away......he **** his pants in a big way as a 6'2" 18stone, fully realtreed up lump appeared around a tree in front of him!!!!! I had a few chioce words and escorted him off the land :)


Have these people no common sense?;)? :blink:

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Yes, Its unbelievable.


Had the same on bank holiday monday. Man and woman walked out right behind me when I was in my hide. Area I was in 1/2 a mile from all road access. I could'nt be polite, I just was'nt in the mood.


Usual old rubbish you hear.........


'I have been enjoying walking here for over 20 years'

'The landowner gave me position to walk here'

'You don't need permission anyway- the new right to roam act is in now'


No you haven't got permission, and there is no such thing under the right to roam- So clear off

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perhaops explain to them that they and their children are likely to get shot if they start wandering across private land, that might change their minds.


Why are they walking towards the sound of shotgun fire?


People are always curious, and I have yet to meet someone who agrees with or Likes what you are doing when they see for themselves.


This goverment started this daft Right to Roam carry on, and it interpretation has never been properly explained. It started off with the notion of giving walkers access to strips of coastline, and nothing else.


As it has not been properly explained most have the opinion it is now a cart'e blanche free ticket to walk about as they please un-challenged. The goverment should have issued a statement to clarify this, as the subject I feel has been poorly advised.


Regards starlight32

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I deal with this on a daily basis in my job, in farm/estate management. The concept of private property means nothing to the average rambler. It infuriates me - only yesterday a landowning client rang up to demand why there were 'scrotes' wandering around in his game cover (miles from any footpaths) a few days before the partridge season begins.


You can legally prevent people from creating new rights of way over your land though, if that's any help (it's called a 'Section 31[6] notice'). Your local council will have a definitive map of the entire county, which will show every approved footpath and right of way. It's worth taking a look at it, for use in disputes with trespassers.


Or you could just use anti-personnel mines.

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Were these people on private land?


500 acres of private farms, there is a footpath at the bottom of one of the feilds but they were WAAAAYYYY away from that!!!!



Or you could just use anti-personnel mines.


Just make sure they are Argentinian ones............. :)

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Were these people on private land?


500 acres of private farms, there is a footpath at the bottom of one of the feilds but they were WAAAAYYYY away from that!!!!



Or you could just use anti-personnel mines.


Just make sure they are Argentinian ones............. :)


Not near running water tho, they have a tendency to use nasty plastic ones which wash up on beaches :blink:

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This has always been a problem and I doubt there are any shooters that haven't had the experience of members of the public being where they shouldn't be.

The major problem is enforcement.


The police are not interested, the landowner would have to take out a private action against the individual(s) and then under what law.

We are always told that for "trespass" to be illegal, damage, or loss must have been caused.

All of this would take time and money and the end result (if successful) is hardly worth it, so the landowner doesn't bother.


The most effective thing is to have signs on all natural entries to the land marking it as private, with no public admittance.

This will keep out the basically honest middle Englander, but it won't keep out the scrotes, "know it all" ramblers and the mentally challenged.


Just remember when dealing with them, you have the gun and something to lose, they have nothing to lose.

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I agree i hate it when people trespass on our land, and the people who take there whipets out onto the stuble to catch rabbits, it's not there land they shouldnt be there.


I have one story about a idiot with is well quite interesting. One of my friends was lamping rabbits, when he thought he saw a fox, he lifted his gun, but somthing didnt feel right so he didnt shoot it. The person next to him kept trying to convince him it was a fox but my friend was certian it wasnt. So they decide to go and see what it is. When they get there they find that it is a drunk guy wearing a foxtail hat. I know he was drunk but that is still incredibly stupid, and not to mention that he shouldnt have been trespassing in the first place, i hate trespassers so much :) :blink: ;):lol::lol:

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B)Just remember when dealing with them, you have the gun and something to lose, they have nothing to lose.


That is a very sensible statement.



I did read the jogger the riot act, but the ***** with the whippets riled me, i resisted going up to him purely because all he has to do is say the the police that i pointed my weapon anywhere in his general direction and i would lose my lisence. :)

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I agree i hate it when people trespass on our land, and the people who take there whipets out onto the stuble to catch rabbits, it's not there land they shouldnt be there.


I have one story about a idiot with is well quite interesting. One of my friends was lamping rabbits, when he thought he saw a fox, he lifted his gun, but somthing didnt feel right so he didnt shoot it. The person next to him kept trying to convince him it was a fox but my friend was certian it wasnt. So they decide to go and see what it is. When they get there they find that it is a drunk guy wearing a foxtail hat. I know he was drunk but that is still incredibly stupid, and not to mention that he shouldnt have been trespassing in the first place, i hate trespassers so much :) :blink: ;):lol::lol:



I read a while ago about a guy out lamping and almost squeezed one off at a pair of eyes, it turned out to be a man out in a field near his home looking for a lost cat, the "eyes " that reflected were his other cat perched on his shoulder.


How many newbies can tell the difference or have even noticed the difference between the colour of animals eyes at night when picked up by the lamp. In my early days I almost shot a lone sheep laid down in the middle of a large stubble quietly chewing the cud. It just cant be said enough times that if you cant see the whole picture then dont shoot.


:lol: D2D

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eyes say 6foot off the ground would have to raise suspicion it wasn't a fox though. When lamping you just don't shoot at eyes.


We get people wandering everywhere and trail bikes riding everywhere including through crops etc and you have to be so careful, antagonise the situation too much and they just cause damage in revenge

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