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Buying on Pigeon Watch.


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I'm almost lost for words. Once you shake hands, in person, verbally or by letter, you enter in to a contract. You do not go around trying to find a cheaper one. You do not fail to send a cheque nor do you stop the cheque. When you cancel a cheque you say a lot about your character - not that there is a lot of character there.


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Common courtesy costs nothing. Whilst I have no wish to take sides or pass judgement, it would seem that courtesy and communication would have avoided the ill feeling that has been created.




your right courtesy costs nothing and theres no excuse for being rude. im sure steve wasn't rude to you.



Loopy b b


I do trust that you are not having a pop at me.


If so, please expand.




think he s agreeing with you mate


and ive also bought original dvd s off steve,and he s kindly taken me lamping,pigeon,and crow shooting on one of his permissions quite a few times,he wouldnt complain or moan about this for nothing i know. :stupid:

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The reason I did not mention your name is that I did not want to start a ***-for-tat message war. You know that you were wrong in your doings, but have not got the back-bone to admit it. I have kept all the PM's that I sent you, and, apart from saying "Thanks for messing me about" (a bit hard and naughty of me I know) they were all polite and curteous.


Also, not that I have to tell you or anyone else, but I also work in Social Services. Why you mentioned that I don't know. Do you think you are so special because of what you do. I don' t think I am.


Having read your last 'message' on PW, it seems that you are insinuating that I am selling ' contraband' (Copies) I view this very seriously. The DVD was ordered by myself directly from a supplier in the U.S.A. All duty was paid on this item.


This will be my last message on this subject as I have better things to do. I will add though, that you really should check your Grammar/ use a spell check. As a ' Social Worker ' I would have thought that you would have had more command of the English Language.


social grammar and spelling maybe (yes) social work (done tooo long oops too many ooos) i am not out there to condemn any person's but to help them i am a lover not thre foe an argument. SORRY for the spelling mistakes

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i can honestly say that steve does not sell copy's as i got the chris green dvd of him and it was the original disk i thought this man was a pleasure to deal with



i find roblatch quite funny him going on about working as a soical worker etc as i have to vist one every two weeks as i am on p......e l......e i think all you soical workers are big heads i hate every one of you lot



:stupid::lol: B) :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:



try me for your next appointment :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: 'i wont be too harsh

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maybe it s best to let this drop now.we ve all been messed about at some point on certain forums i bet. think everything s been said now. dont think theres any need for linching .lets get back to being friendly mates on a good forum.and do what we do best. help.shoot and have fun. :stupid:

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maybe it s best to let this drop now.we ve all been messed about at some point on certain forums i bet. think everything s been said now. dont think theres any need for linching .lets get back to being friendly mates on a good forum.and do what we do best. help.shoot and have fun. :stupid:


Quite right mate :lol:

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Blast, and I was just getting warmed up.


Still not seen the word sorry though? Which I feel is a pity.




maybe no sorry BUT appologise yes and that is what i did in previous posts wether right or wrong.

im not only a lover but also a sportsman and if appologies are needed i am sorry and will continue what i love (not work) shooting' accept my appologies for a long boring ongoing conversation but again i appologise (as a true sports man should)

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2 social workers walking down the street when they hear screams & cries coming from an alley way


On entering the alley they find a man who has been visciously beaten and mugged


The man holds out his bloodied hand for assistance


The 2 social workers turn and walk away


As they are leaving the alley one turns to the other and says "whoever did this really needs our help"

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"2 social workers walking down the street when they hear screams & cries coming from an alley way


On entering the alley they find a man who has been visciously beaten and mugged


The man holds out his bloodied hand for assistance


The 2 social workers turn and walk away


As they are leaving the alley one turns to the other and says "whoever did this really needs our help"...




The above sounds good to me in general terms - but there must be exceptions somewhere. I thought social workers were supposed to be painfully correct in every way. Rob - you were bang out of order and you know it. If you don't know it how the 'eck can you be any kind of role model for your flock of heathen?


What surprises me is that social workers have guns of any kind :stupid:

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Is it just me or should I be worried about the spelling and grammar used thus far by the main protagonists? :lol:



Indeed, I had to assume (and this is without being racist in any way shape or form) that one of the gentlemen involved might have been from Africa given the spelling, grammar and colourful "verbosity of the protestations of his unequivocal innocenceâ€.



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Is it just me or should I be worried about the spelling and grammar used thus far by the main protagonists? :lol:



Indeed, I had to assume (and this is without being racist in any way shape or form) that one of the gentlemen involved might have been from Africa given the spelling, grammar and colourful "verbosity of the protestations of his unequivocal innocence”.




Well said Mungler. I had to sit back and try and decipher everything what ROBLATCH was trying to say


For the record. When I stated that I work for Social Services, I am not a Social Worker. My job involves supporting adults who have mental health problems.

My thanks to you and everyone who supported me.

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