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Knife crime and stop and search


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8 hours ago, saddler said:

But, for example, if an ethnic group decides to protest more widespread stop and search policy, citing reason of race, then good for them!
However, they cannot then turn around some time later to complain that THEIR community is blighted by stabbings and murders and they've no idea why and the police must do something...citing race as the reason for the police being inactive on the issue!!

But that's exactly what will happen,  and everyone knows it.

14 hours ago, paulinlincs said:

When I was 17 I had an early morning start (4am) I used to walk to work and at least twice a week woul be stopped by the Police and asked what I was doing, where I was going etc. It never bothered me at all. I was a young bloke walking through a rough area at 3.30 in the morning. I fitted the profile of a wrong doer. The difference is I had nothing to hide and had done nothing wrong hence I was happy the police were keeping my area safe. The ones moaning are the ones doing the crimes. 

I had the same thing, coming back from working at a pub, stopped and breathalyser comes out, I was done a couple of times then after that I'd get waved on, didn't matter to me.

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1 hour ago, Mungler said:

Your not measuring apples with apples.

But in fairness if I was regularly hanging around outside a school I had no business being near then a quick look at my internet search history wouldn’t be the end of the world nor would it bother me. Indeed, if there was a specific problem and I fit the profile I would be happy for the police to eliminate me from their enquiries and get back to the job in hand. Indeed, giving a few chicken shop owners in Rotherham the once over might have helped a few people eh?

I don’t subscribe to the ‘if you’ve done nothing wrong you have nothing to hide’ mantra and I wouldn’t like being stopped every hour of every day - but saying that, if there was a continuing, serious and prolific problem and I fit the profile then I shouldn’t be that surprised at the police taking action and such action necessarily being to stop me because I fit the bill as a target offender. Carrying on the above example I could ease the situation by not hanging round schools - similarly, not hanging round the streets at 3 am would be one way to avoid being stopped and searched on suspicion of committing street crime.

Nor are you.

Child sex crimes happen everywhere, so I would imagine that by targeting white males the police would be cutting that tree close to the ground. You mentioned Rotherham, yet if we extend that idea we should be investigating men, particularly those who are related to abused children, related to or friends of abused children, older male siblings, and in general males in the 25-49 age range as they are the major identifiers for CSA and thereby covering the majority of those likely to offend.

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1 hour ago, henry d said:

Nor are you.

Child sex crimes happen everywhere, so I would imagine that by targeting white males the police would be cutting that tree close to the ground. You mentioned Rotherham, yet if we extend that idea we should be investigating men, particularly those who are related to abused children, related to or friends of abused children, older male siblings, and in general males in the 25-49 age range as they are the major identifiers for CSA and thereby covering the majority of those likely to offend.

You've completely missed the point. The police have never searched black people simply because they are black, it will be a combination of other circumstances already mentioned in my last post. The fact that most of the people hanging around at certain times, in certain areas, acting suspiciously and associating with other known persons happen to be black is not the polices fault is it. 

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been stopped many times as a young lad on a motorbike  at stupid o clock going to work or home then car   long before Gardai  or Police database   was a thing       had to check if taxed and insured   and roadworthy   never a problem  being stopped   too many gangs these days with an axe to grind 

Edited by Saltings
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