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Putin announces 'military operation' in Ukraine.


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Its well known Putin had being 

6 hours ago, Rewulf said:

I think Im beginning to understand you 

You dont actually want to countenance any disagreement from your point of view, to the extent that you constantly attribute to me things Ive never said.
At best youll take it out of context.
Point out to me where Ive said any of the highlighted points above, Jesus man , I KNOW Russia is not a liberal society, as much as I state Putin is not a nice man , you ignore it, and ramble on with your insult laden crusade to prove how right you are.
You and others stated multiple times that Russians dont know whats going on in their censored internet environment with the only media available being state controlled.
Then when you yourself post a debate where the wisdom of the war is questioned, directly contradicting what youve said, you claim its the first time its happened, and the population of Russian worker drones might start waking up at last !
Then its a dash of 'No one may mention the dark lords name !!!' What on earth do you think goes off in the mind of people man ?
Do you really buy into the idea that Russia is really Mordor 😆

Try and understand that you are not the only intelligent thinking being in the world, and everyone else is a stupid mindless blob.


Putin has already failled in his stated objectives.

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52 minutes ago, Mungler said:

Oh and this made me chuckle

I've seen the darth putin stuff, it is very funny, but there's a naughty word in there that might get it removed from PW. 

53 minutes ago, Mungler said:

ou are bonkers. That first link, if you read it goes on to confirm that the host of the show immediately closed down the dissenting voice

And as I said, just because it was removed, doesn't mean it wasn't said! 

How do you know the chat show  you posted won't be removed from the Russian archives soon? 

You're basing all your accusations on what you think I believe, you don't pay enough attention to know. 

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26 minutes ago, ordnance said:

Its well known Putin had being 

Putin has already failled in his stated objectives.

I'm not sure about that. I think it's still work in progress. Ukraine was kicked out of Luhansk, Azov, the largest far right militia was captured in one foul swoop, Ukraine has pretty much used up its stock of Soviet era weapons and now relies on whatever NATO can afford which is not much. The country is basically bankrupt and the EU can't afford to bail it out by default its going to become military neutral or neutered. If Ukraine leaves Donesk but doesn't recognise the republics or Crimea it won't matter. No NATO missile bases will be going into Ukraine in the short to medium term.




8 minutes ago, ordnance said:

You posted a video of Jordan Peterson saying Putin isint going to fall, and now you are saying he obviously has failed :hmm:

For a guy that goes on a lot about communism, ironically he went to Russia for his life saving treatment on his addiction. Technically Russia isn't communist any more so I guess it rubbed off on him.

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1 minute ago, mchughcb said:

I'm not sure about that. I think it's still work in progress. Ukraine was kicked out of Luhansk, Azov, the largest far right militia was captured in one foul swoop, Ukraine has pretty much used up its stock of Soviet era weapons and now relies on whatever NATO can afford which is not much. The country is basically bankrupt and the EU can't afford to bail it out by default its going to become military neutral or neutered. If Ukraine leaves Donesk but doesn't recognise the republics or Crimea it won't matter. No NATO missile bases will be going into Ukraine in the short to medium term.




He has united NATO Europe and most of the world against Russia, most NATO countries are expanding their defence spending and Sweden and Finland are joining NATO. No matter what way you look at it there is no win in this for Russia / Putin. Apart from that anyone that thinks this was ever about NATO are kidding themselves. PS Have you a link to where the information is that Ukraine has pretty much used up its stock of soviet era weapons ?

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1 hour ago, ordnance said:

He has united NATO Europe and most of the world against Russia, most NATO countries are expanding their defence spending and Sweden and Finland are joining NATO. No matter what way you look at it there is no win in this for Russia / Putin. Apart from that anyone that thinks this was ever about NATO are kidding themselves. PS Have you a link to where the information is that Ukraine has pretty much used up its stock of soviet era weapons ?


French quoting US sources.

Take it with a grain of salt.

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5 hours ago, ordnance said:

He has united NATO Europe and most of the world against Russia, most NATO countries are expanding their defence spending and Sweden and Finland are joining NATO. No matter what way you look at it there is no win in this for Russia / Putin. Apart from that anyone that thinks this was ever about NATO are kidding themselves. PS Have you a link to where the information is that Ukraine has pretty much used up its stock of soviet era weapons ?



Russia is currently in the process of calling a UN Security Council meeting to complain about arms supply to Ukraine.

Since Friday Russia has very kindly donated around 400 tanks, 1,500 infantry fighting vehicles and 1,000 trucks to Ukraine.

Russia is currently Ukraine's largest arms supplier.

In other news I see the Russians have lost another of their super expensive modern fighter bombers. Add up the ships, planes, helicopters, tanks, trucks etc and then factor in long term sanction damage (and we are now seeing the effect of the earlier tech sanctions) and this will go down in history as this biggest self inflicted disaster.

I still don’t see how Ukraine can win in this, but at the same time I can’t see how Russia can either and it’s their pantomime which they started. There we go.

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Today’s fun fact.

Azerbaijan is carrying out incursions all along the border of Nagorao Karabakh.  Looks like they’re going to invade again and Armenia is screaming for help.

This means that the Russian peacekeeping troops must’ve been pulled out and sent to Ukraine.

So, it looks like Putin can no longer support his allies and the knock ons for that are going to be very interesting. 

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7 hours ago, Newbie to this said:

I thought we had settled on "Operation Ukraini Freedom"

Or is that only acceptable when it is the West invading somewhere, that doesn't want invading :hmm:

Slava Cocainum!

6 hours ago, Mungler said:



Russia is currently in the process of calling a UN Security Council meeting to complain about arms supply to Ukraine.

Since Friday Russia has very kindly donated around 400 tanks, 1,500 infantry fighting vehicles and 1,000 trucks to Ukraine.

Russia is currently Ukraine's largest arms supplier.

In other news I see the Russians have lost another of their super expensive modern fighter bombers. Add up the ships, planes, helicopters, tanks, trucks etc and then factor in long term sanction damage (and we are now seeing the effect of the earlier tech sanctions) and this will go down in history as this biggest self inflicted disaster.

I still don’t see how Ukraine can win in this, but at the same time I can’t see how Russia can either and it’s their pantomime which they started. There we go.

You got to be kidding right?

They got at least 6 trillion to go.


The cost of the global war on terror: $6.4 trillion and 801,000 lives | Brown University

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3 hours ago, Mungler said:

Today’s fun fact.

Azerbaijan is carrying out incursions all along the border of Nagorao Karabakh.  Looks like they’re going to invade again and Armenia is screaming for help.

This means that the Russian peacekeeping troops must’ve been pulled out and sent to Ukraine.

So, it looks like Putin can no longer support his allies and the knock ons for that are going to be very interesting. 

Looks like 3 huge assumptions there , with only the first one based in any kind of reality.
The fact is , Russia has less that 2000 low grade troops on peacekeeping duties there, what difference would they make in Ukraine ?

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41 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Looks like 3 huge assumptions there , with only the first one based in any kind of reality.
The fact is , Russia has less that 2000 low grade troops on peacekeeping duties there, what difference would they make in Ukraine ?


We've got Baltic fleet sailors with 1 week's training being pulled out of burning tanks, so yes, I think those 2000 low grade troops were slightly higher grade than the other cannon fodder being used by Russia.

All we can do it sit back and watch. Belarus has got to be due a shake up about now as the ripples cross the pond.


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26 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Another CIA backed coup for them then ?


Or maybe the majority of Belorussians not wanting to be part of the evil empire any more. Hey, where have we heard that recently? Oh no, it's another NATO, CIA, Lizard plot. Damn those NATO, CIA, Lizard busybodies. 

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1 hour ago, Yellow Bear said:

Or a Russian one  again perhaps.

Why ? They already have Belarus as a compliant vassal state ?

A bit of USAID money in there, and they can do the same thing as they did with Ukraine.

1 hour ago, Mungler said:


Or maybe the majority of Belorussians not wanting to be part of the evil empire any more. Hey, where have we heard that recently? Oh no, it's another NATO, CIA, Lizard plot. Damn those NATO, CIA, Lizard busybodies. 

Err OK , whatever you say boss :yes:

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40 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Why ? They already have Belarus as a compliant vassal state ?

A bit of USAID money in there, and they can do the same thing as they did with Ukraine.

Err OK , whatever you say boss :yes:


Nothing says compliant vassal state quite like widespread protests (and the rape and torture of pro-democracy campaigners).

I'll take it as read that it was NATO, the CIA and the Lizard people fueling the opposition.

Anyways, I lay £10 to a pro Ukrainian refugee charity of your choice that there's trouble on the streets in Belarus by the time the year's out.


Cut and paste from Wiki.

The 2020–2021 Belarusian protests were[8] a series of mass political demonstrations and protests against the Belarusian government and President Alexander Lukashenko.[69][70] The largest anti-government protests in the history of Belarus, the demonstrations began in the lead-up to and during the 2020 presidential election, in which Lukashenko sought his sixth term in office.[71][70] In response to the demonstrations, a number of relatively small pro-government rallies were held.[46]

The protests intensified nationwide after the official election results were announced on the night of 9 August, in which Lukashenko was declared the winner. Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, the main opponent of Lukashenko, rejected the results as falsified and claimed instead to have received 60–70% of the votes. On 14 August, she announced the creation of the Coordination Council, with membership applications open to all Belarusians who agreed that the official election had been falsified.[6][72]

On 23 September, Belarusian state media announced that Lukashenko had been inaugurated for another five-year term in a brief ceremony which was held privately.[73] The following day, the EU published a statement that rejected the legitimacy of the election, called for new elections, and condemned the repression and violence against the protesters.[74]

The protesters faced violent persecution by the authorities. A statement by the United Nations Human Rights Office on 1 September cited more than 450 documented cases of torture and ill-treatment of detainees, as well as reports of sexual abuse and rape.[75] At the end of 2020, the Viasna Human Rights center documented 1,000 testimonies of torture victims.[76]



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18 minutes ago, Mungler said:

Nothing says compliant vassal state quite like widespread protests (and the rape and torture of pro-democracy campaigners).

How do you get a compliant vassal state without the threat of rape and torture ?
Sounds a bit like the level of violence carried out by the 'non existent' neo nazis of the Maidan protests, which went on to create a western backed compliant vassal state, that soon turned into civil war.
And yes , I can see exactly this happening in Belarus.

Then you can say look , theres another downtrodden people 'freeing' themselves from the yoke of darkness, cast by the evil empire of Sauron.
As they murder each other in the name of freedom (and western consumer goods)


25 minutes ago, Mungler said:

I'll take it as read that it was NATO, the CIA and the Lizard people fueling the opposition.

Dont be silly now , everyone knows the lizard people control NATO and the CIA :lol:
Its the iLluMinAti innit 😜

29 minutes ago, Mungler said:

Anyways, I lay £10 to a pro Ukrainian refugee charity of your choice that there's trouble on the streets in Belarus by the time the year's out.

In fact , if you go back to the very early days of this thread, I predicted just that would happen, so its not really a good bet for me thanks.

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