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Air cylinder test


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I took my 3l 300 bar steel cylinder to a local dive centre for testing. Been to pick it up today and it's come back with a 232 bar A clamp fitting on instead of the 300 bar DIN fitting I took it in with. They are adamant that it was a 232 valve on the cylinder. I have taken my filling set-up to show them but I fear I'm banging my head against the wall. The lady told me she was losing her temper with me despite all I asked for was to get back what I brought in. Any advice would be welcome please. I can't afford to lose that ammount of money.

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Send her a letter before action in the County Court. That is a clear polite letter setting out what you handed in, asked them to do, and what you received back. Set out clearly that you require a 300 bar cylinder in test with a DIN fitting. Probably the tester getting things mixed up but she needs to take responsibility. Just look up the advice for County Court Claims online and if she doesn’t do as you have asked bring a claim in the court.

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Thanks for your replies. No I can get the bottle filled easily enough and you're quite right they don't need to ban me I shan't be going back there. I have not named the place until the outcome is known. Then I shall. 

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Along with the advice above You could also submit a freedom of information request pertaining to their cctv system which will no doubt show exactly what you took in. Maybe include it with the “letter before action”,   if I remember correctly they cannot refuse you the footage that has you in it (maybe research it yourself to be sure though). 

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I would go back in and ask to speak to somebody different,  rather than the woman who isn't helping. 

It's obviously a mistake and would be much easier to sort out than going through the courts.

Any chance you have any receipts from when you bought it?

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Alan have  you a receipt for the bottle purchase or a picture it’s not proof but may help identify what’s gone wrong 

suspect they have mixed up the tags and the guy who got your bottle is happy to have got a free upgrade !

Keep us posted Agriv8  


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  • 3 weeks later...

I picked my bottle up today with the correct 300 bar DIN fitting on. The chap who sorted it out couldn't have been more helpful, he was an absolute gent. The lady who I saw initially saw never looked at me, I wonder why. The firm where the bottle was taken for test changed their version from it came with an A clamp on to the original valve was faulty so we put a 232 bar valve on it. Take my advice take pictures of what you are taking in and get a receipt for what it is.

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Only just picked on this post.
From my past BSAC sub-Aqua past time (21 years, including tickets for TDI gas mixing, Nitrox, and compressor operator) I am somewhat surprised that any test centre worth its salt would fit a 232 pillar valve to a 300 bar cylinder. Particularly as IDEST guidance is not to fill cylinders with mismatched valves.

Because of the higher pressure, a 300 bar cylinder / pillar valve work on a 7 thread whereas 232 bar is a 5 thread. Certainly the 232 “A”clamp valve will fit but it is not designed to operate at the higher pressure.

Had I been a diver picking up that cylinder I would have been right peeeeed off as all my regulators were all Din fittings and wouldn’t have worked. Moreover, I would have given serious thought to contacting HSE re the test centre for mismatching cylinder and valve. No, I’m not a josworth but in diving it has to be right for obvious reasons.

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