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Cleaning up after others!

Dave at kelton

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So this weekend is the Community Shore Clean. The management joined me for three hours on the quarter mile of Merse in the village today. The two of us collected ten rubble sacks of drinks cans n bottles, spirit bottles and disposable lighters. The big stuff is largely agricultural plastic from cattle n sheep lick tubs. All brought down the river and in on the tide. Anything of value; not really. Just two tennis balls for the dogs and a plastic trug. Nae corpses either so no excitement 🤭…..and yes the wheels are needing brushed and painted when I get time.


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Well done. 

I recently cleared a quantity of NO2 gas cylinders - 6 large heavy (about ones about 18" tall and weighing several pounds each) and a large quantity of small 'sodastream' sized ones plus various other paraphenalia from the lane where I walk my dog. 

Luckily the council dustmen accepted them (I think they will be recycled for scrap as there was quite a bit of metal) or I would have been lumbered with driving them to the tip, 1 12 mile round trip.  Fly tipping has become a regular problem as we have no regular police patrols and although I was able to tell the council the name on a truck that did some fly tipping (rubble) - the council man to whom you report it found that it was a contractor for another public service body!

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2 hours ago, Dougy said:

Its a pity you cant hand the rubbish back to the owners, we have not long got in from taking the dogs for a walk, we brought back a Stella can just dumped in the wood. 

I know how you feel. Two weeks ago I walked a quarter mile along the road from my drive. Filled two rubble sacks with drinks cans, takeaway wrappers and cigarette packets and that’s after crushing them. All chucked out of car windows 🤬in a very rural area!

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There is a woman near me that spends time walking the local roads picking the rubbish out of the hedges and the grass verges.  She collect bags and bags... bin liners of residue.   It is people leaving the village that are chucking it out of car windows..... in each outgoing direction the rubbish is mainly noticable on the left hand side ..... so it is being dumped by people on the left hand side of cars..... the passengers who are leaving the village to go somewhere.   They get anywhere from about 300 yards and launch the cans / bottles out the window. Still the councils don't help by not taking stuff and charging a fortune for stuff taken to the tip.  Our council charges £40 a year for the Brown bin for the garden waste and that is on top of the rates to take the other bins of recycling stuff.  They recon that it costs them..  I know of a bloke that weighs in about 2 tons of nails, screws and  other metalwork from scrap wood that goes for wood pellets.  The nails,screw money is cash money and goes into his pocket / pensions. There's money where's there's  muck.

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Thankfully our area is not as bad as some but it could certainly be a lot better , in our village we have a small group of people who go up and down the slip roads once or twice a week and pick up any can or whatever from the grass verge and the council pick the Black bags up , mind you we are a fair way from the nearest K F C or Mc Donalds so we don't get to many of there containers .

Our local wildfowling club have a clean up on the estuary once or twice a year and it look tens times better after the hard work the members put in , again this is in conjunction with the local council .

On the estate where I worked my boss hated seeing any sort of rubbish in the hedge rows and on the verges , normally on a Friday morning once a month we all had to walk up various lanes and side roads and pick up any rubbish , we would often be helped with some people from the village and the rubbish never got out of hand .

We did catch the odd person who was fly tipping , one bright spark was tipping a load of garden and brick up when the farm manager was going past , he done a three point turn and the culprits jumped in the truck and made off , what they didn't do was to take the tail board with them that had the number plate on , the police were informed and they had to clear it back up with a heavy fine as well when they went to court .:good:

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57 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

This is the basis of the ban on wild camping on Dartmoor. The walkers were so up in arms about it but what gets left on the moors isn't  taken there by the elves.

As you know wildcamping is permitted in Scotland and the residue, particularly after a public holiday when the hordes have come out of the urban areas is indescribable. Worst thing ever from an environmental point of view.

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