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Going round in circles

team tractor

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2 hours ago, ditchman said:

must give you alot of satisfaction turning out the stuff you do....................this is the best Britain has to give...and is not found wanting..........

I was in the unit at 7:30 super looking forward to making these today . I do enjoy them 😎😁
joking about the bit Britain’s got to give …. Unfortunately theirs not many of us left making stuff like this . Good for pricing but terrible for the uk . My dads in his 70s and the knowledge he has is far superior to my own . It’ll be lost one day 😢. I’ve made these with my oldest apprentice of 7 years and he’s really good to be honest . I hope he continues. 
below is one of our issues we’re facing slowly . 
we miss him 


1 hour ago, billytheghillie said:

When you adding the square, arched and triangular one cause i love play school.

You visit and I’ll make you one 😂

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When you post a project like this, it always looks well laid out and made simple. The photos belie the skill and accuracy needed to make the perfect circle. Each piece has to be cut in the knowledge that it will then match up with the rest to make the whole. 

Not for the first time, I doff my cap.

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4 hours ago, Gordon R said:

When you post a project like this, it always looks well laid out and made simple. The photos belie the skill and accuracy needed to make the perfect circle. Each piece has to be cut in the knowledge that it will then match up with the rest to make the whole. 

Not for the first time, I doff my cap.

It’s simple honestly. Thank you tho 

3 hours ago, JDog said:

Yes that is some craftsmanship. Your clients are lucky to have you.

Just another day in the office 😂
can you let the customers know that they’re lucky please 😂

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