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Cop 26 u-turn


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Its easy for these scumbag politicians to sell their soul to the devil knowing that in 4 years time they'll be away and not have to face the consequences.

The single best thing we could do for politics in the UK is to make ministers accountable and responsible for the results of their policies for the rest of their life time. It would certainly open their eyes a bit being accountable for whatever ******** they sign the country up to.

You want to sign up to some ridiculously impossible climate targets to show how in tune you are with the agenda? Then see it through to the end and face the consequences of your failure.

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On 19/04/2024 at 09:20, Poor Shot said:

Its easy for these scumbag politicians to sell their soul to the devil knowing that in 4 years time they'll be away and not have to face the consequences.

The single best thing we could do for politics in the UK is to make ministers accountable and responsible for the results of their policies for the rest of their life time. It would certainly open their eyes a bit being accountable for whatever ******** they sign the country up to.

You want to sign up to some ridiculously impossible climate targets to show how in tune you are with the agenda? Then see it through to the end and face the consequences of your failure.

The system is designed so that responsibility is impossible to obtain?

It's taken 60 or so years to achieve, total freedom to act with impunity whilst ensuring their trough fills endlessly?

Not one of them will ever vote to reform the gravy train, endless connections to the trough for their offspring too. 

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On 19/04/2024 at 09:20, Poor Shot said:

Its easy for these scumbag politicians to sell their soul to the devil knowing that in 4 years time they'll be away and not have to face the consequences.

The single best thing we could do for politics in the UK is to make ministers accountable and responsible for the results of their policies for the rest of their life time. It would certainly open their eyes a bit being accountable for whatever ******** they sign the country up to.

You want to sign up to some ridiculously impossible climate targets to show how in tune you are with the agenda? Then see it through to the end and face the consequences of your failure.

It's called the ballot box. I heard a review of Scotlands programme of climate change initiatives on the radio this week. It sounded pretty impressive. Did I hear free / discounted travel for under 21 year old? 

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2 hours ago, oowee said:

It's called the ballot box. I heard a review of Scotlands programme of climate change initiatives on the radio this week. It sounded pretty impressive. Did I hear free / discounted travel for under 21 year old? 

Is that the same Ballot Box where the Manifesto goes in the bin the day after the election?

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2 hours ago, oowee said:

It's called the ballot box. I heard a review of Scotlands programme of climate change initiatives on the radio this week. It sounded pretty impressive. Did I hear free / discounted travel for under 21 year old? 

Impressive and unworkable 

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Because they know they are all liars and will never be held responsible for people voting them into power and because they use rhetoric that meets and often surpasses the voters wishes and aspiratrions.  I agree that politicians can have all the free speech they want to deliver to us but---- there has to be some form of accounting of where this leads us all - good or bad; praise where it's deserved and derision and financial payment from their own or their parties funds.  That I think would be a good first move towards ensuring they think things through like they never did with the return bottle/ can scheme tried recently in Scotland and turned out to be a total waste of time and finance.  When its as big a waste of money they should also be barred from coming into our political system from their homeland (in that instance Canada! for evermore as they have proven themselves to be useless with their airy fairy green ideas that people sincerely support but, the politicians cannot and do not have the means or the wherewithal to actually put into place with the funding from other than the tax take.  In this instance there were many poeple that did invest in the recycling glass and tin bring back to collection point but the Scottish government failed to take into account how unworkable the longer tem impact was going to be,  Millions of taxpayers money  and far too expensive to put in place and then follow through with wasted and; miliions of private employers money wasted in trying to follow an ideology that was really pathetic.  For how much longer has the tax payer  to also support the folly of the 2 Ferries that were never costed in real terms and are still not nearly ready for use.  SNP my ****! Give them a real job to do and let the nation develop without independence. You can tell I am no fan of theirs eh? :good: Pushkin.

Edited by Pushkin
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1 hour ago, Pushkin said:

Because they know they are all liars and will never be held responsible for people voting them into power and because they use rhetoric that meets and often surpasses the voters wishes and aspiratrions.  I agree that politicians can have all the free speech they want to deliver to us but---- there has to be some form of accounting of where this leads us all - good or bad; praise where it's deserved and derision and financial payment from their own or their parties funds.  That I think would be a good first move towards ensuring they think things through like they never did with the return bottle/ can scheme tried recently in Scotland and turned out to be a total waste of time and finance.  When its as big a waste of money they should also be barred from coming into our political system from their homeland (in that instance Canada! for evermore as they have proven themselves to be useless with their airy fairy green ideas that people sincerely support but, the politicians cannot and do not have the means or the wherewithal to actually put into place with the funding from other than the tax take.  In this instance there were many poeple that did invest in the recycling glass and tin bring back to collection point but the Scottish government failed to take into account how unworkable the longer tem impact was going to be,  Millions of taxpayers money  and far too expensive to put in place and then follow through with wasted and; miliions of private employers money wasted in trying to follow an ideology that was really pathetic.  For how much longer has the tax payer  to also support the folly of the 2 Ferries that were never costed in real terms and are still not nearly ready for use.  SNP my ****! Give them a real job to do and let the nation develop without independence. You can tell I am no fan of theirs eh? :good: Pushkin.

I wonder what this climb down will mean for the greens,  staying in the trough, or standing up for their principles and resign..😏

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1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

I would think it's an unfortunate handicap for a politician, having principles.  It could easily ruin a promising career and generous expenses package.

I think most of them would agree, perhaps the greens in this case will remain in government but donate their wage and perks to saving the world..😏

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Apparently oor Patrick (leader of the greens here in Scotland) has already indicated he will stay on and see it all trhough Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha (Aye to the bitter end when he will financially be much better off having got his money and pension pot)  What a total Nonce he is - always saying what his acolytes want to hear from him regardless of what the popular condemnation is of him and his policies.  To say I'm fair scunnered about all this nonsense would be a great understatement.:good: Pushkin

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On 20/04/2024 at 18:35, oowee said:

It's called the ballot box. I heard a review of Scotlands programme of climate change initiatives on the radio this week. It sounded pretty impressive. Did I hear free / discounted travel for under 21 year old? 

I'm not sure that it matters who you vote for. Once the election is over any promises or manifesto items go straight in the bin and it's business as usual for these people regardless of the color of the rosette they were wearing. 

In my 13 years as an individual of voting age and the years prior to that in my teens, I've seen governments formed of Labour, A Cons/ Lib Dem coalition and a solely Conservative government with leaders like Blair, Brown, Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss and Sunak. As I am Welsh I have also been ruled over by a second tier of chancers from Welsh government with leaders of Carwyn Jones, Mark Drakeford and now Vaughan Gethin. 

I am a regular working stiff and at no point during that time have I ever felt like the political direction (in real terms and outside of the media bubble) has been any different to what it is now.

If voting made any real difference then they wouldn't let us oiks do it. 

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